Cross-platform projects developed with Flutter run perfectly on Android and IOS. The Material simplicity includes the launch page, boot page, registration, login, home page, system, public account, navigation, projects, and beautiful girl gallery. It runs extremely smoothly, has a clear structure and code code that is worth owning

The summary of Flutter learning resources is continuously updated at……

  • Official website of Flutter
  • Because Chinese website
  • Wendux’s Flutter combat
  • Flutter official exampleflutter_gallery
  • Alibaba salty fish team series of articles
  • Alibaba Flutter – Go, flutter developer help APP, contains 140+ demos and Chinese documentation of flutter components
  • Play Android cross-platform projects
  • Very useful Json to Model plug-in
  • Flutter-Notebook provides many excellent examples and demos


  • This is a WanAndroid client application written using Flutter that works perfectly on Android and IOS
  • Can be used to start Flutter, simple and clear, suitable for beginners
  • This project is completely open source. If this project can indeed help you learn Flutter, thank you for starting. If you have any questions, please submit Issues, AND I will reply in time

Environment set up

  • Install the Flutter plugin using Android Studio, click the Package get of PubSpec. yaml, and run it

App directory structure

  • |–lib
    • | – the main (entrance)
    • | – loading page (start)
    • | – splash_screen page (guide)
    • | – util (tools)
    • | – base (base class, encapsulation base class BaseWidget and BaseWidgetState)
    • | – HTTP (web request related classes)
    • | – common (common)
    • | – event (event)
    • | – model (entity)
    • | – UI (interface)
    • | – util (tools)

Function is introduced

V1.4 version

  • Added switching themes
  • Encapsulates the base classes BaseWidget and BaseWidgetState
  • Display hidden AppBar
  • Added status page switching (failed to load data, empty data)

V1.3 version

  • Added the search and search result list
  • New page loading… Using flutter_spinkit
  • Modify the UI style of the entire interface

V1.2 version

  • New perks. Girl pictures. You know what I mean
  • Add share to share share
  • Adding commonly used Websites
  • Added about author, log out

V1.1 version

  • Added bootstrap filter-intro slider
  • The list page floats FloatingActionButton and clicks quickly back to the top
  • Add registration, login, my favorites, add side slide drawer, see screenshot

V1.0 version

  • Project home page, knowledge body, public account, navigation, project, individual pages, and details page
  • The main UI includes home page rotation map and list, streaming layout, public account navigation TabBar, and drop down refresh and load more
  • The open source library Flutter_swiper is used for the rotation map
  • The network request uses the open source library Dio

My home page

  • The Denver nuggets
  • CSDN


  • Android click to download, or scan the qr code below to download

  • IOS version download is not supported, please clone the project code to run.

Application screenshots

Thank you

  1. Special thanks to Github open source author Shijiacheng
  2. Thanks to Hongyang Dashen and play Android official website to provide open API
  3. Thanks to the Dry Goods Concentration Camp API

Using open Source libraries

  • flutter_spinkit
  • share
  • flutter_swiper
  • cupertino_icons
  • flutter_webview_plugin
  • dio
  • flutter-intro-slider