Project background

The application entrance of partial background management system or integration platform often needs personalized display in the application entrance. From the perspective of users, supporting personalized customization can effectively improve users’ happiness, improve the use or work efficiency; From the perspective of product providers, the ability to provide personalized customization services is also a way to improve product strength.

How to provide personalized customization capabilities

  • Custom development (also known as secondary development, which has long been criticized by developers)
    • Excellent: Quick response to individual needs
    • Bad:
      • Development cost is high, show oneself product force is limited
      • Risk in source control
  • Open configuration
    • Advantages: no need for secondary development, cost saving
    • Bad:
      • Configuration items are difficult to abstract, and granularity is difficult to master. Some configuration items cannot cover requirements
      • Do everything then do nothing.

The solution

Is there a way to respond quickly to individual needs while keeping development costs under control? Two words are thrown out here: visual build and Low Code.

  • Visual construction: through the specified configuration platform, drag page module, process visualization, output personalized page or module.
  • Low Code: Developers can quickly meet individual needs with a small amount of Code or No Code and apply coding results to configuration.

In fact, these two concepts than is not a new word, far in Dreamwaver era has a shadow (atavistic phenomenon? And Low Code solution is difficult to leave the visual construction, complementary to each other. In the portal “thousand faces” requirements, the above solution is adopted.

The target audience

Who is this program for? How are responsibilities divided?

Visual construction Development of Coding
The audience Technical Support/Project Manager /… Baseline developer/project developer
Duties and responsibilities Drag and drop pages/personalization Rapid module development/custom development

Portal practices

In practice, the portal uses: the whole page is divided into various modules (parts), just like building blocks, through different permutations and combinations, layout, build personalized pages.

Widget – The smallest unit of visual construction

Widgets are essentially “building blocks” in this scheme that can be flexibly placed or personalized.

When we think about how to split up the entire page, we naturally find that the idea of front-end componentization coincides with it. Any split module unit has its own view HTML, interactive logic JavaScript, style CSS. One of the most basic components is HTML/Javascript/CSS, plus some static resources (such as images/language files /…) .

Of course, we want this component to have the following features:

  • Indie development: Developers can do Coding development outside of the host environment (portal)
  • Independent deployment: it can be deployed anywhere and loaded as long as the component resources can be accessed through the address
  • Dynamic loading: load when you need it, not when you don’t.

How to implement

Modern front-end frameworks (React/Vue/Angular) can basically do componentized development, but the ideal solution is framework free. Considering the development cost, the components of the portal adopt vue.js dynamic component scheme combined with the internal front-end unified technology stack. That is, a Component is an SFC Single File Component. Through Webpack modular packaging tool, the source code of the Component is packaged and a resource package is output. In the host environment, the component resource address is obtained through the interface, the string is dynamically parsed and executed, and then dynamically loaded in the way of Vue dynamic components (is attribute of < Component >).

<component v-bind:is="widgetActiveComponent"></component>
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Visual construction layout design

The current portal uses the XY coordinate system as the front page layout rule. As shown, the vertex coordinates in the upper left corner of the part container serve as the part anchor point.

PS: We actually considered grid layouts here, but each has its pros and cons. Coordinate layout is more granular, suitable for more personalized scenes. However, grid layout construction cost is low and efficiency is high. Finally, we added “grid adsorption” to optimize the experience of coordinate layout. I can provide this $100 million code for free if necessary.

Overall program flow

As shown in the figure below, it abstracts from the page module, builds deployment through packaging, and eventually loads the render to form a closed loop. 🙂


Personalized portal requirements are achieved through part drag and drop configuration (visual scaffolding) and Low Code development (rapid development of parts with provided scaffolding, independent development, independent deployment, dynamic loading).

Technology precipitation – Visual scaffolding

This piece of implementation in the portal is not difficult, in cumbersome. Make a list of possible potholes.

1. Drag inside the canvas

The difficulty here, in addition to considering the original onmousedown onmousemove/onmouseup mouse events, such as stop event bubbling, and some boundary problem, especially the mouse in the case of different canvas scaling drift phenomenon. All of these are mentioned in the pseudocode below.

