
I am preparing for the interview recently, and then reviewing the projects, books, notes and articles I have written before. A look at a lot of knowledge points are not impressed, the most patable is even their own in order to prevent forgetting to write the article actually feel not written by themselves. Some are beginning to doubt life.

All right, without further ado, it’s the height of job hunting, so I’m sharing what I’ve gathered. And a good job at home. (Materials in this paper are suitable for 1-3 years)

From the basic level to the architecture level, it covers the questions asked in the interview of Tencent, Bytedance, Xiaomi, Ali, Didi, Meituan, 58, Pindoduo, 360, Sina, Sohu and other first-tier Internet companies, and covers the advanced Android technology points in junior high school.

Listed in the article is mainly the outline part, the details can be obtained at the end of the article!

If you master the points listed in this article, you will greatly increase your chances of passing the first two rounds of technical interviews. These contents are for everyone’s reference and mutual learning.

Chapter 1 Network interview questions

1, HTTP protocol 2, TCP/IP protocol 3, TCP three handshake and four wave understanding and interview question 4. The entire process from entering the URL to rendering the entire interface, and what protocol is used in the process? 5. What is the difference between TCP and UDP? 7. The format of HTTP request and response packets, and common status code 8. How many HTTP requests can be sent over a TCP connection

Chapter 2 Data structure and algorithm interview questions

1.1.1 What are the commonly used data structures? 1.1.2 Array 1.1.3 Linked list 1.1.4 Queue & Stack 1.1.5 binary tree 1.1.6 HashMap 1.1.7 Figure 1.1.8 What are the sorting algorithms? 1.1.9 Search Algorithm 1.1.10 String 1.1.12 Other algorithms

Chapter 3 Java interview questions

  1. HashMap



4.Hashset source code analysis

  1. The memory model

  2. Garbage Collection algorithm (JVM)

7. What is the difference between garbage collection and system.gc ()?

  1. Class loading process

9. The reflection

10. Multithreading and thread pools

11. Create multi-thread mode and working principle of thread pool

12. Design patterns (six basic principles, common design patterns in projects, handwritten singletons, etc.)

13. Resumable data

14. Four Java references

15. Java generics

  1. The difference between final, finally and Finalize

17. The difference between interface and abstract class

18. Discuss the application of abstract classes and interfaces from the design of Java container classes

19. Difference between synchronized and lock

Chapter 4 Android interview questions

1. Start the Activity mode

2. Start the Activity

3. Process communication

4. Summary and analysis of Android Binder application layer

5. Process survival method

6. Understand handler Looper and messageQueue ideas from source code

Postdelay (); postdelay();

8. Why doesn’t the main thread in Android freeze because of the dead loop in looper.loop ()?

9.RxJava principle and how to package and use

10. Okhttp source code analysis

11. Retrofit source code analysis

12.LeakCanary source code

13. Use and principle of LruCache

14. ARouter principle

15. Annotation framework implementation principle

16. How does Android write projects based on compile-time annotations

17.RxJava2+Retrofit2+OkHttp3 foundation, encapsulation and use in projects

18.Rxjava2.0+Retrofit+Okhttp(encapsulation use)+MVP framework construction

19.Android plug-in and hot repair knowledge sorting

20. Common memory leak problems and solutions in Android development

21. How do I detect and locate Android memory leaks

22. Image occupied memory algorithm

23. Why soft references for images, weak references for the VIEW interface in MVP mode

24. MVVM practices based on DataBinding and LiveData

25.App stability optimization

26. Optimized App startup speed

27.App memory optimization

28.App drawing optimization

29. The App

30. Network optimization

31.App battery optimization

32. Security optimization for Android

33. Why does WebView load slowly?

34. How to optimize a custom View

The last

Interview is the most direct and effective way to change jobs and raise salary. Prepare for 2021 golden Three Silver four. Are you ready for the interview?

Master these knowledge points, the interview in the candidates and can dazzle many, hit 9999 points. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Only with sufficient preparation can you stand out among the candidates.

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