I’ve been working at for a year. Looking back, I’ve spent about half of my time doing UI automation testing. Therefore, the author studied the automated testing technology under the iOS platform more deeply, and is now responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the department’s App automated testing platform. Therefore, I would like to share systematically and comprehensively the pit I have stepped on and the technology I have learned with you through this article.
The content of this paper is roughly as follows:
iOS/macOS UI
Automatic test framework XCUITest principle detailed explanation- Based on the
Web Service
Design of automatic test platform architecture based on Appium
Introduction and App UI
Status of automated Testing
Automated testing can be divided into white box testing, black box testing and gray box testing. This paper mainly focuses on the XCUITest testing framework officially provided by Apple, and gradually illustrates the principle, architecture design and application scenarios of UI automated testing under iOS operating system.
XCUITest principle explained in detail
IOS UI automation test core technology
In 2015, Apple released the UI automation testing framework XCUITest and integrated it into Xcode7, while iOS/macOS UI automation testing relies on two core technologies: XCUITest and Accessibility.
XCUITest is a testing framework that is integrated into Xcode. If you want to use the UI testing feature, you can create an iOS project by checking the Include Tests option to enable your project to automate testing. Accessibility technology, on the other hand, is an official Apple solution for visually impaired users to use iOS/macOS App.
The Xcode project creates UITests targets and runs tests. The compiled product, the Test App, is essentially a Deamon daemon that has a separate application life cycle and is managed by the XCUIApplication type. UITests Test App processes drive the Host App (the main Target product of the project) at runtime, and use the relevant API of element review to drive the Host App to simulate user behavior interaction for automated UI testing.
For Accessibility, developers should note that the XCUITest framework does not review all view elements by default, only those elements that can be read text by VoiceOver. For example, UIButton and UILabel, these views can be spoken to visually impaired users, while UIImageView and UIView, which are not visually impaired friendly UIKit view elements, are not censored by default. Therefore, you need to configure the Accessibility properties to ensure that they support Accessibility and are visible in the element hierarchy of the UI automated query.
The automatic testing based on XCUITest framework and Accessibility technology is beneficial to the data consistency verification of App, but the UI consistency verification ability is weak. For example, the App can validate certain data request results or the presence or absence of certain elements, while the visual presentation still requires human intervention.
XCUITest frame structure
The XCUITest test framework API mainly contains: UIElement Queries related types, such as XCUIElementQuery, UI Elements related types, such as XCUIElement, And test App Lifecycle types, such as XCUIApplication.
Next, let’s create a simple Demo project to learn how to program with the XCUITest framework and automate iOS UI testing.
Automated testing was performed using Xcode UITests Target
Create a Demo project, check the Include Tests option, and write the following code in ViewController. This article Demo project can be accessed at… .
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var testImageView: UIImageView = {
let testImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
testImageView.backgroundColor = .red
testImageView.accessibilityIdentifier = "test imageview"
return testImageView
lazy var testLabel: UILabel = {
let testLabel = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 130, width: 100, height: 20))
testLabel.backgroundColor = .green
testLabel.text = "test label"
return testLabel
lazy var testView: UIView = {
let testView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 170, width: 100, height: 50))
testView.backgroundColor = .blue
testView.accessibilityIdentifier = "test view"
return testView
lazy var testButton: UIButton = {
let testButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 230, width: 100, height: 50))
testButton.backgroundColor = .yellow
testButton.setTitle("Test button", for: .normal)
return testButton
override func viewDidLoad(a) {
Copy the code
This code creates four view instances of UIImageView, UILabel, UIView, and UIButton types, and adds four view instances to the current page. UILable and UIButton only have properties like frame, string, background color, etc., but for UIImageView and UIView, in addition to the general view properties, We also set the accessibilityIdentifier for UIImageView and UIView Accessibility, However, setting this attribute alone does not make these two views visible in the element hierarchy of Accessibility. Next, I’ll give you a brief overview of the Accessibility functionality.
