Sequelize is an ORM framework that supports mysql, Postgres, SQLite, Mariadb, and MSSQL. Sequelize-auto automatically generates model files from the database. Sequelize-cli creates a database based on model files. Sequelize-cli creates a database based on model files.
Sequelize: Sequelize: Sequelize: Sequelize: Sequelize
- This article code address
- The official documentation
- sequelize
- sequelize-auto
- sequelize-cli
- This article sample code
In mysql, for example
Connecting to a Database
npm i -S sequelize mysql2
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Sequelize is instantiated to connect, with parameters configured in the constructor
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
// Option 1: Passing parameters separately
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database'.'username'.'password', {
host: 'localhost'.dialect: 'mysql'.// Additional configuration...
// Option 2: Passing a connection URI
const sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://');
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Sequelize constructor parsing
The Sequelize constructor in the source code lists common parameters
The database nameusername=null
The user namepassword=null
The host addressoptions.port=
Database Serve portoptions.username=null
User name, same as the user name aboveoptions.password=null
Password, same as the username above, just pass oneoptions.database=null
Database name, as aboveoptions.dialect
The type of database to use is currently supportedmysql
Set the time zone. The default Chinese time zone must be changed to"+ 08:00." "
, if anyNOW
You have to pay attention to the function. The timezone used when converting a date from the database into a JavaScript date. The timezone is also used to SET TIMEZONE when connecting to the server, to ensure that the result of NOW, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and other time related functions have in the right timezone. For best cross platform performance use the format +/-HH:MM. Will also accept string versions of timezones used by moment.js (e.g. ‘America/Los_Angeles’); this is useful to capture daylight savings time changes.options.logging=console.log
A function that gets executed every time Sequelize would log something.options.benchmark=false
Pass query execution time in milliseconds as second argument to logging function (options.logging).options.replication=false
Use read / write replication. To enable replication, pass an object, with two properties, read and write. Write should be an object (a single server for handling writes), and read an array of object (several servers to handle reads). Each read/write server can have the following properties:host
Connection Pool Configurationoptions.pool.max=5
Maximum number of connections in a connection pooloptions.pool.min=0
Minimum number of connections in a connection pooloptions.pool.idle=10000
The maximum time, in milliseconds, that a connection can be idle before being released. Maximum lifetime of idle connectionsoptions.pool.acquire=60000
The maximum time, in milliseconds, that pool will try to get connection before throwing erroroptions.pool.evict=1000
The time interval, in milliseconds, after which sequelize-pool will remove idle connections. How long will it take to remove idle connectionsoptions.operatorsAliases
String based operator alias. Pass object to limit set of aliased operators. Set the operator aliasoptions.hooks
Hook functions for connecting and disconnecting databases. An object of global hook functions that are called before and after certain lifecycle events. Global hooks will run after any model-specific hooks defined for the same event (SeeSequelize.Model.init()
for a list). Additionally,beforeConnect()
, andafterDisconnect()
hooks may be defined here.
The simplest connection
// src/db/index.js
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('testdb'.'root'.'root', {
host: 'localhost'.port: 8889.// The default is 3306, my computer is set to 8889
dialect: 'mysql'});module.exports = sequelize;
// App.js
const seq = require('./src/db');
.then((a)= > {
console.log('Connection has been established successfully.');
.catch(err= > {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', err);
// node App.js
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If the connection is successful, the following information is displayed
Database model
Sequelize needs to create a model before it can operate on the database. Creating model files for each table in the database is too tedious. You can use Sequelize-Auto to export the model directly from the database.
Create database Testdb and run SQL statements to automatically create table testdb.
Install sequelize – auto
npm i -D sequelize-auto
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Automatically export models from the database
Sequelize – auto use
[node] sequelize-auto -h <host> -d <database> -u <user> -x [password] -p [port] --dialect [dialect] -c [/path/to/config] -o [/path/to/models] -t [tableName] -C Options: -h, --host IP/Hostname for the database. [required] -d, --database Database name. [required] -u, --user Username for database. -x, --pass Password for database. -p, --port Port number for database. -c, --config JSON file for Sequelize's constructor "options" flag object as defined here: -o, --output What directory to place the models. -e, --dialect The dialect/engine that you're using: postgres, mysql, sqlite -a, --additional Path to a json file containing model definitions (for all tables) which are to be defined within a model's configuration parameter. For more info: -t, --tables Comma-separated names of tables to import -T, --skip-tables Comma-separated names of tables to skip -C, --camel Use camel case to name models and fields -n, --no-write Prevent writing the models to disk. -s, --schema Database schema from which to retrieve tables -z, --typescript Output models as typescript with a definitions file.Copy the code
Simple configuration
// package.json
"scripts": {
"sequelize": "sequelize-auto -o ./src/db/model -d testdb -h localhost -u root -p 8889 -x root -e mysql"
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The auto-generated model is as follows
// src/db/model/blog.js
/* jshint indent: 2 */
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return sequelize.define('blog', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(11),
allowNull: false.primaryKey: true.autoIncrement: true
school: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(255),
allowNull: true
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(255),
allowNull: true}}, {tableName: 'blog'.timestamps: false}); };// src/db/model/users.js
/* jshint indent: 2 */
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return sequelize.define('users', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(11),
allowNull: false.primaryKey: true.autoIncrement: true
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(30),
allowNull: true
age: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(11),
allowNull: true
created_at: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: true
updated_at: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: true}}, {tableName: 'users'.timestamps: false}); };Copy the code
与 model.init
The source defines define as follows, which is essentially model.init, and the three parameters of define are put into init.
