Creating a global component

 let div = document.createElement('div');
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Create a div, insert it into the body, and pass in the property and the look of the component you want to write via the ReactDOM, as in

ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(Loading, props), div); Finally, destroy it when you don’t need it, as in

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The el-Table tree structure sets the default expanded rows

Default expansion problem for elementUi Table -CSDN community

The el-Table tree must be aligned to the left; otherwise, the hierarchy cannot be seen clearly

The TreesELECT component searches remotely to edit the issue of unrendering content unknown, sets the default value, and defines hack Boolean values for re-rendering

this.backFillOptions = [ 
{ id: res.companyInfo.companyName, 
label: res.companyInfo.companyName, 
} ] 
this.hack =! this.hack

searchPromptText="Enter search" 
placeholder="Enter search and select business division name" 
@select="changeCompanyName" /> 

searchPromptText="Enter search" 
placeholder="Enter search and select business division name" 
@select="changeCompanyName" />
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Properties of vUE objects are not initialized and assignments do not respond (will not be listened on)

El-upload Custom upload

  1. No submit button: :http-request=”httpRequest” User-defined httpRequest function

  2. :auto-upload=”false” With submit button: Trigger custom request interface when submit button

Set FormData to {} when uploading, and use axios directly will not succeed, only the public interface that uses AXIos intercepts will work

You can’t print directly, so use FormData’s get() and getAll() methods

Verify multiple subforms at the same time, any one not filled will show an error, use custom checksum

var checkWater = (rule, value, callback) = > {
  let waterMid = this.$refs.waterMid.value;
  let waterUpper = this.$refs.waterUpper.value;
  if( value && waterMid && waterUpper ){
  } else if(!this.form.waterDifference) {
  }else {
    callback(new Error('Please fill in the threshold range'))}}Copy the code

El-select linkage does not clear errors, but manually clearValidate; $forceUpdate is required if the link is not selected

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El-tree can only be dragged at the same level using allow-drop = allowDrop

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El-date-time-picker sets an optional time range accurate to seconds. SelectableRange is required

let str = '12:12:12'
let pickOptions = {
   disableDate: (time) = >{
        return time.getTime() >
    selectableRange: str + '- 23:59:59'} you can set STR, which is the critical starting position, and the value before it is not selectableCopy the code

The download file

ResponseType: ‘blob’

Too much element el-select data causes stalling

Solution: Use lazy loading

<div class="flex-between-center edit-row" >
    <el-select v-model="choose" placeholder="Please select" filterable
        v-el-select-loadmore:rangeNumber="loadMore(rangeNumber)" size="small" 
        style="width: 280px"
        v-for="(item, index) in finalList" 
        :label="`${item.machineNo} (${item.machineName})`" 
export default {
    // model: {
    // prop: 'choose',
    // event: 'change'
    // },

    props: {machineList: {
            type: Array.default: () = >[]},value: {
            type: String.default: ' '}},watch: {
            this.choose = newVal
        // Execute twice because requested twice. There are thousands of machineList
        machineList: {handler(){
                this.currentList = []
                / / copy
                this.currentList = this.machineList.slice(0)
            immediate: true ,
            deep: true}},directives: {
        'el-select-loadmore': {bind(el, binding){
                const selectDom = el.querySelector(".el-select-dropdown .el-select-dropdown__wrap");
                    // const condition = this.scrollHeight - this.scrollTop <= this.clientHeight;
                    // There are no conditions
                        // if(condition) binding.value()
    computed: {
            return this.currentList.slice(0.this.rangeNumber)
        return {
            currentList: [].rangeNumber: 10.choose: this.value
    mounted(){// Do not execute},
    methods: {filterMethod(val){
                this.currentList = this.machineList.filter((item) = >{
                    if(item.machineNo.includes(val) || item.machineName.includes(val)){
                        return item
                this.currentList = this.machineList
            let index0 = -1 
            let item0 = this.currentList.find((item, index) = >{
                if(item.machineNo == this.choose) {
                    index0 = index
                return item.machineNo == this.choose
            // Modify: Before presentation, loop the total data to the top of the list
            if(index0 > 0) {this.currentList.splice(index0,1)
                this.currentList.splice(0.0, item0)
            return () = > this.rangeNumber +=5

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El-input listens for paste events

el-input v-model="val" placeholder="Please enter the content" @paste.native.capture.prevent="handlePaste"/>

// Get the pasted value
let clip = e.clipboardData.getData('Text') 
this.val = clip
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Map traversal is asynchronous

 async handleQrCode (ids) {
     let promises = (item, i) => {
       return {
         equipQrcodePath: (images[i]),
         equipQrcodeFullPath: await formatFileUrl(images[i]),
     this.qrCodeEquips = await Promise.all(promises);
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ForEach traversing asynchronous is replaced with a for loop traversing asynchronous

 async handleQrCode (ids) {
  if(files && files.length>0) {for(let item of files) {
       item.fullPath = awaitformatFileUrl(item.path); }}}Copy the code

To use button in a form, you must set type=button otherwise it will jump

Implement FIXED positioning relative to the parent element using position:relative and Absolute

You want a particular child element to be “fixed” relative to its parent, that is, the rest of the child elements are not fixed. If you add assistor, you have two ancestor elements: one to assist positioning and one to wrap unpositioned content.

As long as assistor is the same size as parent, it looks like the child is positioned relative to the parent.

<div class="assistor">
  <div class="parent">
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="placeholder"></div>
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.assistor {
  position: relative; /* Key points */
  display: block;
  width: 500px;
  height: 300px;
  margin: 100px auto 0 auto;
  background-color: #ddd;
.parent {
  width: 500px;
  height: 300px;
  background-color: #888;
  overflow: auto; /* Key points */
.child {
  position: absolute; /* Key points */
  width: 120px;
  height: 120px;
  margin: 100px 50px;
  background-color: #333;
.placeholder {
  width: 1000px;
  height: 1000px;
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Small program step pit

Small program step pit record