| preface
In the current situation where the big front end is getting more and more fierce, including the well-known QT, Facebook RN, Alibaba Weex, and the pursuit of Flutter and native +H5 hybrid development, everyone is trying to capture the bowl of cross-platform. With this trend, front-end developers are at a loss as to whether to follow everyone’s lead and learn cross-platform technologies, or to refine their current technologies and focus on one platform. Before learning various techniques, I also thought about spending time looking at source code, learning from other people’s mature frameworks, or spending time writing a high-performance framework!
Why learn Flutter?
Everyone is learning, everyone is catching up, and cross-platform is relatively more competitive than single platform, so if the current platform situation is not good, you can move to another platform! For smes, hiring a cross-platform person can save costs; For developers, if you don’t learn from others, if you don’t learn from others, how can you stay competitive? Before learning Flutter, I also used other cross-platform solutions such as RN. I considered whether to choose RN or Flutter. The final reasons for Flutter are as follows:
- Dart language development is efficient and similar to the Java language
- The underlying Flutter Widget is drawn based on Skia for powerful and smooth performance
- Routing design solves the pain point of navigation on the original development platform
- Mature systems and frameworks
- Fast compilation and hot loading (although Android uses modularity natively, compilation and packaging times after merging are really long)
Comparison with other cross-platform solutions:
My project
Project Preview (Gif) :
Project Preview (PNG) : Resources download:
- Github:github.com/jhflovehqy/…
- Boshi App download: www.pgyer.com/blog
- API address: www.wanandroid.com/blog/show/2
- Boshi App QR code download:
Project Introduction:
Boshi App is a technical blog consulting software, the project has login, registration, project, leaderboard, question feedback, square, question and answer, search, technical projects, collection, history, personal information, about, share and other modules.
- The project uses the Getx framework as a state management framework for more efficient routing management, responsive refresh widgets, and most importantly, context-free state sharing globally and across modules
- In line with the Material Design interface Design style, more bright colors, more obvious animation effect, especially in rounded corners, shadows, animation, color matching
- Language internationalization, using multiple languages, currently support simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English
- Request interface uses Dio for secondary encapsulation, one line of code to complete the interface request, and has Dialog animation display, request log printing, exception resolution, add request and other functions
- Complete package of pull-up refresh, pull-down load and other functions, and no manual management of paging, no repeated requests, can be automatically loaded, display different widgets in different states, see BaseGetPageController and Refresh Widgets for details
- Good annotation style, conform to annotation specification
- Directory level is clear, module division can be quickly found
- Based on Flutter2.0, air security is supported without subsequent upgrades
Why use Getx
Fish Redux?
Before using Flutter, I had only heard that Flutter was widely used by the Xianyu team. By turning on the display layout boundaries, I could see that Flutter was used in most pages of the Xianyu APP. When deciding to use Flutter for project development, the first choice was to use the Idle Fish Redux state management framework. After knowing how to use Fish Redux, its advantages and disadvantages, the template code generated by the plugin looks like this:
I think using Fish Redux is a drag on small to medium sized projects, and too much structural separation just makes the project harder to manage! And Fish Redux has not supported air safety since Flutter2 was released, so the stability is self-evident!
Providers use the observer mode to trigger Widget updates, which can effectively manage Widget state. However, providers are too dependent on context. Non-parent component state management issues need to be handled by sending event bus notifications or globally.
- MobX ?
MobX is also based on the observer model, which is easy to use and quick to use. Redux’s top-level state management is not difficult to divide and conquer, but MobX uses a lot of annotations and generates code at compile time, which can take a lot of time.
- Getx?
Getx is not well known among the many Flutter state management frameworks, but it was recognized immediately after becoming familiar with its use. In the process of getting to know it, it summarized its advantages as follows: (1) lightweight. Getx has a Binding layer and a Controller layer, and the transactions that each layer is responsible for are visible. (2) Dependency injection. Binding is responsible for dependency injection of the desired object, or you can use get.lazyput to inject the object at the point of use. (3) Routing navigation. Getx redefines the Naviation interface to use a simpler way to navigate and route back without using a context. (4) Easy to use, no invasion. After encapsulating the base class, you basically only need to inherit the base class, without nesting dolls at the top level. And start with simple, basically understand the use of relatively easy to get started. (5) Performance. Getx’s Binding layer (injection layer) binds the routing stack. When the current stack is destroyed, the injection layer automatically releases the object. There is no need to manually release the object. (6) Rich APIS. For example, if you open a Dialog, whether or not you are in the Widget layer, you can open a popover using the Get. Dialog without the context.
Third-party frameworks used
# rxdart https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/rxdart rxdart: ^0.27.1 #GetX state management framework https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/get get: 4.3.7 # toast fluttertoast https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/fluttertoast: # ^ 8.0.8 library network request https://github.com/flutterchina/dio dio: 4.0.0 # network connectivity testing https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/connectivity: https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/flutter_svg flutter_svg: 0.22.0 # Lottie animation https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/flutter_lottie Lottie: ^1.1.0 # SP key-value pair storage https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/shared_preferences shared_preferences: ^2.0.6 # WebView webview_flutter: ^2.0.12 # 0.8.3 + 3 # https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/url_launcher url_launcher: ^2.0.2 # pull-up refresh, pull_to_refresh: ^2.0.0 # load HTML tags flutter_html: ^2.1.2 # call https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/share share: ^2.0.4 # Save image to local https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/image_gallery_saver image_gallery_saver: # ^ 1.7.1 permissions application framework https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/permission_handler permission_handler: ^ 8.1.6Copy the code
The project structure
Technical support
- First of all, thanks to the WanAndroid public API provided by Hongyang, Boshi App uses most of the interface to improve the function!
- Because Chinese website
- Thanks to Denver’s Avimar’s Series of Articles on Flutter, I saw Getx in a glance in various state management frameworks
Though the APP when not very perfect, such as some details are in place, does not support a key theme changes, but it is definitely a quick open source project, this paper in packaging widgets and network request, status, also spent a lot of efforts to design, in terms of code comments, also added a lot of comments, dig a lot of pit. Learn from this project when developing a Flutter project, saving a lot of time! The future of the bo shi APP will be updated and maintained!