Define with the words, when the model is defined, by sequelize. Models. The modelName to perform database operations!!!!!!
/** * Define a new model, representing a table in the database. * * The table columns are defined by the object that is given as the second argument. Each key of the object represents a column * * @param {string} modelName The name of the model. The model will be stored in `sequelize.models` under this name * @param {Object} attributes An object, where each attribute is a column of the table. See {@link Model.init} * @param {Object} [options] These options are merged with the default define options provided to the Sequelize constructor and passed to Model.init() * * @see * {@link Model.init} for a more comprehensive specification of the `options` and `attributes` objects. * @see Model definition Manual related to model definition * @see * {@link DataTypes} For a list of possible data types * * @returns {Model} Newly defined model * * @example * sequelize.define('modelName', { * columnA: { * type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN, * validate: { * is: ["[a-z]",'i'], // will only allow letters * max: 23, // only allow values <= 23 * isIn: { * args: [['en', 'zh']], * msg: "Must be English or Chinese" * } * }, * field: 'column_a' * }, * columnB: Sequelize.STRING, * columnC: 'MY VERY OWN COLUMN TYPE' * }); * * sequelize.models.modelName // The model will now be available in models under the name given to define */
define(modelName, attributes, options = {}) {
options.modelName = modelName;
options.sequelize = this;
const model = class extends Model {};
model.init(attributes, options);
return model;
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Model fields define DataTypes
Sequelize.CHAR(100) // CHAR(100)
Sequelize.STRING // VARCHAR(255)
Sequelize.STRING(1234) // VARCHAR(1234)
Sequelize.TEXT // TEXT
Sequelize.TEXT('tiny') // TINYTEXT
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Sequelize.BIGINT // BIGINT
Sequelize.BIGINT(11) // BIGINT(11)
Sequelize.FLOAT // FLOAT
Sequelize.FLOAT(11) // FLOAT(11)
Sequelize.FLOAT(11.10) / / FLOAT (11, 10)
Sequelize.DOUBLE // DOUBLE
Sequelize.DOUBLE(11) // DOUBLE(11)
Sequelize.DOUBLE(11.10) / / DOUBLE (11, 10)
Sequelize.DECIMAL(10.2) / / a DECIMAL (1, 2)
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Sequelize.DATE Mysql/sqlite is DATETIME, postgres is TIMESTAMP with time zone
Sequelize.DATEONLY // DATE does not contain time.
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Sequelize.BOOLEAN // TINYINT(1)
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Sequelize.ENUM('value 1'.'value 2') // An ENUM allowed with 'value 1' and 'value 2'
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Sequelize.BLOB // BLOB (PostgreSQL for bytea)
Sequelize.BLOB('tiny') // TINYBLOB (PostgreSQL for bytea. The remaining parameters are medium and long.
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Sequelize.GEOMETRY / / Spatial column. Only PostgreSQL (with PostGIS) or MySQL.
Sequelize.GEOMETRY('POINT') // Spatial columns with geometry type. Only PostgreSQL (with PostGIS) or MySQL.
Sequelize.GEOMETRY('POINT'.4326) // Spatial columns with geometry type and SRID. Only PostgreSQL (with PostGIS) or MySQL.
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Integer, BigInt, float, and double also support unsigned and Zerofill properties
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Source code sequelize/lib/sequelize js, the DataTypes of overall exports at the same time, will also all DataTypes type mounted on the sequelize, so there are two types of use
const Sequelize, { DataTypes } = require('sequelize')
// ...
