Based on the following code notes commitId: 12652 d2fd80c54df43c90e57ccd16998779c3d95, commit time: 2013/2/20 so AM. Click on commitId above to jump to Github to see the code for this article.

The article structure of this series consists of the following five parts. Refactoring is a change in code that does the same thing. Feature is a new feature compared to the last submission. Design is the part of code design that I think I can mention, and it’s a part that different programmers might do differently. Confusion is when I look at the code and feel that I have problems or don’t understand it. Knowledge points are general knowledge about Java or Android.


Provide a special request for non-ImageView cases

Considering that there are cases where an image is retrieved that is not intended to be displayed in the ImageView, a special request is provided. In’s Bitmap get() method, a Request object is generated with no ImageView set and Picasso’s run method is called directly. This commit changes the run method to return a Bitmap object. Note that this task is not submitted to the thread pool, so this method is synchronous and will block if the network download takes a long time. This method cannot be called on the main thread because the main thread cannot make network requests.


Check whether the thread is in the main thread, otherwise an error is reported

The Bitmap get() method cannot be called on the main thread, so the first statement of this method can check if it is on the main thread. If it is not, an error is reported. The specific method is picaso. Java’s checkNotMain method.

A smaller try catch

Java loadFromCaches(Request Request), which used to be just a big try catch, has been replaced with several smaller try catches that print corresponding error messages after each catch. Easy to debug.


String concatenation

Format (” XXXX %d”, 1) can be used to generate fixed-format strings.

How to tell if it is in the main thread

The main thread has a Looper, and this Looper can take the main thread object, so that it can compare whether the current thread is the main thread. Looper.getmainlooper ().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()