Let your App support accessibility
Use the org.eclipse.swt.accessibility Inspector
As mentioned above, Apple will default to view elements that can play text through VoiceOver. However, for UIImageView and UIView that do not support the default Accessibility function, relevant features need to be configured. And the developers in the development process can be through the org.eclipse.swt.accessibility Inspector check the org.eclipse.swt.accessibility element levels of different processes, and the elements of the application can review the iOS and macOS.
Select the Xcode icon menu and select the Open Developer Tool option. Click on the Accessibility Inspector to begin using it.
When the isAccessibilityElement attribute is not set, UIImageView and UIView elements are not visible in the Accessibility element hierarchy, only the “test label” and “test button” are visible. UIImageView and UIView elements are visible in the element hierarchy only when the isAccessibilityElement property of UIImageView and UIView is set to True.
Accessibility related attributes
UIAccessibility: var accessibilityLabel: String? { get set }
Copy the code
The accessibilityLabel attribute solves most Accessibility problems by making its contents a human-readable string read by VoiceOver when the cursor focuses on the element that set the attribute. However, if the view element is not one that needs to be known by the visually impaired user and is only used for automated testing, you may not need to set this property.
UIAccessibility: var accessibilityIdentifier: String? { get set }
Copy the code
The accessibilityIdentifier property is not read by VoiceOver, but is a developer-oriented string that can be used when you do not want the user to manipulate the accessibilityLabel.
UIAccessibility: var isAccessibilityElement: Bool { get set }
Copy the code
If isAccessibilityElement is not set to true, the view will not be visible in the Accessibility view hierarchy.
The default value for this property is false unless the element is a standard UIKit control, in which case, — Apple Documentation is true
In addition, the isAccessibilityElement attribute of subclasses of UIControl is set to True by default.
Write test cases manually
import XCTest
class UITestDemoUITests: XCTestCase {
override func setUpWithError(a) throws {
// ...
override func tearDownWithError(a) throws {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testExample(a) throws {
// UI tests must launch the application that they test.
let app = XCUIApplication()
let label = app.staticTexts["test label"]
let button = app.buttons["Test button"]
let imgview = app.images["test imageview"]
let view = app.otherElements["test view"]
// Use recording to get started writing UI tests.
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
func testLaunchPerformance(a) throws {
if #available(macOS 10.15.iOS 13.0.tvOS 13.0.watchOS 7.0.*) {
// This measures how long it takes to launch your application.
measure(metrics: [XCTApplicationLaunchMetric()]) {
Copy the code
An instance of the XCUIApplication type is an instance object that manages the life cycle of the Test App. You can use this object to obtain the Accessibility view hierarchy and assert the existence of elements through XCTAssertTrue.
Recording interactions automatically generates test cases
For relatively complex Test cases, automatic code generation can be achieved through the recording of Test behavior provided by Xcode.
UITest execution process
To start the UI Test, click the play button in front of the function defined by Test or in the Test Navigator. After starting the UI Test, source code compilation is performed, source code in Target is compiled into a product, the Test App process is started, and app.launch() is launched in the Test program, followed by assertion source code.
IOS Automated testing tool chain
Once we have written the UITest Target method for basic UI tests, we can use the relevant command line tool chain to script iOS UI automated tests for easy integration into the CI process.
xcodebuild test -project UITestDemo.xcodeproj -scheme UITestDemoUITests -destination 'platform=iOS,id=<iPhoneUDID>'
Copy the code
You can use the above commands to execute automated tests or split the commands into test compilation commands and test execution commands to refine the automated test process. Test compile command:
xcodebuild build-for-testing -project ****.xcodeproj -scheme **** -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=XXXXX' -derivedDataPath ~/derived_path -quiet COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS=YES | tee build.logCopy the code
Test execution command:
xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun ****.xctestrun -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=XXXXXX' -derivedDataPath ~/derived_path -resultBundlePath ****.xcresult -only-testing:****-UITests/TargetTests
Copy the code
xcrun simctl
The simctl command is a set of self-generated commands for xcRun that provide a set of commands to control the iOS emulator.
