PiUI is based on UNIApp, a high quality UI mobile component library, based on vue.js syntax, can be compiled to different platforms
- The efficient development
- Flexible extension, rich property configuration
- Provides 50+ high-quality components, covering various scenarios on the mobile terminal
- A high performance
- Complete documentation and examples
- According to the need to introduce
- Support theme customization
Website web site
Official document: https://piui.sadais.com/
Making warehouse: https://github.com/sadais-org/piui
GITEE Repository: https://gitee.com/org-sadais/piui
Welcome everyone star and Fork, your support is our motivation to keep updating!
Scan code experience [PIUI] small procedures
Background Background
Uniapp provides vUE syntax (not fully supported), which is 30% more efficient than native writing (applet native syntax as a comparison).
But using the basic components provided by UniApp alone is far from enough to support the business complexity of modern mobile terminals.
With piUI’s capabilities, you can add at least 50% more efficiency gains based on UniApp.
Install the installation
Use scaffolding
Based on vuE-CLI scaffolding creation, more general VUE project configuration, access more quickly, can do zero configuration directly run
Step 1: VUE-CLI installation (skip if installed)
You can install the latest VUE-CLI package using any of the following commands:
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
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Once installed, you can access vue commands from the command line. You can verify that vue is installed successfully by simply running it and seeing if it displays a help list of all available commands.
You can also use this command to check if the version is correct:
vue --version
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Step 2: File generation
The project initialization is generated through VUe-CLI. I use my-project as an example for the following project names, which can be customized
vue create -p sadais-org/uni-preset-vue my-project
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After entering the command, select the default template and press Enter
Step 3: Start the project
Start the server locally to develop your application
cd my-project && npm run dev
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Non-scaffolding project introduction (HbuilderX/Uniapp Vue-Cli project)
An initialized project can access the PIUI in the following ways
Piui@sadais /piui-tool source code is written in ES6 syntax, if the vue-CLI project, must declare its explicit translation in vue.config.js
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: ['@sadais/piui-tool'.'sadais-piui']}Copy the code
Step 1: Install PIUI
Install PIUI and the PIUI tool library
yarn add sadais-piui @sadais/piui-tool
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Step 2: Introduce piUI
import Vue from 'vue';
import piui from "sadais-piui";
// Global attribute configuration
const piuiConfig = {}
Vue.use(piui, piuiConfig);
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Step 3: Introduce the PIUI style file
Introduced in the app.vue file
@import 'sadais-piui/scss/index.scss';
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In the uni.css file
@import 'sadais-piui/scss/variable.scss';
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Step 4: Global on demand introduction through EasyCOM mode
Modify the pages. Json file of uniapp and add the configuration
"easycom": {
"^pi-(.*)": "sadais-piui/components/pi-$1/index.vue"
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Usage Usage
After configuring easyCOM rules, they are automatically imported on demand