“Golden Three and silver Four” refers to the months of March and April, especially march is the prime time for fresh graduates to look for jobs and for incumbents to move on to more satisfying positions. Job hunting and job-hopping, in the final analysis, are essentially the process of matching workplace personnel and job positions. One radish pits one pit at a time. If this pit is not suitable, it has its own place to stay.

People who choose to apply for jobs in the “Golden Three silver Four” mainly fall into the following four categories:

1. Facing the crowd of graduate students. In this stage, the end of the postgraduate entrance examination/graduation thesis proposal end/public examination dust has settled, the graduate thesis requirements have been reduced, after the intense period of postgraduate entrance examination, will usher in 3 to 5 months of stability, not because of the internship/entry has too much impact on learning is the perfect time to complete the internship requirements.

2. Workers who are ready to change their career plans. After a year’s work, year-end review and The New Year holiday, incumbents tend to choose to resign at this time after a year’s work, receiving year-end bonus and rethinking their career path during the New Year holiday. Look for new job opportunities.

3. Incumbents who were dismissed at the beginning of the year. Companies don’t tend to be brutal about terminating jobs at the beginning of the year, so labor contracts tend to be changed at the beginning of the year, when large numbers of workers are laid off. This is especially true for Internet companies in 2019.

4, with the coming of the New Year, there is no clear goal of the in-service/school crowd, looking for change. In the New Year, college students often choose to practice at this stage, and some on-the-job employees choose to try to send resumes and contact headhunters at this stage. Never underestimate people’s expectations for the future.

Therefore, whether fresh graduates, or on-the-job personnel, the preparation before the interview is necessary, but also necessary.

First of all, a good theoretical foundation is quite important, and it is recommended that you brush it more:

This article TCP/IP absolutely!

Internet knowledge is the bottom line, and most job interviews will be one, two, three.

Then, it is for the job you are interviewing to distinguish the preparation, the following will be from the direction of operation and maintenance to give you a list of the content you need to prepare.

Operational jobs

1, first of all, the system of common commands this is a must: Linux system learning command introduction, we can take a look, and then control their current grasp of a practice.

2, operation and maintenance also need to have a certain grasp of scripting, the most commonly used must be shell, so I recommend you to take a look: shell scripting best practices, this must be more practice.

3. The most basic services, such as SSH service, NFS network file system, DHCP/DNS, data synchronization service, etc.

4. LAMP/LNMP architecture

  • Basic knowledge of components
  • Install and configure components
  • Common optimization and troubleshooting of components

5. Database

In Internet enterprises, the most commonly used database is MySQL, which is a must to master. In addition, you also need to understand and master common NOSQL databases, such as Redis and MongoDB.

The following uses the MySQL database as an example to introduce the technical points we need to master.

  • Multiple installation methods: source code, binary, Yum
  • Optimization: Hardware and configuration file optimization
  • Common management and operation: multi-instance, permission configuration, library, table data management
  • Backup and Restoration: Incremental and full backup and restoration based on third-party tools
  • Common architectures: Master/slave synchronization, read/write separation (based on official or third-party components)
  • Troubleshooting: startup failure, data synchronization, misoperation, etc

Database knowledge system, commonly used relational database is Mysql: Mysql from the entry to master (self-study notes summary). This note includes basic basic knowledge, basic commands, some common operations (add, delete, change, search), database backup and recovery, database master and slave synchronization, high availability, read and write separation practice, monitoring and database automation operation and maintenance tools and other related introduction, can be said to be very comprehensive.

There is also a part of the operation and maintenance will encounter Oracle database, here to sort out a common Oracle database command daily use enough. The deeper level needs us to sum up again.

6, WEB theory knowledge, commonly used Nginx: Nginx Learning Notes, This note includes basic service installation, configuration file introduction, virtual host configuration practice, Nginx optimization configuration details, LNMP architecture Nginx reverse proxy load balancing configuration, Nginx+Tomcat multi-instance and load balancing configuration, high availability, Nginx Version smooth upgrade and rollback, Nginx traffic limiting configuration, Nginx log production practice, Nginx configuration file online generation tool introduction and other information.

7, commonly used middleware operation and maintenance, generally including RedIS (Redis learning Notes), message queue, configuration services, for operation and maintenance, commonly used services, such as Java Web service Tomcat, Zabbix monitoring Tomcat (including JVM monitoring) Jboss, Weblogic, etc. Most of the middleware services you use are Tomcat, Kafaka(Kafka fundamentals and Kafka best practices), RabbitMQ (a very powerful summary of RabbitMQ, well written). , but do not need to master the source code, only require to master the daily configuration, optimization, troubleshooting, and some business-related architecture adjustment.

8. Monitoring system, including sub-system monitoring, data monitoring, service status monitoring, etc.

For example, we can use the Shell to monitor file changes, which is of course the most basic approach. Here is a list of 11 server monitoring tools commonly used by operation and maintenance personnel.

In fact, there are many good choices for Linux performance real-time monitoring tools, you can choose according to their own habits and actual needs, just mention the interview you are familiar with.

The most commonly used is Zabbix+ Prometheus, which uses Prometheus+ Grafana to create a high-grid monitoring platform, and then combines it with a system of plug-in tools to create a powerful monitoring platform.

JVM performance tuning monitoring tools: JPS, JStack, JMAP, JHAT, jstat, hprof, these monitoring and tuning tools, whether you are operation, development, testing, are a must master.

9, container

Speaking of containers, Docker must first come to mind. Here I recommend a summary of my notes: Docker learning notes, which introduces the introduction, installation, common commands, three Musketeers, private warehouse construction, container monitoring and other aspects of Docker.

After Docker, a wave of K8S emerged. Now enterprises have higher and higher requirements for K8S, which is also one of the necessary skills for interview. We still need to focus on learning and mastering K8S: CentOS build K8S, install K8S need to use docker image, need to pay attention to modify the source, after the installation is completed, you can practice, before the interview can also brush K8S interview questions. Kubernetes is notoriously hard! So there are some best practices to follow when using it in production. Following these steps ensures greater safety and productivity. Finally, we need to know some solutions to common Kubernetes problems, that is, troubleshooting ability.

10. Automation

Automation means that repetitive work can be solved in an automated way. First of all, automatic deployment can solve the daily repetitive service and middleware deployment problems. We also use common tools such as the Ansible automation tool, which is widely used. Later, we will also touch on some automation platforms.

Finally, we will introduce some common interview questions: Linux operation and maintenance job hopping 40 interview essence questions.

I believe that you will be able to find a suitable and satisfying job after studying and preparing for this system.