Recently, due to the unstable international network, major domestic Composer images were intermittently inaccessible, which greatly affected the production of PHPer in China. Affected by this, all domestic Composer services have the same problem, but ali engineers’ solution can be called “simple and crude”, with high efficiency.

The initial development of PHP Composer of Ali Cloud was inspired by Gu Yong, a post-90s engineer in Ali. As an engineer responsible for developing PHP SDK for Aliyun products, he often encountered the same problem in his work: although a new SDK has been released according to the latest version of PHP, users failed to install it because the mirror tool did not synchronize the version in real time. In addition, enterprise developers of cloud effect platform are also troubled by this problem in their use experience of mirror tools. For this reason, Ali technical team designed, developed and opened source this set of Ali Cloud version mirror tools. For PHP developers, Composer is an indispensable dependency package management tool. As the Packagist for storing the dependency package of Composer, however, it often causes headaches for domestic developers due to network problems. But there is no stable mirroring service to use. Packagist encourages developers to build mirrors, but current mirrors can be unstable and unreliable.

The launch of Ali Cloud Composer mirroring

In July this year, Ali Cloud provided Packagist/Composer full mirroring service, and its second-level synchronization ability, fast and stable download service, and dynamic data display on the page have been highly praised by developers.

To learn more about PHP mirroring problems and how to resolve them, check out the original article: How do Ali engineers solve PHP mirroring problems