<div class="dragItemBox"> <div class="dragCover" @mousemove="drag($event)" @click.stop></div> </div> <script> Document. onmousemove = e => {document.onmousemove = e => {document.onmousemove = e => {document.onmousemove = e => { Document.onmouseup = e => {// Assign coordinate difference to target element, Document. onmouseup = e => {// Press the button to reset the event state}}} </script>Copy the code

2. Drag resize inside the canvas

And when resizing parts, the logic for each of the eight anchors needs to be rigorously abstracted. I’ll give you an example.

Parts arewidth/height/top/leftThe four layout properties look first at anchor point 1 and anchor point 8 when draggedAnchor point 8What has changed is thatwidth/heightTwo properties while draggingAnchor point 1“But what has changed isWidth /height/top/left, so the logic of each anchor point is different, how to abstract, how to encapsulate, see their own play, here to pay special attention to, otherwise there will be all kinds of puzzlingDrift problem.

3. Pure CSS to achieve dotted line grid

Not a dotted line, not a dotted line, but a dotted line. I came up with the name myself. Look at the picture below. It’s bigger at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines than at the rest of them! ~~ see this visual draft, almost took out the table under 40 meters of the machete. ~~ here is not dead, why not use pictures? Considering the size and color of the squares, it should only be implemented using pure CSS. If you are interested, you can try to implement it yourself. The code here, really, I wouldn’t sell it for $500 🙁

CSS apis involved:

  • Linear-gradient () : linear gradient
  • Radial gradient() : radial gradient
  • The background-size property specifies the size of the background image.
  • The background-position property sets the starting position of the background image.

Realize the decomposition

  • Step 1 stripe
  • Step.2 Solid grid
  • Step.3 Dotted grid
  • Step.4 Grid of dotted lines

Here is the DOM structure and pre-styling for the following legend.

.bg {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: black;
.basegrid {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
<div class="bg">
  <div class="grid basegrid"></div>
Copy the code
  1. Step.1First use oflinear-gradient()Draw stripes. Note: The boundary is obvious (Normally, linear-gradient will produce a gradient effect, but the fringe here needs to have a clear boundary, so the gradient before the gradient after the gradient position, please refer to the detailsThis article)

  1. Step.2 mesh can be understood as a combination of horizontal and vertical stripes. Important: Background-image can be set to multiple gradient overlay, horizontal and vertical stripes can be respectively post-overlay.

Problem of the thickness of grid lines: The difference between background-size and Linear-gradient gradient can be controlled to control the thickness of grid lines.

  1. The Step.3 dashed line implementation can continue to overlay the stripes that match the background color to overlay. You can overlay two gradients (horizontal and vertical stripes).

What I’m thinking here is that you can use diagonal stripes to implement dashed lines, saving a gradient overlay.

  1. Step.4 Dotted grid has been implemented, so what about dotted grid? Break up! Split into a lattice and a dotted grid, so that they overlap. The radial gradient() is used for the dot matrix.

Add both, Finally!

Low Code practice

Low Code and the micro front end will be introduced below, and the landing scheme of portal components will be inserted in the process (with * before the title). From the results, low-code is the result. All roads lead to Rome, but there are always some key points, such as visual construction and module isolation mentioned above. The micro – front – end provides some useful solutions in module isolation. Complementary, technology is born to solve specific problems.

Low – Code are introduced

A low-code development platform (LCDP) is software that provides a development environment used to create application software through graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional hand-coded computer programming. A low-code model enables developers of varied experience levels to create applications using a visual user interface in combination with model-driven logic.

In a nutshell, the key elements of a low-code platform are model-driven design, automatic code generation, and visual programming.


From the earliest modular construction to solve the problems in the field of marketing activities, to the present, low-code can solve the internal complex business needs of the middle and background, which is suitable for both c-side user’s product operation and B-side user’s data management needs.

Core competence

  • Build and access basic materials
    • Customize component access
    • Custom Components
  • Layout ability: page layout/logical layout
    • Real-time visualization
    • Multiterminal adaptation
    • Multi-scene adaptation
  • Pro-code and low-code code-switching capabilities
    • Ability to redevelop output programming artifacts
  • Cooperation ability
  • Data analysis capability

This principle

  • 80% of business scenarios are covered by low-code platform
  • 20% of capabilities are customized with Pro-code

Intersection with a micro front end

Why the micro front end? Because in the micro-front-end architecture, front-end applications can be independently run, independently developed, and independently deployed. It coincides with the component solution of portal. Of course, we also refer to micro-front-end frameworks such as Single-SPA and Qiankun in module isolation solution.

