

The relation formula C=Q/U unit F (Farad)

Storage and Capacitance characteristics of capacitor: Capacitive Reactance

Energy storage characteristics: The charge charged in the capacitor is stored in the capacitor, as long as no external circuit conditions exist for the capacitor to discharge, the charge is stored in the capacitor

Capacitive reactance: Alternating current can pass through a capacitor, but when the capacitor is connected to an AC circuit, the charge on the capacitor and the plate has an obstruction effect on the directional movement of the charge. Physics refers to this obstruction effect. It’s called capacitive reactance, and it’s denoted by the letter Xc

  • Xc = 1/2 PI fC

Capacitor series circuit characteristics:

Because capacitors are separated from direct alternating circuits, this is the case in AC circuits.

  • Xc = 1/2 PI fC
  • Small capacity –> large reactance
  • Large capacity -> small reactance ==== is equivalent to the resistance characteristics of the series circuit

  • The current of each series capacitor is equal — > each series capacitor is charged with the same amount of charge (Q=I*T).

It is equivalent to increasing the thickness of the capacitor medium and increasing the distance between the two pieces

Equivalent to the resistance parallel formula:

Capacitance parallel circuit characteristics:

  • Xc = 1/2 PI fC
  • It flows through all branches at the same frequency
  • Small capacity -> large reactance, small current
  • Large capacity -> small reactance, large current ==== is equivalent to the resistance characteristics of the series circuit

  • Large capacity –> Large amount of charge
  • Small capacity — less charge

This is equivalent to increasing the area of the plate

Equivalent to the resistance series formula:

Eg: Series and parallel

Leyden jar