This time, I will talk about how to build a strong team. I hope it can help you.


The goal of team building is to make the team effective. Teams can be viewed from three perspectives: individuals on the team, the relationships among team members, and the team as a whole. There are different construction schemes according to different angles.

Ability training

The more competent the employee, the better for the team.

Define the ability

To improve the personal ability of employees, the first need to make a definition of personal ability, this is to determine the standard. Here are three ways to find the skills you want:

  1. Personality strength usually refers to a person’s stable attitude and performance in a certain situation, such as grasping the nettle, perseverance, positivity, initiative and so on.

  2. Professional competence is easy to understand. For technical people, it generally means technical competence.

  3. Generic skills. Everyone talks about them a lot, but few people can say exactly what they are.

Generally speaking, personal competence mostly refers to professional competence.

Lifting scheme

Help employees learn by themselves

  • Organize staff to attend training;

  • Recommend and purchase books for employees;

  • Provide learning documents, videos, etc.

Exchange and discuss

  • Organize interest groups, reading groups, etc.

  • Technology sharing meeting, code review meeting, etc.

  • Review of key work, i.e. case study, etc.;

Work practice

  • Empowerment and coaching. Give employees the opportunity to take responsibility for important tasks independently and provide coaching and feedback.

  • The research work is project-oriented. That is, the research and study of the work of project management.

  • Summarize and internalize. For important work done by employees, it’s important to ask them to do a summary of what they learned.

Motivate employees to learn

“The Analects of Confucius” said, “do not anger, do not express or explain oneself do not hair. Lift a corner not to three corners, is no more.” To learn this kind of anti-human things, you must really want to learn, otherwise the outside help is limited.


Give pressure, promote everyone to study.

  1. Make clear job requirements. For example, be familiar with a business in a week and be able to do development.

  2. Set up learning mechanisms. That is to enforce adherence to learning rules and completion of learning tasks.

  3. Peer pressure. A team atmosphere of learning and growth will put pressure on employees who do not learn.

  4. Punishment. Including from the performance level, promotion opportunities, salary adjustment range, etc., for employees with low learning willingness to have appropriate “care”.


Give direction, guide everyone to learn.

  1. Set an example.

  2. Get a mentor.

  3. For maps, make technical “skill maps”.

To let go

Give play to space, let everyone study independently.

  1. Give employees the opportunity to shoulder the burden.

  2. Give employees space to think independently and make decisions independently.

  3. Give employees the confidence and patience to make mistakes and missteps.

Employee motivation

Although we are called code farmers, the IT industry needs creative thinking, and trying to manage programmers in the traditional way of industry management will not end well. A better solution is to trigger people’s drive, make people want to do things, show infinite creativity.

Lifting scheme

Improve employee autonomy

Giving employees a degree of control.

  • The first is the freedom to work when and where.

  • The second is the freedom of work. Employees can choose what they do to a certain extent.

  • Finally, freedom in working methods. That is, employees can choose how to do their work.

Improve the precision of staff, let staff continue to grow

  • Clear job objectives. That is, the clearer the requirements for an employee, the more he or she is willing to put in the effort.

  • Aim for something slightly challenging. That is, the demands on employees should be challenging, but not too high.

  • Be able to play to their strengths. If a job plays to an employee’s unique strengths, he or she will be enthusiastic about it.

Give meaning and mission to employees

  • The desire to be more than oneself

  • Recognize the meaning and value of the work

Improve employee happiness at work

  • Create a positive mood for the team

  • Design good interpersonal relationships for the team

  • Provide an environment for employees to be self-involved

  • Enable employees to meet challenges and achieve achievements

  • Clarify the meaning and mission of work for employees

Team division of labor

Division of labor is a means, is to let everyone better cooperation, ultimately can accomplish great things.

Principle of division of labor

  • Clear division of labor: Any blurring of boundaries that does not premise clear division of labor will backfire.

