I’ve written a JSDoc-based document generator that supports powerful configurations to build your Markdown documents the same way WebPack builds WebApps

Because this tool is a tool I prepared to develop a development pipeline, which was designed for engineering purposes at the beginning of the design, the config file supports the introduction of preset, which makes it easy to maintain uniform configuration in the team

  • There are problems with markdow hash redirect support. If you want to jump through hyperlinks, you can go to the warehouse page to view the documents
  • NPM address
  • Warehouse group address, you can find some simple sample applications in this group project, easy to understand
  • Description of configuration file type definitions

Below is its own document generated by the document generator, which should be easy for those familiar with jSDoc-to-Markdown to understand

Unfortunately, MY narrative ability is not strong, can only directly dump the document 😭


Version: 1.0.14

General comments to Markdown document generator, which aims to support all types of files

Quick start

The installation

npm i -D @agds/cli-plugin-doc
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Command line use documentation

Usage: AGDS-doc [options] AGDS system doc Document generator options: <files... > jsdoc entry file glob format path description (need to be enclosed in quotes to avoid parsing failure), relative to CWD directory -o,--output <output> doc document render export file name path, Relative to the CWD directory -c,--config <config> Configuration file path. Relative to the CWD directory, only the JS file type is supported. (default: "Agds.doc.config. js") -t,--template <template> EjS render template relative to CWD path or absolute path -- CD,--codes-dir <codesDir> glob format path, The path to the corresponding folder of a specific example --cf,--codes-files <codesFiles... > glob format path, relative to codesDir code demo folder file path description --no-default Disallow default configuration, default configuration is relatively common, most cases do not need to disable, -v,--version Check the version number -h, --help Check the help information Note: Each path containing wildcards must be enclosed in quotation marks, otherwise it will be parsed in advance, resulting in unexpected errors. https://gitee.com/agile-development-system/cli-plugin-doc @ agds/[email protected] /Users/jinyang/code/ads/cli-plugin-doc/node_modules/@agds/cli-plugin-docCopy the code

The configuration file

The default is agds.doc.config.js in the current directory. The default configuration is automatically merged

You can specify the configuration file name using either the -c –config

command line argument or the Options. config of the Node API

You can use the –no-default command line argument or the Options. default=false of the Node API to disable the default configuration. The default configuration is relatively common and you do not need to disable it in most cases

The export type of the configuration file is 👉RenderOptions, which supports all RenderOptions. For details about helpers provided by the default template, see 👉 and 👉

Code demo

const GenDoc = require('@agds/cli-plugin-doc');
/** * render render@param {object} [options = {}] options *@param {boolean} [options.needDirError] Whether file path errors need to be triggered *@param {boolean} [options.noFiles] Whether to remove the files option *@param {boolean} [options.noDefault] Whether to cancel the default configuration *@param {boolean} [options.noCodes] Whether to remove cods-related configuration *@returns {import('.. /.. /src/index').RenderOptions}* /
module.exports = async ({ needDirError, noFiles, noDefault, noCodes } = {}) => {
    const [template, defaultConfig, cliUsages] = (await Promise.all([
        GenDoc.getFilesCode({ dir: './src/template'.files: [The '*'] }),
        GenDoc.getFilesCode({ dir: './src/utils'.files: ['config.js'] }),
    return {
        files: noFiles ? null : ['./src/**/*.js'],... (noCodes ? {}, {codesDir: needDirError ? './aaa' : './exa'.codesFiles: [The '*'],}).config: './agds.doc.conf.js'.default: !noDefault,
        jsdocEngineOptions: noDefault && {
            plugins: [
                require.resolve('jsdoc-tsimport-plugin')]},helpers: {
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const { expect, test } = require('@jest/globals');
const GenDoc = require('@agds/cli-plugin-doc');
const config = require('.. /__mock__/index');
const path = require('path');
test('GenDoc render'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.render(await config());
    expect(typeof res === 'string').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc render output & use agds.doc.config.js'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.render({
        output: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /.. /.temp/README.md')}); expect(typeof res === 'undefined').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc render no files'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.render(await config({ noFiles: true }));
    expect(typeof res === 'string').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc render no codes'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.render(await config({ noCodes: true }));
    expect(typeof res === 'string').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc render error'.async() = > {try {
        await GenDoc.render(await config({ needDirError: true }));
    } catch (error) {
        expect(error.message).toMatch('No directory was matched, please confirm input path'); }}); test('GenDoc getRenderData nodefault'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.getRenderData(await config({ noDefault: true }));
    expect(typeof res === 'object').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc getRenderData'.async() = > {const res = await GenDoc.getRenderData(await config(), false);
    expect(typeof res === 'object').toBe(true);

test('GenDoc getFileContent'.() = > {
    const res = GenDoc.getFileContent('./README.md');
    expect(typeof res === 'string').toBe(true);
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The API documentation