Microfront-end solution

The micro-front-end architecture is similar to the micro-service architecture. It applies the concept of micro-service to the browser side, that is, the Web application is transformed from a single single application to multiple small front-end applications.

way Development costs Maintenance costs The feasibility of Same framework requirements To realize the difficulty
Routing distribution low low high no u
iFrame low low high no u
Apply microservitization high low In the no U u u u
Micro parts, high In the low is U u u u u
The application of the In the In the high is U u u
Pure Web Components high low high no End to end
Combining with the Web Components high low high no End to end

Microcomponentization – combined integration

There are several ways to integrate front-end components (or applications) :

  1. Build components and applications independently, generate chunk files, and merge them using scripts after building.
  2. During development, components or applications are developed independently, while during integration, components and applications are combined, and finally a single application is generated.
  3. At Runtime, the application Runtime is loaded, followed by the corresponding application code and templates.

* Portal component composition integration solution

The component integration scheme of portal is similar to method 2 and 3. Components are independently developed based on scaffolding tools, and static results are output after packaging and construction. Vue components can be dynamically loaded in the host environment according to static resource paths. If you think of the home page as an application, then the integration of component artifacts into the entire theme through the entire export of the home page theme package is very close to the method 2 mentioned above.

The module separation

When multiple modules (parts) are integrated on the same page, consideration must be given to module isolation, both from the host environment and between submodules.

Problems that may result

  • The sub-module may modify the logic of the host environment, thus affecting the operation of the whole system, XSS security issues;
  • Sub-modules can be accessed and modified each other, making it difficult to locate problems.
  • Style contamination between modules;

Application integration

In the application integration of micro-front-end, the runtime loading of sub-applications must be considered in order to achieve independent application deployment and decoupling from technology stack.

App Entry instructions advantages disadvantages
JS Entry The child application types the resources into an entry script, and packages all the resources of the child application into a JS bundler. Main and sub-apps are built together to facilitate Bundler optimization. 2. Static resources of the sub-application need to be bundler, which results in low loading efficiency
HTML Entry The main frame can fetch the static resources of the child application by way of HTML, and at the same time, the HTML document is stuffed into the container of the main frame as a child node. Independent development of sub-applications, independent deployment and release; 2. Bundler is difficult to build and optimize, such as common dependency extraction

Js isolation

The JavaScript sandbox
The core of the sandbox mechanism is to keep the local JavaScript runtime's access to and modification of external objects under control, meaning that no matter what happens inside, it doesn't affect external objects. The 'VM' module is usually used on the Node.js side, but for the browser, the 'with' keyword and the 'window.proxy' object are combined to implement the browser side sandbox. Here's a simple implementation:Copy the code
function sandbox(code) {
    code = 'with (sandbox) {' + code + '} ';
    const fn = new Function('sandbox', code);
    return (sandbox) = > {
        const proxy = new Proxy(sandbox, {
            has(target, key) {
                return true;
            get(target, key, receiver) {
                if (key === Symbol.unscopables) {
                    return undefined; }}});returnfn(proxy); }}let str = 'let a = 10; console.log(a)'
Copy the code
Web Worker

See the article for an overview of Web Workers and JavaScript sandboxes

The form of Web Worker child threads is also a natural sandbox isolation. Referring to browser-VM ideas, the Webpack plug-in wraps a layer of code to create Worker objects for each sub-application at the compilation stage, so that the sub-application can run in its corresponding single Worker instance, for example:

__WRAP_WORKER__('/* Package code */}');

function __WRAP_WORKER__(appCode) {
    var blob = new Blob([appCode]);
    var appWorker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
Copy the code

But there are several drawbacks:

  • Does not supportDOMOperation, must passpostMessageNotify the UI main thread to implement
  • Don’t have access towindow,documentBrowser global object
  • Page global variables and functions cannot be accessed or calledalert,confirmEtc.BOM API

Module Federation – Webpack 5

Webpackage 5-Module Federation is defined as multiple independent builds that form an application. These independent builds do not depend on each other, so they can be developed and deployed separately. This is often referred to as a microfront-end, but it’s not limited to that.

