Writing in the front

This is still the high school summer vacation when learning this software notes, today I found it on the computer, always feel should not let it gather dust on my hard disk, so hung out. Warm tip: more messy, write to see their own, look down, press CTRL +W

Note the content

  • Ps introduction can be used for composition. 3d Adobe Bridge image browser
  • You u can drag images directly into the PHOTOSHOP editing system. However,, it is a temporary file and needs to be saved. Some images on the site cannot be pulled, but you can use the screenshot function to do so. 2. Two images pulled together in a file form two different layers. Several ways to open a file.
  • Ps digital photo dot matrix image vector image a white paper digital photo is dot matrix image vector image points and curves without the existence of pixel points vector image storage specific image format GIF, etc
  • Basic knowledge of light and color pre – shooting post – processing
  • The straw tool draws color from the image. It will be absorbed into the palette. Current foreground view… Sample the ring as a substrate to see color changes. The color above is the current drawn color.
  • Sample ring sample option which layer color to draw from. You can draw colors from different layers and only draw colors from the current layer.
  • Red, green and blue are three monochromatic lights

If you mix green light and red light equally you get yellow light red and blue is equal to magenta red plus green plus blue and you get white color

  • The e purplish phenomenon of the photo is the natural color of the object he shows, reflecting the color of the pigment after mixing can get other colors.
  • By searching for pixels in PHOTOSHOP, you can fix some problems caused by mosaics, such as applying one color to another. How to make a pixel point for a particular color is a problem
  • RGB gets a black color when all three values are zero. When r reaches 255 you get red. RGB mixing. R and g are 255 and you can mix them to make yellow. R plus G can be mixed to produce a yellowish color HSB is expressed using hue, saturation, etc. The values in the eight-bit image 256 to the third are hexadecimal codes for certain colors
  • Create a New image file New – Enter the name Common pixel size 1024 x 768 resolution is inversely proportional to the size of the image printed.

Above and below the palette are the background colors. RGB color profile standard SRGB works for beginners with background content set to white to create a white file transparent option with grey grid action

  • JPG image add layers, etc., can not continue to use JPG to change to D, save as low quality is conducive to image transmission, low quality adjust the image quality and select the continuous option, so that the image can be gradually loaded after spreading to the network. CTRL + F2 Lightening the skin CTRL + F1 Darkening the skin There is a full screen mode option in the bottom left corner, press ESC to exit full screen

The Windows are all vertical and horizontally arranged. Duplicate the layer by following the diagram’s reality with CTRL + J. Automatically select layers. Background layer lock drag to select a layer. If the background layer is locked. Photoshop the top of the upper window aligned, vertically centered, to align the middle portion of each element. Hold Alt to copy the object. Auto-align layers with images similar to Meitu xiu Xiu… Drag the lock into the trash can to make the back scene move. Duplicate the layer of the area you want to move before moving it.

