###What did you do today

  • How do I pull code from the SVN server to the local?
    • First click SVN Checkout

    • Enter the address of the SVN server code base and the address of the directory where the code base is stored locally

    • Then click OK to Accept permanent certificate permanently, and then enter the account password.

  • Error:(63, 64) Java: -source 1.5 does not support lambda expressions (use -source 8 or later to enable lambda expressions).
    • Set the JDK for the project to 1.8
    • Set the Language level to 8
    • Set the Target Bytecode version of the project to 1.8

  • For Maven configuration, when we type MVN -v in the small black window, the correct version number is displayed, but the last line still says “CMD is not an internal or external command, nor is it a runnable or batch file”.
    • When we set the path variable, we will; MAVEN_HOME % % \ bin to; %SystemRoot%\system32; %MAVEN_HOME%\bin solves the problem.

###What to do tomorrow

  • See the main framework demo of the company’s products.


Good night, Earthman.