Practice DevOps in the Age of Big data with MaxCompute Studio

Yin Lin
Alibaba Big Data — Player community
MaxCompute (ODPS)

Big data Warehouse Aliyun solution devOps data management MaxCompute

Abstract: Brief Introduction: Alibaba Cloud big data platform MaxCompute system provides developers with fully managed, PB-level data warehouse solutions. MaxCompute Studio is a new data integration development environment (IDE) launched by MaxCompute. For developers to provide data development debugging – command line tool integration – self-help job analysis and diagnosis of the comprehensive solution.

Brief Introduction: Alibaba Cloud big data platform MaxCompute system provides developers with fully managed, PB-level data warehouse solutions. MaxCompute Studio is a new data integration development environment (IDE) launched by MaxCompute. For developers to provide data development debugging – command line tool integration – self-help job analysis and diagnosis of the comprehensive solution. I will demonstrate the power and agility of the MaxCompute platform for data development and deployment through MaxCompute Studio’s intelligent code editing capabilities, data management and browsing capabilities, job visualization and self-diagnosis capabilities.

Audience benefit: Lead the audience to realize the basic scenarios of data warehouse construction and release, familiarize themselves with the functions and capabilities of MaxCompute platform through MaxCompute Studio tool, and understand the development ideas of big data DevOps in cloud computing environment.

Introduction of lecturer: Xue Ming, senior technical expert of Alibaba, the project leader of MaxCompute Studio, the integrated development environment of Alibaba’s Big data computing platform MaxCompute, is committed to improving the developer experience of data research and development in the era of big data.

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MaxCompute Studio

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