Enumerate the current simulator has been launched xcrun simctl list devices | grep booted
Start simulator xcrun simctl boot XXXXX
Shutdown the simulator xcrun simctl shutdown XXXXX
Xcrun simctl privacy XXX grant location-always
Simctl install {} {}’. Format (uuid, app_path)
Run App xcrun simctl launch {} {}’. Format (uuid, bundle_id)
App xcrun simctl Terminate {} {}’. Format (uuid, bundle_id)
App xcrun simctl uninstall {} {}’. Format (uuid, bundle_id)
Like the control emulator, iOS real has a chain of control command line tools, such as ideviceInstaller.
Install the app ideviceInstaller -i apppath
Ipa: ideviceInstaller -u [uDID] -i [xxx.ipa] ideviceInstaller -u [udid] -i [xxx.ipa]
Ideviceinstaller -u [udid] -u [bundleId]
View the third-party application ideviceInstaller -u [uDID] -l
Similarly, check the third-party application ideviceInstaller -u [uDID] -L -o list_user
Ideviceinstaller -u [uDID] -l -o list_system
Ideviceinstaller -u [uDID] -l -o list_all
List all user installed app ideviceInstaller -L on the phone
View the device ios-deploy -c that is currently linked
Install APP ios-deploy –[]
Deploy –id [udid] –uninstall_only –bundle_id [bundleId]
Ios -deploy –id [uDID] –list_bundle_id
Check whether the ios application is installed. -deploy –id [udid] –exists –bundle_id
Use the command line tool chain above to connect customized scripts of UI automation tests according to different projects into CI processes, such as GitLab Pipelines, and intervene in code review, Merge Request and other processes.
Architecture design based on Web Service
The architecture design of App automatic test platform
From the previous article, we learned that we can use Xcode to create UITest targets, write UITest Case test scripts, and write automated scripts with xcodeBuild and other relevant command tool chains to access CI/CD processes. Achieve iOS App UI automation test, so as to release human resources and reduce the cost of manual testing.
However, at the same time, there is a new problem, that is, in the Case of frequent business iterations, the Test Case scripts written by us are easy to be abandoned due to business changes, and the reuse rate of Test scripts is low, which increases the development cost. If apps of different system platforms, such as Android, iOS and even Web apps, can share a set of test scripts, improving script reuse rate, reducing development cost and facilitating business regression.
In addition, for the regression test of complex business, if we want to improve the business regression efficiency of a large number of test cases, we must improve the concurrency and reduce the test time. In response, the Facebook team designed Appium, a Web-based automated testing tool. Similar to Appium, there is also Macaca designed by Alibaba team. The design architecture of such testing tools can be seen in the picture below.
The architecture of automatic test based on Web Service can be divided into command distribution Service Web Service module and UI test driver module.
As for the command distribution service module, its task is to build a communication bridge between the common test case script and the underlying driver, and HTTP RESTful API can meet such cross-platform requirements. Therefore, the Web Service module needs to set up HTTP Web Service for command forwarding, and take the Test Case script in the automatic Test as the Client of the Web Service. Sends a request to the Server of the Web Service. The Web Service Server receives the request and forwards it to the underlying UI test driver for subsequent UI tests.
As for the UI test driver module, its main task is to receive the request forwarded by the Web Service Server, trigger the driver process to carry out the UI automatic test, and finally collect the test results and generate the test report. The underlying driver of Android operating system is UIAutomator program. For iOS, Appium uses WebDriverAgent and Macaca is XCTestWD. Both WebDriverAgent and XCTestWD are Xcode projects based on XCUITest. The core of its technology is the iOS UI automation testing technology based on XCUITest and Accessibility introduced above.
