PHP: describes some common string manipulation functions

18. Str_pad (): Padding string to specified length Padding string to specified length

$str = “Hello World”;

echo str_pad($str,20,”.”);

Input: to fill new string string | | for the use of filling the length of the string, the default is blank

Output: Hello World……… (Completed string)

19. Str_repeat (): Repeat the specified string

echo str_repeat(“.”,13);

Input: repeat | string string will be repeated

The command output is…………. (13)

20. Str_split (): Split string into array


Input: to split the length of the string | each array element, 1 by default

Output: Array ([0] = > H [1] [2] = > = > e l [3] [4] = > = > l o) after the splitting of (an Array of strings)

21. Strrev (): Reverses string reverses string

echo strrev(“Hello World!” );

Input: String to be flipped

Output:! DlroW olleH(the string after the destination string is reversed)

Wordwrap (): Folds a string to the specified length

$str = “An example on a long word is:Supercalifragulistic”;

echo wordwrap($str,15);

Input: the target string | wide largest number

An example on a long word is:Supercalifragulistic

23. Str_shuffle (): Randomly shuffles all characters in a string

echo str_shuffle(“Hello World”);

Input: Target string order

Output: Scrambled string

24. Parse_str (): Parses strings into variables

parse_str(“id=23&name=John%20Adams”, $myArray);


Input: to parse the string | variable storage array name

Array([id] => 23 [name] => John Adams)

25. Number_format (): Format numbers by thousands groups

echo number_format(20000000000);

Figures to be formatted input: how many decimal | | regulations provisions is used as the decimal point character string | for one thousand points

A string of delimiters

Output: 20000000000

26. Strtolower (): String to lowercase String to lowercase

echo strtolower(“Hello WORLD!” );

Enter: target string

Output: Hello world! (All lowercase strings)

27. Strtoupper (): Uppercase string Uppercase string

echo strtoupper(“Hello WORLD!” );

Enter: target string

Output: HELLO WORLD! (All uppercase strings)

28. Ucfirst (): Uppercase The first letter of the string is uppercase

echo ucfirst(“hello world”);

Enter: target string

Output: Hello world(the first letter of the string is capitalized)

29. Ucwords (): Uppercase the first character of each word in a string is uppercase

echo ucwords(“hello world”);

Output: Hello World(capitalize the first letter of each word)

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