Remember to change the following ~ sign to ‘ ‘, markdown syntax will escape. The frequency of use is my own. For reference only

Mac symbol

symbol explain
↩ Enter/Return
Option / Alt

The editor

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Ctrl + Space ⌃ Space Code completion (usually conflicting with input method) U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + Enter ⌘ ⇧ ↩ Intelligently improve code (e.g., if()) U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + P ⌘ P Method parameter prompt to display default parameters U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Q ⌃ J Show comment code U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + mouse over code ⌘ + mouse over code See a short description of the function U u u do do
Ctrl + F1 ⌘ F1 Displays a description of the error or warning message (requires placing the cursor in the error or warning position) U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Insert ⌘ N, ⌃ ↩ ⌃ N Generate code snippets (including function or class comments, copyright information, constructors, abstract methods, etc.) U u u u do
Ctrl + O ⌃ O Insert a method that overrides the parent class U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + I ⌃ i. Implementing abstract methods U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + T ⌘ ⌥ T The selected code is placed in if.. else.. , for, foreach, or function, or add a region explanation to the selected code block (you can fold the code, and only show the explanation after folding, for easy code management) U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + / ⌘ / Add comments by adding “//” U u u u do
Ctrl + Shift + / ⌘ ⌥ / Add “/**/” to add a comment U u u u do
Ctrl + W ⌥ write Incrementally select the current block U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + W ⌥ left Corresponding to Ctrl + W, reduce the selection range U u being fostered fostered
Alt + Q ⌃ ⇧ Q Displays the label header containing the cursor location U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Enter ↩ Show intent to act. Show Intention Action U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + L ⌘ ⌥ L Formatting code U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + I ⌃ ⌥ i. Auto indent. U u u do do
Tab / Shift + Tab TAB, ⇧ + TAB Manual indent/reverse indent U u u u u
Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete ⌘ X shear U u u u u
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert ⌘ C copy U u u u u
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert ⌘ V paste U u u u u
Ctrl + Shift + V ⌘ ⇧ V Select the content from the paste board to paste U u u do do
Ctrl + D ⌘ D Copies the current line or selection to the next line or cursor U u u do do
Ctrl + Y ⌘ del Deletes the line where the cursor is located U u u do do
Ctrl + Shift + J ⌃ ⇧ J Synthesize selected code into one line. The reverse action of formatting code U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Enter ↩ Intelligent line segmentation U u being fostered fostered
Shift + Enter ↩ Start a new line. No matter where the cursor is on the line U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + U ⌘ ⇧ U Character case switching U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift +] / [ ⌘ ⇧], ⌘ ⇧ [ In blocks, select backwards/forwards from the cursor and click again to increase the selection range U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Delete ⌥ + del Delete some words after the cursor U u u u do
Ctrl + Backspace ⌥ + Backspace Delete some words before the cursor U u u u do
Ctrl + + / – ⌘ + and – Collapse/Open the code block, click expand Collapse/Open again U u u u do
Ctrl + Shift + + ⌘ ⇧ + Open all U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + – ⌘ ⇧ – Fold all U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + F4 ⌘ W Close the current page U u u do do


Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Ctrl + F ⌘ F To find the U u u u u
F3 ⌘ G Find next, used in conjunction with find U u being fostered fostered
Shift + F3 ⌘ ⇧ G Find the previous one, used in conjunction with find U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + R ⌘ R replace U u u u u
Ctrl + Shift + F ⌘ ⇧ F Look in the file U u being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + R ⌘ ⇧ R Replace in the file U u being fostered fostered

Used search

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 ⌥ F7 / ⌘ F7 Full items are used to find/current file declaration variables U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + F7 ⌘ ⇧ F7 Highlight where a variable or function is used in the file U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + F7 ⌘ ⌥ F7 Displays a detailed list of used locations U do things being fostered fostered

Project running

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Alt + Shift + F10 ⌃ ⌥ R Select the configuration and run it U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Shift + F9 ⌃ ⌥ D Select configuration and debug U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F10 ⌃ R run U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F9 ⌃ D debug U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + F10 ⌃ ⇧ R, ⌃ ⇧ D Run the configuration from the last run U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + X ⌘ ⇧ X Run the command line U do things being fostered fostered

Debug related (used when debugging)