  • How w to select the specific area to move. The layer is selected with CTRL + Z to return to the selection area. The move command next to the shape protects the content outside the selection area. Become a separate layer. Select e Rule Tool Group Rectangular Marquee Round Marquee Black and white rectangle Press Shift to select a square area. Elliptic dressing by Alt can be radially around to establish the selection area shift circle selection area Shift + Alt is round. Single row, single column box can be selected to determine the size of the selection area; . Feathering creates a selection with a feathering value of 10, which is an oversize pixel. Adjust the edges..
  • In Photoshop, feathering is an edit for a selection, a word that is difficult for beginners to understand. Feather principle is to make the selection of the inside and outside of the connection of the part of the blur. Play a gradual effect to achieve natural cohesion. In the design drawing is widely used, as long as the actual operation can be understood. The specific eclosion value in practical application depends entirely on experience. So the key to mastering this common tool is to practice regularly. The larger the feather value, the wider the blur range, that is to say, the softer the color gradation. The smaller the eclosion value, the narrower the blur range. It can be adjusted according to the actual situation. Setting the eclosion value to be small and repeated eclosion is a technique of eclosion. Steps: 1) Select the content of the layer you want to feather (hold down CTRL and click on the layer thumbnail to select it) 2) Select “Select-Modify-feather” from the menu bar, enter the value of the area you want to feather, and then click “OK”. 3) After confirming, press CTRL + Shift + I to “reverse select” (if you do not reverse select the feathering effect will not come out), then press Delete (delete can be repeated, click once and your feathering effect will be repeated, you can try), and finally press CTRL +D to cancel the box. In Photoshop CS3 and CS5, the shortcut keys are Shift+F6. In addition, Photoshop supports custom shortcut keys. Users can customize the feathered shortcut keys according to their preferences, in order to use conveniently
  • The lasso tool is a less practical tool of choice. Polygonal lasso tool is too flat and stiff. Zoom in first, then carefully select a selection. If the selection is broken, press delete to cancel the previous operation. Magnetic lasso tool current image, set the frequency lower, 20 can be. Contrast 90. Width 15 pixel magnetic lasso tool, selected out. For the edge, choose whether the edge of the area is blurred or clear, if clear, set it higher. The blur is lower. The polygonal lasso tool is the most accurate selection area. The magnetic lasso tool is the fastest. Magnetic Lasso Tool draws the selected area while holding Down CTRL + Z click the left key.
  • Quick selection tool.. Autoenhance smart Radius,, and subtract options from the selection. Interface top. Multiple tools for selection. Sample all layers. Treat multiple layers as one layer. Removing the groove does not affect the mouse over another layer. Brush, get a smaller brush tip.
  • The e Magic wand Tool click on the white background to select the shaded area. Continuous. Tolerance. Tolerance hour Only very similar n colors can be selected. When the tolerance is large, the color selection can be small. CTRL + shift + I choose. Two electorates can be added together to intersect with electorates, and the intersecting ranges form a selection area. Adjust the edge selection area to modify the selection according to the shape. The larger the radius, the greater the distance from the original selection edge will be selected Alt subtraction. Pay attention to the coordination between tools.
  • Matting Background Photoshop default background. Feather, blur the edges of the selection area
  • Photoshop New Cropping Tool Click cropping Tool to crop directly. Straighten and correct the tilt of the horizon. Delete cropped pixels. The e check ensures that the cropped material is thrown out of the image. The crop box moves, the image itself does not move. Auto center preview with the crop box in the center of the canvas. Shows the clipping area. Check it to display the selected clipping area. The color of the clipped area can be customized. The size and resolution of the image after cropping. Image height, width Settings (in pixels)
  • Golden section Golden section point. A good visual image. There is a tripartite option at the top of the screen. Shift + O toggles composition. Alt + transparent clipping, place center point. You can turn irregular shapes into ideal rectangular images.
  • Ps slicing tool for web design. Use the slicing tool to cut several slices. View-display-slice – Can hide slices, but slices are real. Delete the slice view. , accurate slice, view-ruler-reference line establishment. Click Guide based slice, guide hide. Slice selection tool selects slices. Slice and divide. It can also be divided using pixel values. You can select multiple slices simultaneously by holding down the shhift key. Dreamweaver web design tool by slicing in images to add links, can achieve the effect of creating web images. All layers are sampled as one layer combined. Background layer, color adjustment, hue saturation. Current layer,

Sample size Click on the green color to get green. A 3 by 3 average pencil can be used to draw colors. The straw tool works with the pencil and brush tool to fix imperfections in some of the shapes,

How to use PS to concentrate multiple materials into a file, in addition to using matting also need what”

  • Color sampler

The sampling points are numbered. A maximum of four sampling points can be established. Information panel RGB value, hue saturation. Watch the change of the color value, lightness, and how much the color change is, delete all the sampling points, and click the clear button.

  • The ruler tool can measure the size and length of an element in an image. Edit-preferences – Units and scales generally choose centimeters or pixels. Hold Alt key and drag the second line and two rulers to display the length and Angle of the two rulers.
  • Image – Rotation – Straightening layer, straightening horizon… Straightening layers is handy. The annotation tool has a distinct color difference from the image, so you can set the color of the annotation. Author’s name. Add text to comments panel. Add comments again where you need them. You can also delete comments. A statistical counting tool. Use this tool, and the color of the image has a big difference, for him to establish a label, as long as there is no established label on the element statistics. Click clear to clear all marks.
  • Stain repair is often used for beauty, creation, and content recognition. Blend in with your surroundings. Modify the current image. Sample all layers. You can sample all layers if you have many layers. Save trouble and effort commonly used repair tools.
  • The Smudge Repair brush tool will fuse the sample site with it. I’m going to make a big brush. Hold Alt to sample. Pale skin. Release the left mouse button, image fusion automatically. Mix options. Align options. If not checked, sample from the original location. And the position of the mouse is the opposite position. Pattern options. You can set patterns to use. Bubble pattern, paint out pattern texture, light and shade relationship mix. On which layer to sample. Turn off the adjustment layer at repair time.
  • Patch tools (source mode, target mode. Copy the retouching method. The selected target is copied to the past, transparent, patched image and the surrounding image for transparent fusion. The pattern is filled to patch an image, which is looser, freer and more similar. The fusion is performed. Sample all layers. Content-aware Move Tool (Mode bar extension Move Content-aware Move Tool Move object to move, original place look for similar fill it expand copy image in both places have CTRL + D selection area clear fusion edge better loose

