
In this chapter, we will learn about indexes in MySQL. This article will introduce the function of indexes, index classification, index syntax, index usage strategy and index implementation principle.

The role of indexes

Indexes speed up queries, and if indexed queries are ferraris, queries without indexes are bicycles. At present, the data volume of the table in the actual project is increasing, often millions of millions of levels, the query without index will become very slow, the use of index has become a mandatory item of query optimization.

Index concept

When we go to a building to find a company, we can’t go to each floor, but look at the floor index and go directly to the floor where the company is.

Database index is a kind of special data, which is also stored in database files. Index data stores the location of the actual data in the data table. By searching the index, you can directly find the location of the actual data, so as to speed up the search.

Let’s look at a query statement:

select * from book where id = 1000000;
Copy the code

Given that there are millions of rows in the book table, a query without an index would traverse the previous million rows to find the result. If we index on the ID, we can locate the result directly on the index, which is much faster.

Advantages and disadvantages of indexes


  1. Improve query speed


  1. It is also data and takes up disk space
  2. Indexes also require time to create and maintain
  3. Delete, update, and insert operations are slow because indexes are maintained.

We will find that indexes have more disadvantages than advantages, so why are they so important? Because most systems require queries far more than other operations, improving query performance is a top priority

Use index syntax

Create indexes

  1. Create indexes as you build tables
Create table name (column name type,... Index Index name (field name));Copy the code
  1. Add the index after the table is created
Alter table name add index name;Copy the code


Create Index Index name on Table name (field name);Copy the code

Remove the index

Alter table drop index drop index;Copy the code


Drop Index Index name on Table name;Copy the code

View the index in the table

Show index from table name;Copy the code

Classification of indexes

The index is divided by function:

  1. A normal index, an index created on a normal field, has no restrictions
  2. Primary key index: An index that is automatically created when a primary key is created. The index cannot be empty or duplicate
  3. Unique index. The indexed field data must be unique, allowing null values
  4. Full-text index, an index built on a field of large Text type
  5. Composite index, composite index created by multiple columns, multiple columns cannot have empty values

Create table and add index

Create table tb_book (-- create primary key index id int primary key, -- create unique index title varchar(100) unique, author varchar(20), -- index ix_title (title), -- fulltext index ix_content(content), -- Index ix_title_author(title,author));Copy the code

Add the index after the table is created

ALTER TABLE tb_book ADD PRIMARY KEY pk_id(id); ALTER TABLE tb_book ADD UNIQUE index ix_title(title); ALTER TABLE tb_book ADD FULLTEXT index ix_content(content); SELECT * FROM tb_book MATCH(content) ANGAINST(' win '); ALTER TABLE tb_book ADD INDEX ix_book(title,author);Copy the code

Note: When creating composite indexes, follow the left-most prefix rule. Place the most frequently queried and sorted fields to the left, in descending order of importance.

Index usage policy

When to build an index

  1. Build indexes on fields that are frequently queried and sorted
  2. There’s a lot of data

When do not build indexes

  1. There is a lot of duplication in the field data, such as gender
  2. The data rarely
  3. Fields that need to be added or deleted frequently

When does an index fail

  1. For fuzzy queries, using like ‘% zhang %’ will not work, but like ‘zhang %’ will not
  2. When using IS NULL or IS not NULL
  3. When a composite index is used, a field is null
  4. When querying multiple criteria using OR
  5. When using a field in a function, for example where year(time) = 2019

Explain statement

When debugging queries, use Explain to view index usage

create index ix_city_name on city(name);
explain select * from city where name = 'London';
explain select * from city where name like 'Lon%';
explain select * from city where name like '%don%';
Copy the code

In the above code, the index is created on the name field of the city table. The index is normal when the query is performed with ‘name = ‘

Indexes also take effect when name like ‘Lon%’ is used for query. Type is range query

Symptom When the name like ‘%don%’ command is used, the index is invalid and type is ALL

Index structure

Different storage engines use different structured indexes:

  1. Cluster index, InnoDB support, index order and data physical order, similar to xinhua dictionary pinyin directory arrangement and Chinese characters arrangement order, cluster index can only have one table.
  2. Non-clustered index, MyISAM support, index order and data physical order is not consistent, similar to xinhua dictionary partial directory and Chinese character order is not consistent, non-clustered index table can have multiple.

The data structure of the index

The data structures used for indexes are: Each node is composed of key and data. Key is the key of the index, data is the data corresponding to the key. On both sides of the node, there are two Pointers pointing to other index positions, and all keys are sorted. In this way, binary search can be used to search the index. The speed is relatively fast, the time complexity is H *log(n), h is the height of the Tree, and B-tree is a relatively efficient search structure.


The data structure of B+Tree is as follows, which is an upgraded version of BTree. Non-leaf nodes do not store specific data, but only index keys. Data is stored in leaf nodes, and only keys and data are stored in leaf nodes without Pointers.

The advantages of B+Tree are: higher search efficiency, because there is no data stored in the non-leaf node, more keys can be saved. The more keys in each layer, the height of the Tree will be reduced, so the query speed will be improved.


Index is an important way to improve query speed. In this chapter, we will learn the classification and syntax of index creation, as well as the strategy of using index creation. Not all tables are suitable for creating indexes. If you find this article useful, please give it a thumbs up 🙂