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
F8 F8 Step. Continue to execute the breakpoint post program line by line, line at a time U do things being fostered fostered
F7 F7 Step by step. Enter the content program executed at the breakpoint U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F7 ⇧ F7 Intelligence into the U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F8 ⇧ F8 steps U do things being fostered fostered
ALT + F9 ⌥ F9 Run to cursor U do things being fostered fostered
ALT + F8 ⌥ F8 Computed expression U do things being fostered fostered
F9 ⌘ ⌥ R Continue the program after the breakpoint, stopping at the next breakpoint U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + F8 ⌘ F8 Make a breakpoint on the line where the cursor is located U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl+Shift+F8 ⌘ ⇧ F8 Browse the breakpoint U do things being fostered fostered

Navigation related

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Ctrl + N ⌘ O Search for classes. Project scope U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + N ⌘ ⇧ O Search for files by filename. Project scope U u u u do
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N ⌘ ⌥ O Search function. Project scope U u u u do
Alt + Right/Left ⌃ please, ⌃ – > Toggle open files left and right U u u do do
F12 F12 Put back the tools window that was last opened U do things being fostered fostered
Esc Esc The editor page is displayed U do things being fostered fostered
Shift+ Esc ⇧ + Esc The cursor returns to the edit box and closes the useless window U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl+ Shift + F4 ⌘ ⇧ F4 Close the active run/message / /… TAB U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + G ⌘ L Quick location by line number U u u do do
Ctrl + E ⌘ E Open a list of recently opened files U u u u do
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right ⌘ ⌥ please, ⌘ ⌥ – > Go back/forward to the last navigation action U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace ⌘ ⇧ + Backspace Return to the location of the last edit U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + F1 ⌥ F1 Bring up the target window U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click ⌘ B or ⌘ Click Jump to function declaration U u u u u
Ctrl + Alt + B ⌘ ⌥ B To implement (S) U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + I ⌘ ⌥ Space, Y Open a quick definition query U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + B ⌃ ⇧ B Find the class of the variable U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + U ⌘ U Go to the super – method/super – class U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Up/Down ⌃ write, ⌃ left Up and down switching function U u u do do
Ctrl + ] / [ ⌘], ⌘ [ Position to the right/left nearest brace. Click continuously to enlarge the range U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + F12 ⌘ F12. Open a pop-up window for the file structure U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + H ⌃ H Browse the hierarchy of selected classes U do things being fostered fostered
F2 / Shift + F2 F2, ⇧ F2 Down/up highlighting errors or warnings for quick location U do things being fostered fostered
F4 / Ctrl + Enter F4 / ⌘ left Find variable sources U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Home ⌥ Home Combined display navigation bar U do things being fostered fostered
F11 F3 Switch the bookmark U u u u do
Ctrl + F11 ⌥ F3 Toggle bookmark mnemonic U u u u do
Ctrl + #[0-9] ⌃ 0… ⌃ 9 Go to numbered bookmarks U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F11 ⌘ F3 Show bookmarks U u u do do

Refactoring related

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
F5 F5 Copy the file U u u do do
F6 F6 Move files U u u do do
Alt + Delete ⌘ Del Safely delete U do things being fostered fostered
Shift + F6 ⇧ F6 Renames the selected file U u u do do
Ctrl + Alt + N ⌘ ⌥ N Inline variable U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + M ⌘ ⌥ M Introduce methods U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + V ⌘ ⌥ V The introduction of the variable U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + F ⌘ ⌥ F It’s like introducing variables U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + C ⌘ ⌥ C The introduction of the constants U do things being fostered fostered

Version control/local history

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Alt + ~ ⌃ V Open the version control console U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + K ⌘ K. Submit code U u u u u
Ctrl + T ⌘ T Update code locally U u u u u
Alt + Shift + C ⌥ ⇧ C View recent changes U do things being fostered fostered

Normal operations

Win / Linux Mac annotation Use frequency
Ctrl + Shift + A ⌘ ⇧ a. Find operations U u u u u
Alt + #[0-9] ⌘ 0… ⌘ 9 The corresponding tool window is displayed U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Shift + F12 ⌘ ⇧ F12. Maximize the edit area window U u u do do
Alt + Shift + F ⌥ ⇧ F Add to search collection U do things being fostered fostered
Alt + Shift + I ⌥ ⇧ i. Checking the current file U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + ~ ⌃ ~ Quick topic switch U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Alt + S ⌘, Open the Settings window U do things being fostered fostered
Ctrl + Tab ⌃ + Tab Switching active files U u u u u