“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Another year has passed in a hurry, perhaps because of the storm, and the year has been particularly long. I’m not a good writer, so I’ve never had a published year-end review. But things have changed so much in the last year that it’s worth writing an annual note to prove I’ve been there.

From 2020 to 2021, I accomplished several goals and experienced several major events, marking a significant milestone in my life.

Boost + One Stack

I vaguely remember that I joined this team in 2019. When I first joined this team, everyone was full of insecurity. The team had just gone through a short period of expansion, and almost everything was a mess (very much in the spirit of a small company). I remember a girl crying to me in a conference room: “I’m so anxious!” . Also, there were several projects with no architecture at all, which almost overwhelmed all the engineers. Every small modification required several minutes of compilation. I was also very upset.

But there’s always a way.

  • Computer is slow? Then apply for a high allocation of funds to MBP!
  • Compile the slow? Then find out why it’s slow and optimize it step by step!
  • Feeling insecure? So let’s calm everyone down and regroup!

In the past two years, we have accomplished these things.

  • The old project was completely rewritten with Flutter.
  • The RPC layer was completely rewritten with GraphQL.
  • Replace old H5 / wechat applets with MPFlutter

These things, it seems that a few simple brush can be taken, but really condensed the efforts of the team students. We trade short periods of intense work for years of productivity rewards. Since the launch of Flutter + MPFlutter, the engineer’s waist is no longer numb, which is the biggest gain of our two years.

As for the One Stack, it has been implemented this year. IOS/Android/Web engineers are using Flutter/Dart for development. Isn’t that good? Save trouble and effort.

Open Source Project (SVGA)

I started to work on SVGA project in 2016. In the same year, IT was open source to the community. It has been more than five years now, and the number of stars has already exceeded 3,000, helping many students to liberate their productivity.

This small project is not well known and maintained, and compared to Lottie and PAG, it is more grass-roots.

But it’s undeniable that it has helped the community grow, and that it’s the product of a time when the original intention was to create an animation library with “relatively balanced performance and functionality.”

In 2021, I also thought about the future of SVGA, discussed it with my old colleagues, and presumably we would not invest more resources to maintain it. On the one hand, we don’t have the time and money to operate and maintain. On the other hand, since the community and big factory have a better plan, we should use it.

Open Source Project (MPFlutter)

As for MPFlutter, I did it in my spare time, probably during the National Day of 2019.

For some reason, I just like to delve into cross-platform stuff. RN/Weex/Flutter have been exposed to Flutter, and I was initially resistant to Flutter. Because I don’t understand!

I don’t understand why everything a UIView can do should be split into a dozen widgets. I can’t understand why I want to use a strange language to do Coding. Even less understanding, cross-platform Skia rendering for cross-platform sake.

It wasn’t until 2018 that I actually used Flutter to complete a project development at Company B that I was brainwashed by the device. Of course, there was a lot of love and hate. At this time, a lot of interesting ideas came up, but considering that COMPANY B was really unable to carry out this interesting experiment, it had to change the team to do it.

MPFlutter is also a product of these ideas. In general, there is nothing innovative about the idea, just Virual DOM tired of React/Vue frameworks. I am just standing on the shoulders of giants and building a small ecosystem. I don’t know where this thing can go, and cherish it.

As for the commercial operation of MPFlutter, I have always been full of expectations and believe that this project can support itself. This project also has some seed users, thank you for your support.

Stay positive

What I’ve found, especially in this year’s environment, is an emotion that entrepreneurs can barely escape: anxiety.

And for anxiety, the best way to overcome it is about exercise, the past two years, basically every week to go swimming, at least three times.

When you’re healthy, you’re in good mood, even if your belly is still growing.

Spring comes after winter. This storm will pass. We can wait until things start to pick up and new market opportunities are just around the corner.

Under the current crisis, I hope to do a few things, take good care of my family, take good care of myself, and study hard.


In 2022, I will leave the team after two years of hard work. I hope the team can live a good life.

What are your future plans? Not yet, I am looking for a job. If there is any suitable job opportunity, you can consider it. Just add me to wechat Ponycui for private chat.

Thank the lovely students, together for this struggle!