created_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: true
// or
created_at: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: true
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All definitions for each field are as follows
String or DataTypeallowNull=true
Allow NulldefaultValue=null
Field defaultsunique=false
Is it a unique index, If true, the column will get a unique constraint. If a string is provided, the column will be part of a composite unique index. If multiple columns have the same string, they will be part of the same unique indexprimaryKey=false
If true, this attribute will be marked as primary keyautoIncrement=false
Increment, If true, this column will be set to Auto incrementcomment=null
Comment for this columnreferences=null
An object with reference configurationsreferences.model
If this column references another table, provide it here as a Model, or a stringreferences.key='id'
The column of the foreign table that this column referencesvalidate
Field verification, seeAttribute validator
Model parameter Configuration
The Sequelize model requires manual Configuration
Other common configurations are as follows
Sequelize is automatically added when it is usedcreatedAt
In the model, if the table doesn’t have these two fields buttimestamp=true
, an error will be reported, which needs to be set to false in the model definitionfreezeTableName=false
Sequelize changes all table names to plural by default. If you do not want them to be changed automatically, set this parameter to truemodelName
The model name, which defaults to the class name, looks like thisparanoid=false
Records are not deleted, but are setdeletedAt
Field is the current timestamp ifparanoid=true
, you need totimestamps=true
To follow this logicunderscored=false``boolean
Do not use the hump command rule, which will use the underscore separator,updatedAt
The field name of theupdated_at
The name of the table,freezeTableName=false
Will have the table name automatically programmed to be complexengine
Table engine, default isInnoDB
Pass the sequelize instance to the model (new Sequelize(xxx)
), an error will be reported if it is not passed
class Bar extends Model {}
Bar.init({ /* bla */ }, {
// The name of the model. The model will be stored in `sequelize.models` under this name.
// This defaults to class name i.e. Bar in this case. This will control name of auto-generated
// foreignKey and association naming
modelName: 'bar'.// don't add the timestamp attributes (updatedAt, createdAt)
timestamps: false.// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true.// Will automatically set field option for all attributes to snake cased name.
// Does not override attribute with field option already defined
underscored: true.// disable the modification of table names; By default, sequelize will automatically
// transform all passed model names (first parameter of define) into plural.
// if you don't want that, set the following
freezeTableName: true.// define the table's name
tableName: 'my_very_custom_table_name'.// Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attribute
// to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.
// Set to true or a string with the attribute name you want to use to enable.
version: true.// Sequelize instance
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Register the Model into the Sequelize instance
We have configured the model, established the data connection, and obtained the Sequelize instance and model file, which we registered with sequelize.import.
The import method caches the registered model. Registering the same model repeatedly has no effect. It can register the Model files exported by Sequelize-Auto directly.
The official documentation
Source code definition, source code mainly see if (! This.importcache [importPath]) {add model to this.importCache
Let’s do this in action
Based on the database exported Users and blog models, make the following changes to the model to prevent the default behavior
// src/db/model/blog.js
tableName: 'blog'.timestamps: false,}// src/db/model/users.js
tableName: 'users'.timestamps: false,}Copy the code
Modified index. Js
// src/db/index.js
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('testdb'.'root'.'root', {
host: 'localhost'.port: 8889.dialect: 'mysql'});// model directory absolute path
const modelPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './model');
// Read all model files
const files = fs.readdirSync(modelPath);
const db = {};
// Attach model to db
files.forEach(fileName= > {
const modelName = fileName.slice(0.- 3);
db[modelName] = sequelize.import(path.resolve(modelPath, fileName));
module.exports = db;
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const db = require('./src/db');
async function init() {
const users = await db.users.findAll();
const blog = await;
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The execution result
Change idle (idle connection reclaim time)
Knowing the sequelize registry above, you can easily embed it in an existing NodeJS framework, mount it on context objects and access it anywhere.
Database operations
Operation method
Model operation method
Create a record and return the database record
public static create(values: Object.options: Object) :Promise<Model>
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SRC /db/model/users.js changes as follows
created_at: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: true.defaultValue: sequelize.fn('NOW') // Populate the default time to now
updated_at: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: true.defaultValue: sequelize.fn('NOW') // Populate the default time to now
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// App.js
const users = await db.users.create({
name: 'lxfriday'.age: 33});console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(users)));
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Returns the record after insertion
Options. timezone is set to +08:00 at the beginning of this article.
Create multiple records and return an array of objects, each of which is a record
public static bulkCreate(records: Array.options: Object) :Promise<Array<Model>>
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const users = await db.users.bulkCreate([
name: 'lxfriday1'.age: 111}, {name: 'lxfriday2'.age: 222}, {name: 'lxfriday3'.age: 338,}]);Copy the code
Search first, if not found, create according to the conditions
public static findOrCreate(options: Object) :Promise<Model, boolean>
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const users = await db.users.findOrCreate({
where: {
name: 'lxfridaysss'.age: 3399,}});const users2 = await db.users.findOrCreate({
where: {
name: 'lxfridaywww',},defaults: {
age: 3399,}});{name,age}
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When not found, where and Defaults are automatically merged as the new data source
Query all by condition
public static findAll(options: Object) :Promise<Array<Model>>
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Pay attention to the query criteria and query fields. The operators are exported from sequelize.op.