In fact, MF is based on modules, which are essentially JS code fragments, aka chunks. In order to solve the dependency problem, the implementation of Webpack5 is to rewrite the webpack_require. E of loading chunk, so as to preload the dependency. To solve the sharing problem of modules, global variables are used to hook. But there are pros and cons:

  • Advantages: It is loaded at runtime, and shared code does not need to be manually packaged and built
  • Disadvantages: May affect page runtime performance; Module versioning needs to be considered; The renovation cost of old projects is large;

CSS isolation

When the main application and sub-application render on the same screen, there may be some styles that pollute each other. If you want to completely isolate CSS pollution, you can use **CSS Module** or ** namespace ** to give each sub-application Module a specific prefix to ensure that they do not interfere with each other. You can use the PostCSS plug-in for WebPack to add a specific prefix ** when packaging. For the CSS isolation between sub-applications and sub-applications, dynamic loading is adopted, that is, when each sub-application is loaded, all the 'link' and 'style' content of the application is marked, and after the application is unloaded, the corresponding 'link' and 'style' on the uninstall page can be synchronized. Another recommended method is **shadow DOM**, which is a way to isolate CSS completely. Can apply child wrapped in Shadow DOM node, just need to [shadowRoot] ( API is set to true. However, there are some problems **, such as CSS isolation for Shadow DOM and DOM event bubblings terminating at the Shadow DOM parent node, which can cause some UI component libraries to display exceptions inside the child application.Copy the code

* Portal component module isolation solution

The simple description of using vUE component isolation, including style scoped, component instance isolation, is not a particularly complete consideration.

As the portal excludes common dependencies such as UI component library and vue.js from the component scaffolding (webpack externals), all components use the same UI component library. On the one hand, in order to control the development cost and specification, on the other hand, the logic of components is simplified as much as possible, and the logic function of each component is as single as possible.

However, the submodule has reference permissions that the host environment depends on and does not meet the isolation requirements. In addition, the submodule shares a window object with the host environment, which gives it more room to play, but opens it up because there are real needs, such as the submodule’s need to access variables in the host environment (userName for portal login? , etc.). < Component :prop=”widget.option”… < Component :prop=”widget.option”… />, where possible, to restrict access to the host within a widget by means of specifications, lint, etc.

CSS styling is relatively simple, using the vue component

to generate a unique data value for the component. If you want to change the style of the host UI component library, you can use :: V-deep style penetration to set it so that it does not affect the UI component style of other modules.

Communication module

For separated modules, the communication mechanism of message subscription (PUB/SUB) mode is very suitable. The base application defines the Event center, and each micro-application registers the Event separately. When the Event is triggered, it is uniformly distributed by the Event center, which constitutes the basic communication mechanism.A flux-based state manager, Redux/Vuex, can be introduced so that each sub-application maintains its own store.

Qiankun interapplication communication scheme

The communication mode between applications officially provided by Qiankun — Actions communication, as shown in the figure below, registered observers to qiankun firstObserver poolYou can then modify globalState to trigger all observer functions to communicate between components.

* Portal component communication

The components of the portal are based on vue. js components, so the communication mechanism also depends on the communication mechanism of Vue components, that is, the host environment this.$root.$widgetEventBus empty Vue instance is used as the message bus, and events are sent and monitored between components through $emit/$ON.


The portal portal application are introduced in the visual structures and Low Code of practice, also introduced the micro front-end related content in the community, standing on the shoulders of giants, will see the portal based on Vue component implementation of components are still exist many places can be improved, such as isolation, integration capabilities, runtime loading performance, etc. Of course, all the options need to be combined with the actual scene and actual needs, comprehensive consideration, balance the advantages and disadvantages, no silver bullet!


  • Low-code_development_platform
  • “Visual Build System” — from design to architecture, explore the front-end technology and business value
  • Big front-end technology trends in 2020
  • How is low-code different from Dreamweaver 20 years ago?
  • Six or seven ways to implement front-end microservitization – Phodal
  • An insight into Web workers and JavaScript sandboxes
  • Probably the most complete microfront-end solution you’ve ever seen​