GenDoc’s powerful utility classes automatically generate documentation based on annotations and runnable sample code

The introduction of

const GenDoc = require('@agds/cli-plugin-doc');
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Properties: class

⇒ GenDoc. Render (options)Promise.<string>

Based on EJS, render documents with templates

Property: GenDoc static method return value: Promise.

– Asynchronously returns document text rendered based on EJS templates

parameter type describe
options RenderOptions Gets the data used to render the template

GenDoc. GetRenderData ⇒ (options, [needMergeConfig])Promise.<GetRenderDataResult>

Get the data used to render the template (contents of jsDoc generated documentation and sample code)

Property: GenDoc static method

parameter type The default value describe
options RenderOptions Configuration parameters
[needMergeConfig] boolean true Whether to call_mergeToDefaultConfigOptions are already processed by merge, so you do not need to call options. Otherwise, you are not recommended to pass in optionsfalseThe alias is not supported

⇒ GenDoc. GetFilesCode (options)Promise.<Array.<GetFilesCodeResult>>

Glob based file traversal function, returns an array of the corresponding contents of the file, returns the file content object by folder, key is the extname of the file

Property: GenDoc static method

parameter type describe
options GetFilesCodeOptions Gets the file path configuration parameter for the source code

⇒ GenDoc. GetCliUsages ()Promise.<Array.<string>>

The command line help documentation recommends making sure that the latest script function is used globally as an asynchronous function in advance, and that it is not passed in as an EJS helper function. Instead, you can get the return value and pass it in as a variable of helpers

Property: GenDoc static method

⇒ GenDoc. GetFileContent (filename)string

Reading file contents

Property: GenDoc static method

parameter type describe
filename string The file path relative to the running directory

GenDoc. RenderCode (codes, [extSort], [extTrans]) ⇒string

Render codes as MD snippets

Property: GenDoc static method

parameter type The default value describe
codes Array.<GetFilesCodeResult> GenDoc.getFilesCodeThe codes array obtained by the
[extSort] Array.<string> ['md', 'vue', 'jsx', 'js'] Take precedence and followextSortArray order obtains traversal codes
[extTrans] Object.<string, string> {vue:'html'} Simple example of mapping map for ext transformation{vue:'html'}

GetRenderDataResult : object

The return value of the gendoc. getRenderData function

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type describe
docs string The source code uses JSDoc rendered Markdown text
codes Array.<GetFilesCodeResult> Get the content of the code

RenderOptions : object

Configuration parameters for the render function

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type The default value describe
files Array.<string> jsdoc2mdOptions.filesThe alias
output fs.PathLike Doc Document rendering export file name path, relative to CWD directory
template string Ejs renders the template relative to the CWD path or absolute path
[codesDir] string codesOptions.dirThe alias
[codesFiles] Array.<string> codesOptions.codesFilesThe alias
[conifg] fs.PathLike agds.doc.config.js Path to the configuration file. The default path is in the running directoryagds.doc.config.js, only supportjsThe file type
[default] boolean Whether to merge the default configuration? Generally, we believe that you need the default configuration. If the default configuration conflicts with your requirements, you can set it tofalse
[jsdoc2mdOptions] Jsdoc2mdOptions JsdocToMarkdown Configuration parameter
[codesOptions] GetFilesCodeOptions Gets the file path configuration parameter for the source code
[jsdocEngineOptions] object The configuration of the JSDoc parsing engine is actuallyjsdoc.conf.jsIntegration can also be usedRenderOptions.jsdoc2mdOptions.configureField to specify local JSDOC configuration configuration options👉 Reference Documents
[helpers] DefaultHelpers Injected into ejS templateshelpersObject that provides helper functions and variables used by the template to work with the template
[presets] Array.<RenderOptions> Based on the Preset mechanism, the configuration is implemented to support preset features, specifically👉 Reference DocumentsPresetUtils.getDeepPresetMerge
[modify] module:@agds/node-utils~ConfigModify Set the default configuration and preset to the hook concrete to be processed again by the merged generated config👉 Reference Documents

GetFilesCodeResult : Object.<string, string>

Gets the return value type for the contents of the file. Key is the extname of the file