The App automatic Test platform needs to run the Web Service Server first. As the issuer of the Test instruction, the Server sends a request to the Test driver so as to drive the Test App process to operate the App. Therefore, it is necessary to start and run the Web Service Server on the Jenkins Slave machine first. For example, create a Web Service on the local port 4722, listen to the requests sent by the Client to this port, and then forward them to the driver layer.
After the driver project (WebDriverAgent or XCTestWD) is successfully compiled, a Runner program is created and run on the running device. This program uses XCUITest to compile into the Test App, but unlike the previous Demo, This program will also create a Web Service on the device, receive the request from the Server, process the request according to the program in the Test App, and finally return the response result to the Server.
For example, when a test Session is created, a Web Service is created on port 8080 of the test device after WebDriverAgent is successfully compiled. So the Web Service Server running on Jenkins Slave can forward the Client’s request to the Web Service created by WebDriverAgent. Then map the WebDriverAgent internal route /wd/hub/session to find the code for creating a session and save the session ID. The Session ID is returned to Jenkins’ Web Server as the response result. Other test operations, such as searching element, searching element value, scrolling an element, etc., are similar to the process of establishing a Session in the communication between Jenkins’ Web Service C/S and the underlying driver.
Therefore, with the UI automated testing tool based on Web Service, we can carry out automated testing more efficiently, with higher reusability, support multi-platform and cross-platform testing, and even use its Web Service to build a distributed testing platform. The architecture design based on Jenkins service is shown in the figure below.
According to the above architectural design, we can use multiple machines to build Jenkins cluster, send requests to Jenkins Server according to the requirements of our CI/CD process, and then Jenkins Server will assign different Jenkins Slave to perform jobs. Each Jenkins Slave is configured with a UI automated test platform to drive multiple devices for automated testing. In this way, a distributed automated test platform can be realized, which can improve the concurrency, test efficiency and shorten the time of regression test.
Next, we will introduce the simple use of Appium and Macaca respectively.
Appium tool chain matrix
WDA is an iOS UI automated test Driver developed by Facebook based on the XCUITest testing framework. Analogy Macaca Runner.
Install WDA source code
git clone
Copy the code
Change Team ID for real machine test
Select the Team for the Apple development account.
Appium Web Service Server
The Appium Server is used to forward HTTP commands and drive the underlying Driver WDA.
Start the Server using Appium Desktop
Download link…
Install the Appium App and start the Server with the GUI App.
Start the Server using Appium Command
Install Nodejs dependencies
Execute command line
npm install -g appium
Copy the code
Start the Server
Execute command line
Appium -a -p 4722Copy the code
Parameter list: appium. IO /docs/en/ wrI…
Port mapping
Execute command line
Copy the code……
Port Mapping
Execute command line
Appium -a -p 4722 -- webdriverAgent-port 8123Copy the code
If the WDA Port is set to 8123 when the APpium server is started, the first input parameter of the iproxy command must be the local listening Port, which can be selected randomly. The second input parameter must correspond to the WDA Port specified by the appium command
iproxy 8100 8123
Copy the code
Drive Runner store location
After appium Server is installed globally, webDriverAgent. xcodeProj is stored in the following path.
Copy the code
Web Service Client —— Test Case
Test project…
Install dependencies
Execute command line
cd appium-master/sample-code/javascript-webdriverio
npm install
Copy the code
Modify the configuration
Modify the capabilities configuration in the test script.
const iosCaps = { platformName: 'iOS', automationName: 'XCUITest', deviceName: process.env.IOS_DEVICE_NAME || 'iPhone', udid: 'iphone udid', platformVersion: Process. The env. IOS_PLATFORM_VERSION | | '13.6.1, noReset: true, bundleId:' your app id and app: undefined // Will be added in tests };Copy the code
“Capabilities document appium. IO/docs/en/wri…
Appium. IO/docs/en/wri…
Run the Case
Execute command line
npm test
Copy the code
Macaca toolchain matrix
Similar to Appium, Macaca’s toolchain matrix also contains the Driver, Web Service Server, and Web Service Client.
