Translator: Icarus
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I’ve been using Sass for years, but recently I wanted to experiment with styles using PostCSS and its CSSNext plug-in. I love being able to use future CSS features now, which are much more comfortable than the tools I used before. My personal site is the best place to test new features.
The first step is to make a list of my Sass uses. I need to know which features I use and be sure that there are substitutes for new features in postCSS. Here are the features I’m using in this project:
Partial import
Placeholder classes
Darken and RGBA color functions
The preparatory work
I need to do some preparation after switching to the new grammar. The directory structure of the project is now typical for Sass. The moudules folder holds Sass files that do not directly produce CSS, such as variables, placeholder classes, and mixed macros. The PARTIals folder holds Sass files that compile CSS.
This is the initial file structure:
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Each Sass component is introduced in Tylergaw.scSS.
@import ""modules/setup"";
@import ""modules/reset"";
@import ""modules/fonts"";
Copy the code
I reorganized and renamed the file. I started by changing the suffix of all the files from SCSS to CSS. I used a Bash script to do this instead of changing them one by one.
`for f in *.scss; do git mv -- ""$f"" ""${f%.scss}.css""; done; `Copy the code
The underline is the convention of writing Sass so I left that out as well. I couldn’t use the Bash command to do it all at once, so I had to manually change each one.
The last step is to move all CSS files to the Modules folder and delete the partials folder. I think it’s easier to understand managing all CSS as modules than splitting them into moudules/partials.
Environment set up
I started with the PostCSS CLI and added a temporary build script command in package.json:
""scripts"": {
""postcss"": ""postcss -o public/css/tylergaw.css src/css/tylergaw.css""
Copy the code
I compiled CSS without changing any styles:
`npm run postcss`
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It works fine. There are no errors on the console, but there are no CSS styles on the page.
The build process is available, and now the task is to get the style back.
I see a lot of 404 messages in the Chrome console. This means that our first missing feature is the inline @import.tylergaw.css that introduces CSS modules via @import. The browser sees this and knows what it’s going to do. The browser loads each module via an HTTP request. My build process only copies a single CSS file, not each module. Because of this, browsers can’t find them.
I could change the build process to make the default @import work, but that would be inefficient. I need a Sass style inline @import substitute.
The first plug-in
The postCSs-import plugin can replace @import in Sass. After installing via NPM, I updated the build script code:
""scripts"": {
""postcss"": ""postcss -u postcss-import -o public/css/tylergaw.css src/css/tylergaw.css""
Copy the code
Run againnpm run postcss
A single CSS file contains all modules. The page now shows some of the styles.
Is this the future of CSS?
The @import feature in Sass that shows inline style is very powerful. It allows us to organize better. I’m not sure if this feature will be supported natively in the future. When we use this feature, we always need to compile in one step, which doesn’t look bad.
I think the PostCSs-import plugin will become a major configuration for my PostCSS, and for everyone else as well. The author of the plugin is quoted below:
This plugin should probably be used as the first plugin of your list. This way, other plugins will work on the AST as if there were only a single file to process, and will probably work as you can expect.
[postcss-import]( Copy the code
Cssnext is a plug-in in PostCSS for compiling future CSS features into features supported today. In particular, it is not a different language from Sass or Less. It provides features of the ongoing CSS specification. Some features are already supported by browsers. Others are still in the initial stages of specification.
I used CSSNext to fill the gap left by the lost Sass features.
Browser private prefix
I learned about Autoprefixer before building this site. I used custom Sass blend macros to solve the problem of adding the required prefixes. Cssnext included Autoprefixer so I could remove the whole blend macros module.
Next I change the Sass variable to a CSS custom property. For example, in _setup. SCSS, I write:
$grey: #1e1e1d;
$yellow: #ffad15;
$offwhite: #f8f8f8;
$darkerwhite: darken($offwhite, 15);
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These are not all of the Sass variables I use, but they are the main ones. The rest is in separate modules.
Note: The difference between custom attributes and variables. CSS custom properties are only valid for property values and cannot be used for selectors, property names, or media queries.
The new setup. CSS:
:root { --white: #fff; --grey: #1e1e1d; --yellow: #ffad15; --offwhite: #f8f8f8; . }Copy the code
The following is an example:
a {
color: var(--yellow);
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Except for the syntax,CSS custom properties and Sass variables work the same way. Custom property values still need to be compiled due to browser support limitations. In the example above, the compiled value is color: #ffad15.
The color function
In the previous example, I left out a variable :$darkerwhite: darken($offwhite, 15); This is another Sass feature I need to find an alternative to. Here is a draft specification that provides CSS color functions. cSSNEx now includes these functions, which is pretty cool. Below is setup.css, where the DarkerWhite custom property is implemented through the color function and shadow modifier.