Nature: Type declaration

DefaultHelpers : Object

Helpers property supported by the default template

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type describe
[installCode] string Installation script, bash script, defaultnpm i ${pkg.name}If not, you can use this field to modify
[devInstall] boolean Is it downloaded as a development dependency,trueWhen, the default download code automatically splices NPM-Dparameter
[importCode] string Introduce code example, JS string
[exportCode] string Export code, js string
[cliUsages] Array.<string> The help document for cli command lines is similar in formatagds-doc -hOutput content of
[remark] string The value of md is a character string
[renderCode] renderCode willGenDoc.getFileCodesRender the return value of
[postfixes] Array.<Postfix> Suffix content array
[logo] string logo
[bradges] Array.<Badge> Logo array

Badge : Object

Logo objects

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type describe
url string Image links
[name] string Image name
[link] string Skip links

Postfix : Object

Postfix content type

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type describe
[id] string The name of the anchor point can be supported after filling inhref="#${id}"The anchor point positioning
[title] string Title of content
[desc] string Description of content
[content] string Body of content

GetFilesCodeOptions : object

Gets the file path configuration parameter for the source code

Nature: Type declaration


attribute type describe
dir string Glob path
files Array.<string> Glob array of file names

Jsdoc2mdOptions : object

JsdocToMarkdown configuration parameters. For details, see 👉

Nature: Type declaration

Default document rendering template

<% const {docs, codes, helpers, pkg} = locals %><% if(helpers.logo) { %><p align="center"> <img src="<%- helpers.logo %>" alt="logo"> </p> <% } if(pkg.name){ %># <%- pkg.name %><% } %><% if (helpers.badges && helpers.badges.length > 0) { %> <%- helpers.badges.map(item => { let badge = `! [${item.name}](${item.url})`; if (item.link) { badge = `[${badge}](${item.link})`; } return badge; }).join(' '); <% if(pkg.version){%> ** Version ** : <%- pkg.version %><% } %><% if(pkg.description){ %> <%- pkg.description %><% } %><% If (PKG. Name | | helpers. ImportCode | | helpers. ExportCode) {% > # # quickly start} < % % > < % if (PKG. Name) {% > # # # < % % > installation ` ` ` bash < % - helpers.installCode || 'npm i '+ (helpers.devInstall? '-D ' : ':') + PKG. Name % > < % % > ` ` `} < % % > < % if (helpers. ImportCode) introduced {% > # # # < % % > ` ` ` js < % - helpers. ImportCode % > < % % > ` ` ` < % } % > < % if (helpers. ExportCode) {% > # # # < % % > derived ` ` ` js < % - helpers. ExportCode % > < % % > ` ` `} < % % > < % If (helpers. CliUsages && helpers. CliUsages. Length) {% > # # # command USES the document < % helpers. CliUsages. ForEach (usage = > {% > < % % > ` ` ` < % - usage %> <% %>```<% }) %><% } %><% if(helpers.remark) { %> <%- helpers.remark %> <% } %><% if(codes&&codes.length) { %> # # code demo < % - helpers. RenderCode && helpers. RenderCode (codes) % > < %} % > < % if (docs) {% > # # API documentation - docs < % % > < %} % > < % If (helpers. Postfixes && helpers. Postfixes. Length) {/ / suffix content % > < % helpers. The postfixes. ForEach (postfix = > {% > < % if (postfix. Id)  { %> <a name="<%- postfix.id %>"></a><% } %><% if(postfix.title) { %> ## <%- postfix.title %> <% } %><% if(postfix.desc) { %> > <%- postfix.desc %> <% } %><% if(postfix.content) { %> <%- postfix.content %><% } }) } %>Copy the code

Default document rendering configuration

The current __dirname is @agds/cli-plugin-doc/lib/utils

const path = require('path');
const defaultTemplate = path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /template/template.ejs');
const renderCode = require('./renderCode');
const defaultConfig = {
    template: defaultTemplate,
    jsdoc2mdOptions: {
        // 'no-cache': true,
        partial: [path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /dmdRewrite/partials/*.hbs')].helper: [path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /dmdRewrite/helpers/*.js')].'heading-depth': 3,},// The default 'jsdocEngineOptions' configuration can only be added, but cannot be deleted.
    // However, noDefault can be configured to remove the default configuration
    jsdocEngineOptions: {
        plugins: [
            require.resolve('jsdoc-typeof-plugin')]},helpers: {

module.exports = defaultConfig;
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