Article | so-and-so rice \

Source: Python Technology “ID: pythonall”

The Spring Festival is coming, the red envelopes are likely to be rampant in the wechat groups, whether we are all the same do not grab the red envelopes they feel that they missed a hundred million, but will always be delayed by this matter and regret to miss, the following use Python to write an automatic grab red envelopes code \

Start the entrance

The configuration of the startup program is the same as the configuration of the public account article “using Python + Appium method to automatically clean up wechat zombie friends”

from appium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction
from import expected_conditions as EC

desired_capabilities = {
    'platformName''Android', # operating system'deviceName''2a254a02', # device ID'platformVersion''10.0.10', # Device version number, check in the phone Settings'appPackage''', # app package name'appActivity''', # app starts the main Activity'noReset'} driver = webdriver.remote ('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_capabilities)
# 设置等待超时时间
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 60)
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Click to enter the chat window

In wechat, the latest chat records are usually placed first, so you only need to open the first chat window to check whether there is a red envelope. You can find all the chat information with id com.tencent. Mm :id/e3x, and we take the index of the first chat group

Red_packet_group = driver.find_elements_by_id('') [0]
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Find a red envelope

After entering the chat group, check the red envelope picture to see if there is a red envelope. Its ID is com.tencent. Mm :id/ R2

Reds = driver. Find_elements_by_id ('')
if len(reds) == 0:
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Grab a red envelope

After clicking the red envelope, the following three things will happen

  1. The red envelope has been received by himself
  2. The red envelope was too slow to get it
  3. Red envelope not received

In the first two cases, the red envelope has expired, and in the last case, the red envelope can be opened

The red envelope has expired

In the above code is to use THE ID to check whether the element exists, here use to find the text has been deposited in change and slow to determine whether the red envelope has expired

Def is_element_exist_by_xpath(driver, text): try: driver.find_element_by_xpath(text) except Exception as e:return False
        returnIs_open = is_element_exist_by_xpath(driver,'/ / android. Widget. TextView [contains (@ text, "has been deposited in the change")]'Upon hearing = is_element_exist_by_xpath(driver,'/ / android. Widget. TextView [contains (@ text, "both the")]')

if is_open or is_grabbed:
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Open the red envelopes

Opening the red envelope is relatively easy, just need to find the id of the opening character

wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ""))).click()
wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ""))).click()
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To delete a red envelope

Finally, we will delete the red envelope to prevent the red envelope from being opened repeatedly. When long pressing the red envelope, wechat red envelope will appear delete button

wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ""))).click()
wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ""))).click()
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This is the third article about learning and using Appium. Appium can automate the operation of mobile phones.

PS: Reply “Python” within the public number to enter the Python novice learning exchange group, together with the 100-day plan!

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