1. Extreme learning machine
Single hidden layer feedback neural network has two outstanding capabilities:
(1) The projective function f 😡 ^ t of complex complex can be fitted directly from the training sample
(2) It can provide models for a large number of natural or artificial phenomena that are difficult to be processed by traditional classification parameter techniques. But the single hidden layer feedback neural network lacks a relatively fast learning method. The error backpropagation algorithm needs to update N x(L+ 1) +L x(m+ 1) values in each iteration, which takes much less time than the tolerated time. It is common to see that training a single hidden layer feedback neural network takes hours, days, or more. Based on the above reasons, Professor Huang Guangbin conducted in-depth research on single hidden layer feedback neural network and proposed and proved two bold theories:
As can be seen from the above two theories, wt and BT can be generated randomly from any interval of n and R space according to any continuous probability distribution as long as the excitation function G :R ^ R satisfies the infinite differentiability in any interval. That is to say, the single hidden layer feedforward neural network does not need to adjust WT and BT any more. And because formulas | | TH * beta | | _f = 0 a in probability, we found that the output layer of bias is no longer needed. Then a new but hidden layer feedback neural network is shown in FIG. 2-3.
Compared with Figure 2.2, the bias BS of the output layer is missing, while the input weight W and the bias BI of the hidden layer are randomly generated without adjustment, so only the output weight beta remains undetermined in the whole network. So extreme learning machine
Came into being. Let the output of the neural network be equal to the sample label, as shown in Formula (2-11)
N x(L+1) +Lx(m+1), and the back propagation algorithm usually selects a small learning rate to ensure the stability of the system, which greatly lengthening the learning time. Therefore, EXTREME learning machine has a huge advantage in this method. In experiments, extreme learning machine often completes the calculation in a few seconds. However, some classical algorithms take a lot of time to train a single hidden layer neural network even for a small application. It seems that these algorithms have an insurmountable virtual speed barrier.
(2) In most applications, the generalization ability of EXTREME learning machine is greater than that of gradient-based algorithms such as error back propagation algorithm. (3) Traditional gradient-based algorithms need to face problems such as local minimum, appropriate learning rate, over-fitting and so on, while extreme learning machine can directly construct a single hidden layer feedback neural network in one step, avoiding these difficult and intractable problems. Extreme learning machine Because of these advantages, a large number of researchers have great interest in extreme learning machine, so that the theory of extreme learning machine has developed rapidly in recent years, and its application has been constantly broadened.
Ii. Salps algorithm
Salps are transparent barrel-shaped creatures that resemble jellyfish. It moves by absorbing water and spraying water. Because it lives in the deep ocean of the cold zone, it has caused some problems for our research. However, this does not affect our research on it. In the deep sea, salps exist as salps in chains, and that’s one of the group behaviors we’re interested in.
First, we divided the salp chain into two groups: 1. 2. Followers.
The leader is the front part of the salp chain; The follower is the end of the salp chain.
First, the position of the leader and the new formula:
Update follower position
Three, code,
P_train =p_train'; %n*m data, n is the number of input features, m is the number of samples t_train=t_train'; [p_train, ps_input] = mapminmax(p_train,0,1); % [t_train, ps_output] = mapminmax(t_train,0,1); p_test=p_test'; % [p_test] = mapminmax(p_test',0,1); % p_test = mapminmax('apply',p_test',ps_input); %% network establishment and training % use cycle, set different hidden layer neuron number nn=[7 11 14 18]; shuchu=1; For I =1:4 threshold=[0 2;0 2]; Net =newelm(threshold,[NN (I),shuchu],{'tansig','purelin'}); Net. Trainparam. epochs=2000; net.trainparam.show=20; net.trainParam.showWindow = false; net.trainParam.showCommandLine = false; Net =init(net); % Elman net= net (net,p_train,t_train); % y=sim(net,p_test)*1000/25; % y= mapminmax('reverse',y,ps_output); % error(I,:)=y'-t_test; rmse(i)=sqrt(mse(y'-t_test)); error(i,:)=y'; endCopy the code
The predicted results are shown below
Error curve:
Iv. References
The complete code to download www.cnblogs.com/ttmatlab/p/…