I started learning PostCSS two years ago, but I’ve been using it in development for less than a year. The reason for not using PostCSS is that there are too many plug-ins and the learning cost is too high. However, PostCSS is still very convenient to use in development. Features such as auto-complete browser prefixes save a lot of time and focus on code logic, which makes development a lot easier.
What is PostCSS
PostCSS is a tool for converting CSS code with JavaScript tools and plug-ins.
- PostCSS is a plug-in architecture that handles CSS;
- CSS can be transformed and manipulated in a variety of ways;
- The tedious and complex work to the procedures to deal with;
- Free up the developers.
How to use PostCSS
- PostCSS is generally not used on its own, but integrated with existing build tools;
- PostCSS integrates with major build tools such as Webpack, Grunt, and Gulp.
- After the integration is complete, select the PostCSS plug-in that meets the function requirements and configure it.
PostCSS common plug-ins
PostCSS has a large number of plug-ins. You can select different plug-ins based on actual scenarios.
What plug-ins PostCSS has
- Plug-in query address:
- List of commonly used plug-ins:…
PostCSS plug-in list
- Autoprefixer: Automatic completion of browser private prefixes
- Precss: CSS preprocessing (integrating Sass, LESS or Stylus functions, with basically the same syntax as Sass)
- Postcss-import: Use @import to consolidate multiple CSS files
- Css-mqpacker: Merges the same CSS media query rules into one
- Cssnano: compresses the CSS file
- Postcss-color-rgba-fallback: Create downgrade scheme for RGBA colors (add alternate colors)
- Postcss-opacity: provides animation-function degradation (adding filter properties to IE)
- Node-pixrem: Lets IE8 support REM units
- postcss-pseudoelements: will pseudo element
: :
(IE8 is not supported: :
PostCSS syntax description
The following focuses on the syntax of precss, which includes Autoprefixer and PostCSS-PRESET – Env.
Autoprefixer plug-in syntax
Autoprefixer: Automatic completion of browser private prefixes. See CanIUse for browser prefixes.
/* Source code */
transform: scale(1);
animation: ani 1s linear;
Copy the code
/* Compiled code */
-webkit-animation:ani 1s linear;
animation:ani 1s linear;
Copy the code
Postcss-preset – Env syntax introduction
Postcss-preset -env: Supports modern CSS syntax.
Resets all attributes of the label
/* Source code */ a{ all: initial; } Copy the code
A {-webkit-animation:none 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running; -webkit-backface-visibility:visible; -o-border-image:none; ... }Copy the code
Unify the styles of anchor point states
/* Source code */ a:any-link{ background-color: yellow; } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ a:-webkit-any-link{ background-color:#ff0; } a:-moz-any-link{ background-color:#ff0; } a:link.a:visited{ background-color:#ff0; } Copy the code
Custom media query
/* Source code */ @custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em); @media (--narrow-window) { } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ @media (max-width: 30em) {}Copy the code
Custom constant
/* Source code */ :root{ --some-length: 32px; } p{ height: var(--some-length); width: var(--some-length); } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ :root{ --some-length:32px; } p{ height:32px; height:var(--some-length); width:32px; width:var(--some-length); } Copy the code
Custom selectors
/* Source code */ @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6; :--heading { margin-block: 0; } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ h1.h2.h3.h4.h5.h6{ margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; } Copy the code
Support for nested rules
/* source code */ article{&p{color: #333; }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ article p { color: # 333; } Copy the code
The over fl ow shorthand
/* Source code */ html{ overflow: hidden auto; } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ html{ overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; overflow:hidden auto; } Copy the code
Precss plugin syntax introduction
Precss supports SASS like syntax and supports future syntax, including the PostCSS-PRESET -env component.
- Nesting can be used
To copy the parent selector into the child selector/* source code */ article {margin-top: 20px; &p{ color: #333; }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ article{ margin-top:20px; } article p{ color:# 333; } Copy the code
- use
Character declaration variable$text_color: #232323; $border_comn: 1px solid red; body{ color: $text_color; border: $border_comn; }Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ body{ color:# 232323; border:1px solid red; } Copy the code
- with
To control the cycle$column_layout: 2; .column{ @if $column_layout == 2{ width: 50%; float: left; }@else{ width: 100%; }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .column{ width:50%; float:left; } Copy the code
- with
To cycle- @for loop: use a counter variable to set the period of the loop
/* source code */ @for $I from 1 to 5{p:nth-of-type($I){margin-left: calc(100% / $I); }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ p:first-of-type{ margin-left:100%; } p:nth-of-type(2){ margin-left:50%; } p:nth-of-type(3){ margin-left:33.33333%; } p:nth-of-type(4){ margin-left:25%; } p:nth-of-type(5){ margin-left:20%; } Copy the code
$count from 1 to 5 by 2 {. Col -$count {width: $count%; }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .col-1{ width:1%; } .col-3{ width:3%; } .col-5{ width:5%; } Copy the code
- @each loop: The cycle is a list of columns, not numbers
/* Source code */ $social: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube; @each $icon in ($social){ .icon-$(icon){ background: url('img/$(icon).png'); }}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .icon-twitter{ background:url(img/twitter.png); } .icon-facebook{ background:url(img/facebook.png); } .icon-youtube{ background:url(img/youtube.png); } Copy the code
- @for loop: use a counter variable to set the period of the loop
- Mixin creates CSS template functions
- through
@mixin mixin_name($arg1, $arg2) {... }
To declare - use
@include mixin_name($arg1, $arg2)
To invoke the/* source code */ @mixin fadeing-text ($color: #242424, $font: 4em) {color: $color; font-size: $font-size; } h1, h2, h3 { @include heading-text; } .some-heading-component>:first-child{ @include heading-text(#111111, 6em); }Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ h1.h2.h3{ color:# 242424; font-size:4em; } .some-heading-component>:first-child{ color:# 111; font-size:6em; } Copy the code
- through
- Create a CSS template using @extend
/* source code */ % thick-dotted {border: thick dotted; } .modal { @extend %thick-border; color: red; }Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .modal{ border:thick dotted red;color:red; } Copy the code
- @at-root Generates code to the root
/* source code */. Parent {font-size: 20px; @at-root{ .child { font-size: 25px; }}}Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .child{ font-size:25px; } .parent{ font-size:20px; } Copy the code
- Directly reference the value of the CSS property, such as @color
/* Source code */ .Test { margin-left: 20px; margin-right: @margin-left; color: red; background: @color url('test.png'); line-height: 1.5; font-size: @(line-height)em; } Copy the code
/* Compiled code */ .Test{ margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; color:red; background:red url(test.png); line-height:1.5; font-size:1.5 em; } Copy the code
Customize PostCSS components
The basic composition of a PostCSS plugin is as follows:
var postcss = require('postcss');
module.exports = postcss.plugin('PLUGIN_NAME'.function (opts) {
opts = opts || {};
// Pass in the configuration related code
return function (root, result) {
// Convert the CSS function code
Copy the code
Then, according to different requirements, we will decide whether to introduce third-party modules and whether to have additional configuration items. Finally, we will write the most core conversion code function in the anonymous function including root and result.
- Root (CSS) : is also the entire CSS code section, containing multiple rules;
- Rule: contains a CSS class-wide code segment;
- Nodes: represents the multiple DECL parts in the middle of {} in the rule;
- Decl: single-line CSS, that is, sections with properties and values;
- Prop Value: key value pairs