WordPress is a platform developed using the PHP language that users can use in support of PHP and
The MySQL databaseYou can also use WordPress as a content management system (CMS). Tencent cloud Serverless provides a new way of deployment of WordPress based on Serverless architecture.
You can quickly deploy a WordPress project in just three steps, all functions can be realized on the Serverless architecture without tedious low-level operation and maintenance steps. While ensuring the performance advantage, personal blog site based on Serverless WordPress deployment (about 100 daily visits), one month
It costs less than 5 yuanCompared with the traditional scheme, the cost is greatly reduced. The first time you use your new Serverless WordPress account, you can get free website resources every month during the campaign.
Click here for resources
Looks good, especially the price, this is also a try of my own ~
01. Start experimenting
1. Create an app
Open Serverless WordPress directly to create the main page
- Access the address: https://cloud.tencent.com/act…
You can see that this service is intended for dynamic websites by clicking “Experience Now” in the small text “Build Dynamic Website” below “Build New Experience on Serverless WordPress”.
2. Authorization enabled function
Click into the page will jump out of such, it is not difficult, directly with WeChat to scan the code, and then you can come to a happy choice to build the application.
3. Select and create a new app
- Once the authentication is complete, you will be redirected to this page. The WordPress option has been automatically checked.
- You can also see what other applications you can create. They are all dynamic websites. Z-Blog also has them.
- Select the right point to confirm the creation (next step), the application name casually input, the environment directly click the development environment, the region is selected close to your area (currently only 3 options), fill in the click to complete it;
4. Automated creation
- It will automatically configure TypeEcho in about 20 seconds, which is much faster than building TypeEcho before.
- Construct typecho experience sharing: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/video/album/100048
- Then it will jump to the list page of “Serverless Apps” and click on the created app to visit directly.
- Because need to install, here directly click “home address”;
02. WordPress configuration
1. WordPress installation
In addition to a few necessary, you can enter at will, as you like, after finishing typing wait 2 seconds;
Click login to enter the background;
02. Change the theme of WordPress
- Take a look at the initial blog interface
Emm, I don’t know if it’s my aesthetic or… A little bit of beautiful change yourself, go to the background and click on the change theme.
- There are currently two kinds of themes, one is built-in:
- I’ll just go to 2020 and just click confirm.
03. Writing an article
- You can edit in either of the two places selected in the following circle:
- Start writing content;
- Then click publish, you can see the article written, simple usage is such, other you can study by yourself.
03. Domain binding and filing
If you want to bind the domain name in China, you must put on record. If you do not put on record, you will be intercepted by Tencent cloud to the specified page, or directly access this (4 level) website. File here can buy Tencent cloud Serverless record resource pack for the record, only need 22 yuan a year!
- Buy links: https://buy.cloud.tencent.com… .
04. Use tips and suggestions
1. The idea when using
In fact, Serverless and WordPress are very easy to use. As I said at the beginning, this is my first time to use these two things, but to my surprise, they are simple and clear, unlike some templates where I don’t know what to do when I use them, which makes me dizzy. This is very good!
2. Tips
Although there are also app monitors and things like that, it feels like there are a little less permissions to use, yeah, and you can create a new page to display a service, so it looks better.
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