:root { ... --offwhite: #f8f8f8; --darkerwhite: color(var(--offwhite) shade(20%)); . }Copy the code
Color functions provide many modifiers. You can use more than one modifier in a function:
`background-color: color(#d32c3f shade(40%) alpha(40%)); `Copy the code
The compiled result is:
'BACKground-color: rgba(127, 26, 38, 0.4); `Copy the code
Again, cSSNext now compiles color() to a hexadecimal or RGBA color value. When the color function is supported by the browser, the compilation process is unnecessary. Color manipulation can occur at run time.
Nesting is an indispensable feature of CSS preprocessors. The essentials for any comfortable styling tool. Tab Atkins has a specification in progress for CSS nesting, and CSSNext makes it a reality.
The nested syntax of CSS contains an & that precedes the inner layer, as shown in the following sASS fragment:
.projects-list { ... li { & > div {... } } a { ... &:hover, &:focus {... } &::after {... } } @media (min-width: 640px) {... }}Copy the code
For CSS nesting, I changed it to the following form:
.projects-list { ... & li { & > div {... } } & a { ... &:hover, &:focus {... } &::after {... } } @media (min-width: 640px) {... }}Copy the code
Basic nesting requires prefacing &. Pseudo-classes and selectors that are the same in Sass and CSS. Media queries do not require a front &.
Also of note is @nest. As mentioned in the documentation, complex nesting may require the introduction of @nest instead of &. I haven’t used this project yet, but maybe I will.
Extension and placeholder classes
@extend and placeholder classes in Sass are two features I use a lot. Here is an example of the Futura header style:
%futura { font-family: 'futura-pt', helvetica, sans-serif; } %futura-heading { @extend %futura; font-weight: 700; The line - height: 1.1; text-transform: uppercase; }Copy the code
Here’s a use case:
.my-heading {
@extend %futura-heading;
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I’ve seen CSS custom properties before. There is an ongoing specification of the @apply rule associated with this. @apply allows you to store a list of attributes and reference them in the selector. I use @apply instead of Sass extend.
Going back to setup.css, I updated the Futura header properties:
:root { ... --franklin: { font-family: 'futura-pt', helvetica, sans-serif; }; --franklin-heading: { @apply --franklin; font-weight: 700; The line - height: 1.1; text-transform: uppercase; }; }Copy the code
Here’s an example:
.my-heading {
@apply --franklin-heading;
Copy the code
@apply is not inheritance. In current CSSNext,@apply copies attributes and values directly into each rule. It’s a small project so no problem. But in large projects, this can lead to style redundancy and a very bloated project. In this case it is best to use the generic class name for similar situations.
Now my website looks the same as before. The project page is an exception. Each of its tile areas has a different color. Next I’ll explain how to write styles correctly and efficiently without Sass.
Mixed macros with arguments
I use Sass’s hybrid macros to make it easier to style projects. This blending macro takes a parameter of tile color. Here are the mixed macros for this project-block.
@mixin project-block ($c) { background-color: $c; a { color: $c; &:hover { background-color: $c; color: $offwhite); }}}Copy the code
Here is an example:
.p-jribbble {
@include project-block(#ff0066);
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As of this writing, I haven’t found a feature in CSS that simulates this functionality. A custom property with @apply is not a function, so we cannot pass arguments to it. In the future, custom selectors may allow the use of parameters. There is a complex example in the draft specification that looks promising. But I admit I still don’t fully understand how it works.
It doesn’t mean I’m unlucky. I’ve been writing CSS longer than Sass, but not for long. I also used another spec feature in progress, the Matches selector.
Here is an example of a CSS substitution for a project-block hybrid macro:
.p-jribbble, .p-jribbble a:matches(:hover, :focus) { background-color: var(--color-jrb); & a { color: var(--color-jrb); }}Copy the code
The color variable is defined earlier in the file :root scope. Cssnext compiles the above CSS as:
.p-jribbble a:hover,
.p-jribbble a:focus {
background-color: #ff0066
.p-jribbble a,
.p-jribbble a:hover a,
.p-jribbble a:focus a {
color: #ff0066;
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The last two selectors… A. a: hover and… A A: Focus does not match any element. They are not necessary. But they have no impact other than taking up a few bits of space. For code readability, I prefer nesting of a selectors.
More PostCSS features
In order for styles to return sequentially, I decided to utilize more PostCSS plug-ins. I use CSS MQpacker to merge media queries using the same query criteria. I also use CSSNano to optimize the code.
That’s why I’m looking forward to using PostCSS. With Sass I feel stuck in the current features. But because PostCSS is essentially a collection of plug-ins at work, it’s much more extensible. If I have special needs, I can write a plug-in myself. The potential is exciting.
I compromise
After working with the new tool for a few days, I was all in. Moving from Sass to the new CSS syntax was easy, and it was after five or six years of writing every project in Sass.
I like this shift in thinking: CssNext handles CSS much like Babel does Javascript. They all allow you to write code using future features.