This is the pre-loading implemented on the basis of VUE-CLI4 + VUE 3.0.
1. Better SEO, conducive to search engines to capture page information.
2. Speed up the first screen rendering
Advantages: can achieve SSR advantages above
Disadvantages: SEO optimization is incomplete
The principle of
The principle of preloading is to run Google Browser during project build and initiate interface request. After obtaining the number of interfaces, render the page and save the rendered DOM page for direct server access.
Install prerender-SPa-plugin (v3.4.0 recommended)
npm i prerender-spa-plugin
Configure in the vue.config file
. const PrerenderSPAPlugin = require("prerender-spa-plugin"); . module.exports = { ... // Preload configureWebpack: config => {if (process.env.node_env! == 'production') return; // Not compatible with router 4.0 return {plugins: [new PrerenderSPAPlugin({// the path of the PrerenderSPAPlugin can be the same as that of the webpakc package. // The path of the PrerenderSPAPlugin can only be one level. StaticDir: path.join(__dirname, "dist"), // routes: [ "/", "/service", "/product", "/about", "/about/newscolum", "/about/enterprise", "/about/message", "/cooperation" ], // Proxy interface configuration Server: {port: 8081, proxy: {"/ API ": {target: "", changeOrigin: true, secure: true } } }, PostProcess (renderedRoute) {/ / ignore redirects redirects renderedRoute. Route. = renderedRoute originalRoute; return RenderedRoute;}, renderedRoute: new renderer ({inject: {foo: 'bar'}, renderer: new renderer ({inject: {foo: 'bar'}, renderless: False, / / in the main document in js. DispatchEvent (new Event (' render - Event), the name of the Event to corresponding. RenderAfterDocumentEvent: "render-event" }) }), ], }; }}Copy the code
Router. js Route configuration
Vue-router V4.0.0 Route configuration mode createWebHistory mode must be selected
// Vue-router v4.0.0 import {createRouter, createWebHistory, RouteRecordRaw} from "vue-router"; const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [ { path: "/", name: "/", component: () => import("@/pages/index/index.vue") }, ... ] ; const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(), routes }); export default router;Copy the code
Add renderAfterDocumentEvent to the Mounted life cycle on the page that needs to be preloaded
. mounted() { document.dispatchEvent(new Event("render-event")); },...Copy the code