The adaptation options are very strict

  • Red eye Tool Click red Eye to restore the color of red eye to gray. Pupil size is 100%. You can see that the pupil is retracted to the center. Dim light. Adjust the light and shade of your eyes.
  • Brush tool changes size and hardness. Use the mouse to smear out the effect. Mode. Opacity. Traffic options. Shift +70 is 70% flow. The opacity of the stroke can be controlled by the amount of nib pressure. Airbrush option with flow to match for painting. A place to pause. Opacity is the opacity of pigment. The flow rate is the speed at which it comes out of the spray gun. The position of superposition does not appear special. Opacity vs. flow. Special brushes. Brush a variety of brush shapes. An upright drawing pen. Brush scatter tool. Disperse processing. The effect of the nib coming out point by point. The number jitter is thick and thin. Pen pressure control dispersion value. Under the brush option, you can personalize the brush. Brush texture Settings. Use the texture pastel to the canvas and scale the texture’s pattern by looking at it. You can get smaller zoom values, set the brightness of the texture, and scale the contrast.
  • Brush transfer Brush transfer tool. Using opacity dither, each nib has a different opacity.
  • Pencil Tool Pencil tool dune grass. To draw. Brush. Pencil tool comparison. Make pixel words. The edges are clear. Hold down the Shift key to make a straight line connection. Foreground color background color. Automatic erasure. The place of the stroke is not the foreground color automatically erased after the option is checked.
  • Color replacement tool

Slice reference line view, based on the reference line segmentation. Find the color change tool in the toolbar. The tolerances are relatively large. Use a less rigid brush. Duplicate the layer in the Layers panel. You can replace one color with another.

  • Mixer Brush tool paint steel inside the paint effect. Parameter Options. Mixer brush preset. Load the brush. Paint the fuel. Preset other options.

  • Imitation stamp tool repair brush similar. To remove a person from a place. You can see the image you want to fix. Repair brush, repair brush imitation seal switch to brush panel. Imitation seal mode. There can only be sampling. Opacity, flow options contain. Spray gun. Hand-painted board pressure options. Toolbars can be opened or hidden. Hiding only requires turning off the small cross. Open the operation when the window menu under the tool option check. CTRL + W closes the window. CTRL + W + Alt closes all Windows. CTRL + O opens the file. CTRL + N opens a new file and creates a new file. The e eraser erases the background color automatically, so you can change the color by changing the background color. The e history of using the tool can be found, which allows you to make changes to previously unsuccessful parts.

  • In the next section, the background eraser tool PS can be used to gradient from side to side. Ooo diamond gradient,. Image gradient,, and opacity. 100%. Full gradient effect. Imitation color, imitation strip phenomenon. The middle part…

  • Sponge tool to change image saturation tool… Local color more saturated method. Ps Vector tool

  • The path pen Tool draws a series of shapes. Work path. The brush strokes the edge along the path. The foreground color fills the path. The path is converted to a selection area. The e nature of the path can create very smooth shapes.

  • The pen tool line starts from a closed path to edit an anchor point. Direct selection tool. Change the curvature of the curve, change the shape of the fragment. CTRL g or Alt can be dragged in different combinations. ???? What is the use of the path tool and why do you choose a path?

  • The anchor

    Regular path Shift + Alt drag the mouse to draw a positive graph. Star polygonal form.. By copying the layers and using the airbrush tool, you can create an image that fills the background of the image. Stroke layer fills the layer. The color picked by the color picker. There’s no color in it. Transparent. Solid color filling. Pick a color to fill the palette. Fill gradient. Path vector mask. Tool. You can edit the selected layer in real time.

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