Query conditionsattributes
Array<string> | Object
Query fieldsattributes.include
Fields to be included, as directly givenattributes
The assignmentattributes.exclude
Fields not to includeorder
Array | fn | col | literal
Sorting,[['id', 'DESC'], 'age']
['age'.'DESC'].// ['id', 'ASC'],
'id'./ / same as above
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Limit the number of query entriesoffset
The offset
! []( w=548&h=501&f=png&s=62216)
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await db.users.findAll({
where: {
attr1: 42.attr2: 'cake'}})// WHERE attr1 = 42 AND attr2 = 'cake'
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const users = await db.users.findAll({
attributes: {
exclude: ['name']},where: {
name: {
[like]: '%lxfriday%',}},order: [['age'.'DESC'],
['id'.'ASC'].// 'id',]});Copy the code
Execute statements and results
const {gt, lte, ne, in: opIn} = Sequelize.Op;
await db.users.findAll({
where: {
attr1: {
[gt]: 50
attr2: {
[lte]: 45
attr3: {
[opIn]: [1.2.3]},attr4: {
[ne]: 5}}})// WHERE attr1 > 50 AND attr2 <= 45 AND attr3 IN (1,2,3) AND attr4 != 5
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const {or, and, gt, lt} = Sequelize.Op;
await db.users.findAll({
where: {
name: 'a project',
[or]: [
{id: [1.2.3]},
[and]: [
{id: {[gt]: 10}},
{id: {[lt]: 100}}]}});// WHERE `Model`.`name` = 'a project' AND (`Model`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3) OR (`Model`.`id` > 10 AND `Model`.`id` < 100));
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FindAll ({limit: 1,… }) version, see findAll for configuration
public static findOne(options: Object) :Promise<Model>
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public static findByPk(param: number | string | Buffer, options: Object) :Promise<Model>
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Query by primary key. The primary key can be any field and type, not just id
Blog_url is the primary key
Find and count the number of results
public static findAndCountAll(options: Object) :PromiseThe < {count: number, rows: Model[]}>
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Change the data
public static update(values: Object.options: Object) :Promise<Array<number, number>>
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Returns an array that takes the number of rows to be modified
Update or create a record if it does not exist
public static upsert(values: Object.options: Object) :Promise<boolean>
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public static destroy(options: Object) :Promise<number>
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public static count(options: Object) :Promise<number>
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Min, Max, sum
Field Indicates the field to be queried
public static min(field: string, options: Object) :Promise< * >Copy the code
Aggregation query
public static aggregate(attribute: string, aggregateFunction: string, options: Object) :Promise<DataTypes|Object>
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The operator
Export from sequelize.op,
const Op = Sequelize.Op
[Op.and]: {a: 5} // and (a = 5)
[Op.or]: [{a: 5}, {a: 6}] // (a = 5 or a = 6)
[]: 6.// id > 6
[Op.gte]: 6.// id >= 6
[]: 10.// id < 10
[Op.lte]: 10.// id <= 10
[]: 20.// id ! = 20
[Op.eq]: 3./ / = 3
[Op.not]: true./ / it isn't TRUE
[Op.between]: [6.10].// Between 6 and 10
[Op.notBetween]: [11.15].// Not between 11 and 15
[]: [1.2].// in [1, 2]
[Op.notIn]: [1.2].// Not in [1, 2]
[]: '%hat'./ / contains' % hat '
[Op.notLike]: '%hat' // does not contain '%hat'
[Op.iLike]: '%hat' // contains '%hat' (case insensitive) (PG only)
[Op.notILike]: '%hat' // does not contain '%hat' (PG only)
[Op.startsWith]: 'hat' / / similar 'hat %'
[Op.endsWith]: 'hat' Hat / / similar to the '%'
[Op.substring]: 'hat' / / like '% % hat'
[Op.regexp]: '^[h|a|t]' / / match the regular expression / ~ '^ t] [h | a |' (only MySQL/PG)
[Op.notRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]' // Does not match the regular expression /! ~ ' '^ t] [h | a |' (only MySQL/PG)
[Op.iRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]' / / ~ * '^ t] [h | a |' (PG) only
[Op.notIRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]' / /! ~ * '^ t] [h | a |' (PG) only
[]: { [Op.any]: ['cat'.'hat']} // include any array ['cat', 'hat'] - also applies to iLike and notLike
[Op.overlap]: [1.2] // && [1, 2] (PG array overlap operator)
[Op.contains]: [1.2] // @> [1, 2] (PG array contains operators)
[Op.contained]: [1.2] // <@ [1, 2] (PG array contained in operator)
[Op.any]: [2.3] // Any array [2, 3]::INTEGER (PG only)
[Op.col]: 'user.organization_id' // = 'user'.'organization_id', using the database language-specific column identifier, PG in this example
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AD time
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