Install the Macaca tool chain
# install $NPM I macaca-ios --save-dev # install $NPM I macaca-ios -g # Install macaca-ios $TEAM_ID DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID=TEAM_ID npm i macaca-ios -gCopy the code
More detailed installation process can refer to the official documentation macacajs. Making. IO/useful/guide/en…
Appium versus Macaca
Name of the framework | The same | The difference between |
Appium | IOS UI automatic testing technology based on XCUITest and Accessibility | The driver project is written in Objective-C, and the community is more perfect, the project update iteration is more active, and the number of users is more. |
Macaca | IOS UI automatic testing technology based on XCUITest and Accessibility | The driving project is written by Swift, and the community ecology is relatively imperfect, the maintenance is not active, and the number of users is relatively small. |
Our UI automated test platform initially only connected to the Macaca framework, maintaining a separate repository for internal platform use. During maintenance, various problems may be encountered and solved by themselves. After verification, they will be reported to the authorities and corresponding solutions will be provided. At present, Appium framework has been gradually added to the existing platform for technical transformation, so as to adapt to more scenarios and ensure the long-term stable and sustainable maintenance of the framework.
Status quo of App automated testing
In the daily development iterations of App, there are many application scenarios of UI automation test, such as smoke test, exploration test, and UI automation test platform based on Web Service. Next, I’ll introduce you to the roles and effects of different tests in CI/CD.
Application scenarios
Smoke test
Basic situation
In the world of programming and software testing, smoke testing (also confidence testing, health testing, [1] Build verification testing (BVT) [2] [3], build acceptance testing) is a preliminary test to show some simple but high-level errors that affect the release of software. – Wikipedia
In the actual application scenario of, smoke test mainly plays the role of Merge Request card point detection, which is mainly used for the integration compilation of App and pre-verification of the flashback during runtime. For example, in the case of multi-module parallel development, some changes made by different teams may cause problems with missing symbol names, and smoke testing can be pre-fixed to avoid integration packaging failures and reduce trial and error costs and time costs.
For iOS, the smoke test was done by creating a UITest Target in the main project to write a simple UI view validation program and connecting to the GitLab Runner Pipeline, The xCodeBuild tool chain was used to conduct preliminary verification on the compilation process and runtime robustness to ensure that the code merged with the main branch would not cause significant problems such as flash back in the App.
The data show
In the process of rapid iterative development, as the card point task of Merge Request, multiple GitLab Runners were used to execute six smoke test tasks concurrently, which greatly reduced the time of card point verification. The time of single smoke test was controlled within 6min. It not only achieves the purpose of compiling, building and robustness of the verification integration package, but also greatly saves the time cost of testing and verification.
To explore the test
Basic situation
Exploratory Testing is a software Testing method. It is characterized by exploring and developing more different types of Testing methods during Testing to improve the Testing process. – Wikipedia
In the actual application scenario of App, the main role of exploration test is the random test of App Page, which is mainly used to verify the quality of integrated packaged App, randomly click the Page, collect and make statistics of Page View and Crash data, and finally sort out the report and send it to relevant developers. iOS Explorer Testing is a white/grey box UI testing framework based on Google eDistantObject and EarlGrey open source projects. Different from XCUITest which writes Test Case and must combine with swt.accessibility, the white/grey box exploration Test framework utilizes inter-process communication between Test App and Host App. Test App drives Host App to automate UI testing, and App element review, user interaction and data collection are all completed in the Host App process. With the elimination of Accessibility restrictions, white/gray box exploration test elements are more fully vetted, more stable, and test data is more comprehensive.
