Column | chapter nine algorithm

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Gentleman and different, small people with but not.

In the workplace, getting along with people around you is an important skill that all employees should always have.

But whether you’re new to the job or a professional veteran, you can inadvertently say something inappropriate.

These offhand utterances can turn people off and even end your career.

Here’s a list of 20 things you’d better not say at work:

I want to..

Use “I want to…” Show a lack of confidence in your ideas. Here’s an example to compare:

I believe our company will be very happy to cooperate with you.

What if “I believe” is replaced by “I think”?

I think our company will be happy to cooperate with you.

This is because “I believe” conveys more confidence and passion than “I think.”

So the next time you have a meeting with a client, instead of saying “I think,” stand up and say “I think,” you’ll be more successful.

2 That’s not my job

This phrase, or the thought expressed in it, can have a huge impact on your career. ** You probably won’t get that raise or promotion you were supposed to get because of it. ** Because when you’re asked to do something slightly outside of your job description, responding with, “That’s not my job,” makes you look unsocial, lazy, incompetent and irresponsible.

One of the best qualities of an employee is hard work, and even if you really don’t want to do something, you could have said something better than that.

I can’t (want to) work with him

Whether you have an opinion about someone or just don’t like their way of working, publicly refusing to work with them will seriously hurt your own image.

So no matter how much you hate someone, don’t play up your differences at work. Agree to disagree at work too. If you do this, you will demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively and overcome challenges in a team; If you can’t, don’t make it too obvious, as this will only make people lose interest in you.

I wish I could have a cigarette

Work pressure is high when a deadline is approaching, and if a co-worker happens to be doing you no favors, you may feel like you’re going to explode. A pack of cigarettes may be a welcome respite from the stress of your day.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with just having a cigarette, but don’t say it. If you say “I wish I had a cigarette” in front of everyone, your boss will think you’re trying to get your co-workers to slack off, and he won’t like it.

5 I don’t know

No one is omnipotent, so the leader won’t blame you for occasionally not getting the answer he wants. But a straight answer, “I don’t know,” is not an appropriate response in the workplace.

You can say something else, like, “I’m sorry, I’ll check it right away.” Because we need to show our worth while acknowledging our ignorance.

It’s not my fault

Who would say that, you might think? Isn’t that an obvious cop-out? The truth is such, but in fact you really can bear clearly is the fault of others but their own inexplicable injustice?

The professional approach: explain objectively what happened, don’t take sides or excuse anyone, and don’t constantly blame others. Don’t treat your boss like a fool. Honest and objective answers are the most important.

I have no time to do it

If you have a project delivery date looming and you’re already on the back of your head and your boss offers you a new assignment, you may have to say no. But don’t use the phrase “I don’t have time for this,” because it makes you seem like you lack time management skills and can come across as rude.

Say, “I’d be happy to discuss this with you after the meeting,” and you can also describe the fact that you’re busy, rather than saying that and then trying to fix it with something else. You’ll only make a bad impression on him.

I’ll try it first

We are just ordinary people, a lot of uncertain things to do will certainly have the possibility of failure. But if you respond with “I’ll try first,” do you think your boss will be comfortable with you? Being a leader is always a safe bet, so chances are your boss will leave it to someone else.

To quote Yoda, “Do or do not. There is no try.” So try to inspire confidence in your response by at least adding “as best I can” before “I’ll try first.”

I don’t get the salary I deserve

You can ask anyone who works anywhere and most people will tell you they don’t get paid as much as they should. This is not a strange phenomenon, but stems from the common psychology of all people: dissatisfaction.

But why not work harder if you are not satisfied? It’s far better to do this than complain about not being paid enough. Because you’re only eligible for a raise if you’ve done more than what’s required in your current position. So complain less and do more.

10 Well done, guys

It’s hard to see what’s wrong with this, because you’re encouraging your colleagues or subordinates, which can make your team more passionate. But the problem is the word “brother,” as you’ve probably realized by this point. If you have both men and women on your team, it may be awkward for female colleagues to hear such encouragement, and some may even feel discriminated against.

So, this kind of unconscious sexism is better left out, don’t you think?

To tell you the truth…..

Sometimes we say “to be honest with you…..” To show you’re open to the colleague you’re talking to. But think about it, if you seriously say to a coworker this time, “To be honest with you… Do you make them think that everything you said to him was a sham?

Friends at work can also be brothers/best friends in life. So don’t make it seem like you’re sincere right now, but at the same time make others question your previous behavior.

12 I’m sorry

This is not to say don’t apologize for mistakes made at work, but to avoid playing the “I’m sorry” and “please forgive me” loop game. Your boss can forgive you once or twice, but don’t let that convince you that if you apologize, you’ll be forgiven anyway.

Trust me, if you play the “I’m sorry” and “please forgive me” loop too often, it will significantly lower your boss’s opinion of you, so it won’t be a surprise if he ends up firing you.

13 It’s not fair

Do you really think you should say that? If you put your best foot forward at the beginning of the job, all “fairness” will follow. When your peer gets a raise and you don’t, the first thing you might think is that it’s unfair, but what else do you see? Think about it. When he was working overtime, what were you doing?

So instead of complaining, think about why he can and I can’t. Improving yourself is the best way to pursue fairness.

That’s what he said

Have you heard the story about buying potatoes? The same is true in the workplace, where routine work leads to mediocrity.

Get a promotion pay rise, the boss must be to buy potatoes at the same time asked the number of potatoes price, by the way to do the planning of the people. So why can’t you do that?

15 Well done, young man/little girl

You might use this phrase to compliment a young employee on a job well done, which is of course a good thing. Just be careful with your tone of voice and don’t use a patronizing tone when addressing people as young guys/little girls.

It’s okay to congratulate someone if you mean it, but don’t let it sound like condescending sarcasm.

16 the garbage

If the quality of your subordinates’ work is not to your satisfaction, these words are likely to come out of your mouth. It is not recommended because it is so strongly discriminatory that it should not be used in any way to evaluate a person or his work.

If you have such a habit, you will be seen as fierce and difficult by your subordinates, and it may undermine the unity and stability of your team.

17 I heard…

Many studies have shown that small talk does strengthen connections, and it can be a good way to relax after work.

But if you’re talking about internal company gossip, forget it. One day your small talk may get you in big trouble.

18 One’s mouth is no choice

We all want our work environment to be fun. But obviously none of us can do that completely. If you’re constantly making wisecracks at work or making inappropriate jokes about your co-workers or boss, it just makes you look immature.

You’re out of school, so as an adult, take work seriously and don’t make inappropriate jokes.

19 threat

It’s hard to get along with everyone at work and sometimes we really want to threaten each other.

But think about it, there are 10,000 ways you can get out of that situation at work. So don’t make threats. Not only are you low and tasteless, you may lose your job.

20 words

Never, never, never swear! Although we may sometimes blurt out swear words out of habit, they have no place at work.

If your boss gets wind of your dirty words, congratulations, you’ve successfully impeded your chances for career advancement. Even if your boss doesn’t know about it, it will only annoy your co-workers.


Good language is a sign of self-cultivation, so don’t let a few thoughtless “blurts” overshadow your ability to do your job. Consider these 20 examples and see if you have ever used inappropriate language in your professional life. If there is, the future must put an end to!

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