  • Division of labor needs stability: because only stable division of labor can reflect the value of division of labor.

Level of collaboration

With a high level of cooperation, we can better complete various challenges.

Lifting scheme

  • Establish a coordination mechanism: through the mechanism to agree on the coordination of actions, so as to ensure that everyone “action coordination”.

  • Improve team cohesion: reduce collaboration costs and improve collaboration efficiency by improving trust, recognition and tacit understanding among team members.

Improve cohesion

Set a common Vision

  1. Define your team’s responsibilities, mission, and work goals.

  2. Managers themselves have to believe in # 1. If not, go back to Step 1 and continue refining.

  3. Advertise it in every appropriate setting

  4. Keep doing Step 3.

Improve employee ownership

  1. Give your employee a place, a “foothold,” that is, a responsibility.

  2. To build a good team interpersonal relationship, let each other form a close connection.

  3. Articulate the team’s cultural values.

Enhance mutual understanding

  1. Carefully design team building activities to deepen staff understanding of each other. For example, the peak story: Within an hour, everyone tells about their peak experience, and then asks teammates for positive feedback.

Facing challenges together

  1. Some of the challenges of large projects or emergency response.

  2. Cross-team confrontational activities such as fun games, Dota competitions, etc.

Echelon construction

Select the object

First, the consistency of talent selection and team building should be maintained.

  1. Ability. The main purpose is to ensure that their individual capabilities and business characteristics match each other, and that their capabilities potential is growable.

  2. The collaboration. Does your awareness and ability to collaborate match your team’s requirements and expectations?

  3. Culture. Whether their behavior style and values match the cultural values of the team.

Second, talents similar to you are talents, and talents complementary to you are more valuable talents.

To develop a target

Align expectations and reach consensus

A common approach is the IDP, or personal development plan. The performance plan and IDP can be combined, 80% of the former and 20% of the latter.

Provide opportunities and play space, do a good job of delegation

In advance
  1. Examine the original intention. Managers look at what they want to gain from this empowerment

  2. Be clear about expectations. The purpose of “clear expectations” is to make it clear to the target what you expect of him

  3. Listen to the train of thought. From his ideas and plans, we can generally judge how reliable he is in charge of this work independently

  4. Important appointments. That is, you need to make an appointment with him about things you care about most, such as the circumstances under which he needs to inform you.

  1. Keep track of progress.

  2. Be supportive. The preferred approach is coaching guidance and inspiration, rather than direct answers.

After the event
  1. Evaluate the results. Provide well-grounded evaluation and timely feedback on the work results and performance of authorized objects.

  2. Insight into the advantages. Check the outstanding advantages of the authorized object in the whole authorization process

  3. Positive feedback. Be sure to give some “positive” feedback on the work of the authorized target. The main purpose is to tell him which practices are recommended and advocated by you, and which need to be maintained and enhanced continuously, as well as to motivate him.

  4. An improvement. Give one or two suggestions for improvement.

Establish a feedback mechanism

  1. Establish periodic communication mechanism.

  2. Review the IDP.

  3. Arrange for a second mentor to provide support and feedback.

Team culture

Culture is the core of a team. A team with its own culture not only has strong fighting power, but also will be very stable. Moreover, the culture of a team is often consistent with the attributes of the team leader himself.



  • Summarize and refine the team culture

  • Give your team culture a name

  • Specify an easy-to-communicate description of the team culture


  • Hang on to yourself verbally

  • All forms of publicity within the team

  • Cross-team advocacy in various situations

The pursuit of

  • Include it in the performance plan /IDP

  • It is included in the evaluation of promotion and qualifications

  • It is reflected in the design of group building activities

The last

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Review of previous articles:

  1. Design patterns

  2. recruitment

  3. thinking

  4. storage

  5. The algorithm series

  6. Reading notes

  7. Small tools

  8. architecture

  9. network

  10. The Go