1 Creating a sequence

Each table requires a separate sequence to be created

  • The purpose of the sequence is to quickly generate the snowflakeId. Each time the newly generated snowflakeId is saved in the sequence, it is then used to calculate the new snowflakeId.
  • The sequence is named seq_” table name “_id
drop sequence if exists seq_table_id;
create sequence if not exists seq_table_id 
as bigint
	increment 1
    minvalue 0	
	maxvalue 9223372036854775807
	start 0
	cache 1;
Reset sequence
select setval('seq_table_id'::regclass,0);
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2 Create the snowflakeId function

  • GenerateId depends on the sequence
  • GenerateId is a public function that takes the sequence of the table as the first argument and the machine number as the second argument (values range 0-1023)

2.1 Creating and generating the snowflakeId function (uninx timestamp)

  • Because the UNINX timestamp is used, it is used up to 2039-09-07 23:47:35.551+08
drop function if exists generateId(regclass,int);
create or replace function generateId(regclass,int)
    returns bigint
as $$
    --4095 =0x0000000000000FFF
    --4190208 =0x00000000003FF000
        (case when (sn>>22)=milliseconds and ((sn&4190208)>>12)=$2 then	
            setval($1,(milliseconds<<22)|($2<<12)|((sn&4095)))    Sn nextval already incremented by 1
    from (select nextval($1) as sn,(extract(epoch from clock_timestamp())*1000) : :bigint as milliseconds) as tmp;
$$ language sql;
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2.2 Creating and generating the snowflakeId function (time offset starts from 2021-01-01)

  • The time offset starts from 2021-01-01 and can be used up to 2090-09-07 15:47:35.551+08
drop function if exists generateIdOffset(regclass,int);
create or replace function generateIdOffset(regclass,int)
    returns bigint
as $$
	- 1609430400000 = 2021-01-01 00:00:00. 000000
    --4095 =0x0000000000000FFF
    --4190208 =0x00000000003FF000
        (case when (sn>>22)=milliseconds and ((sn&4190208)>>12)=$2 then	
            setval($1,(milliseconds<<22)|($2<<12)|((sn&4095)))    Sn nextval already incremented by 1
    from (select nextval($1) as sn,(extract(epoch from clock_timestamp())*1000) : :bigint- 1609430400000.  as milliseconds) as tmp;
$$ language sql;
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3 test

SnowflakeId generates about 90 bytes per millisecond

3.1 UnINx timestamp

    select generateId('public.seq_table_id'::regclass,1) as id from generate_series(1.10000))as tmp;
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3.2 The time offset starts from 2021-01-01

	id,1609430400000 +(id>>22),(id&4190208)>>12,id&4095
    select  generateIdOffset('public.seq_table_id'::regclass,1) as id from generate_series(1.10000))as tmp;
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