The data show exploration test is a routine Jenkins task used to verify the stability of App integration package. By collecting all touch pages, Crash problems can be effectively detected in advance and a report of test results can be sent to the R&D team by email. In the iOS exploration test, when the number of concurrent users is 5, 180 non-repeating pages can be reached in the test within 2 hours, including the Feed flow of home page, travel photos, order page and other scenes. Explore Crash problems collected in the test, collect the Crash call stack into a table, and distribute it to the relevant R & D students, and push the production line to modify the relevant problem codes.
UI automated test platform
Basic situation App UI automated test platform is a visual and unified data management quality assurance platform jointly designed and built by IBU public test team and IBU Public Wireless. In the rapid iterative development process of App, in order to improve the testing efficiency, Jenkins cluster was built by using multiple machines to realize the concurrent execution of Case and the App regression test, so as to reduce the testing cost and report the testing problems to the relevant developers, so as to promote the developers to improve the function. Ensure the quality of App before launch. The test framework is mainly Macaca, and will gradually migrate to Appium.
The data show
The UI automation platform is currently in the first stage of development. In the daily regression test, for the test of complex business scenarios, the total test time can be controlled within 40 minutes under the condition that the machine performance is stable and the number of concurrent tests is 6, and the total number of test cases can reach 209, and the total number of steps is 3077. The pass rate of Feature and Case is 97.14% and 98.56% respectively.
These different automated testing practices, coupled with different CI/CD processes, provide quality assurance during the rapid iteration of App development.
For the UI automation testing technology under iOS platform, Apple officially provides two core technologies: XCUITest and Accessibility. And in order to enhance the reusability, more conducive to the distributed automation test, different manufacturers and on the basis of the design has realized the automation test platform based on Web Service, the advantage is easy to deploy, cross-platform features, can be more use of distributed concurrency, improve test efficiency, reduce the human testing costs.
Of course, there are many other UI automation frameworks on the market, such as STF and Airtest, whose underlying drivers use graphic image recognition to locate App elements. As for the current iOS automated testing application practice, it is more based on the XCUITest framework, so this paper will not discuss such testing framework. However, no matter what kind of driver is used for automatic test of App, the overall architectural design will be based on Web Service introduced in this paper, so as to achieve the purpose of cross-platform, easy integration, high reuse and so on.
Special thanks to
Thank you for reading to the end of this article. Of course, I would like to thank every member of our IBU public Wireless team, especially my leader Shanks :D.
During the more than a year that I joined the IBU family, Shanks trusted me enough to let me try different projects freely. From my entry to now, I have participated in a series of technologies that I have never been in touch with before, such as optimization of compilation and packaging time, support for incremental Coverage of Swift Coverage, automatic improvement of CI/CD process, and UI automated testing, which have greatly improved my technical level and broadened my horizon in this year. In the process of work, if I encounter difficult problems, I can communicate with Shanks, so as to get different solutions. In addition, Shanks did not put too much psychological pressure on me. As long as the final result was in line with expectations, he would not criticize me too much even if the process was not smooth. Therefore, I would like to thank Shanks for his help and wish Shanks all the best and happy every day.
Working at IBU for over a year has been a great experience, and the IBU Public Wireless team has been my favorite and happiest team in the industry to date. Therefore, this article is also an answer sheet for my team. If I rate the growth and achievements of this year, I think I can get 75 points. Therefore, I am very grateful to the current team for giving me the opportunity to try and challenge, and I also cherish the time to cooperate with every partner in the team. I hope to continue sailing in the future, live and learn, and come back as a teenager, come on!
Of course, if you are interested in joining our IBU public wireless team and would like to participate in the research and development of quality assurance and CI/CD efficiency tools with our partners, you are welcome to send your resume to and look forward to flying me to .
The resources
- Gossip iOS explore test implementation Shanks. Pro / 2020/05/16 /…
- Testing with Xcode – User Interface Testing…
- WWDC2015 UI Testing in Xcode…
- WWDC2019 Testing in Xcode…
- Accessibility and UI Testing in iOS…
- UIAccessibility…
- UIAccessibilityContainer…
- IOS Real command (automated test)…
- Black Box Testing…