Today, the company imported the DMP file using Oracle database and generated the database tables. I checked the tables under the current user to confirm that they were successfully generated. Later, when I inserted data into the *. The generated table names are prefixed with user names, such as eg: system.user. Use the following steps to successfully troubleshoot the error.

Log in to the Oracle database as the DBA user system and run the following command to delete all table data under the specified user

drop user isc22 cascade

Create a new user

create user isc22 identified by isc22


grant dba,connect, resource to isc22

Oracle to create the directory

create or replace directory data_pump_dir as 'D:\dump\dir

Run in the external command (CMD/Linux) interface

Impdp isc22/[email protected]:1521/ orCL directory= data_pump_DIR dumpfile= isc22_clear_data.dmp logfile=iscimpdp.log // Specific content is modified by itself

When importing SQL files, switch to the newly created user and do not log in to the system as a DBA. After some agonizing, the problem was solved smoothly. I use this method is more direct, all over again, if the reader has a better method, please also inform.