PHP Coding Standards Fixer, PHP_CodeSniffer, php_Coding Standards Fixer, PHP_CodeSniffer, php_Coding Standards Fixer, php_Coding Standards Fixer, php_Coding Standards Fixer, php_Coding Standards Fixer

Use bash to implement Git commit. Check for syntax errors in PHP files. Other languages can also be used for reference, it is very imaginative, can achieve a lot of things.

PHP Coding Standards Fixer

The PHP version must be 5.6.0 or greater

There are plug-ins for Atom, NetBeans, PhpStorm, Sublime Text, Vim, and other editors

PHP Coding Standards Fixer 官网

The installation

wget -O php-cs-fixer
chmod a+x php-cs-fixer
mv php-cs-fixer /usr/local/bin/php-cs-fixerCopy the code

You can view the composer method on the official website


php php-cs-fixer self-updateCopy the code

You can view the composer method on the official website


Repair the specified file directly

php php-cs-fixer fix /tmp/ArticlesController.phpCopy the code

Repair all files in the directory

php php-cs-fixer fix /tmpCopy the code

Specify repair specification rules. The default values are PSR1 and PSR2

# PSR2 rules specified PHP PHP - cs - fixer fix/TMP/ArticlesController. PHP - rules = @ PSR2Copy the code
# rules specify multiple PHP PHP - cs - fixer fix/TMP/ArticlesController. PHP - rules = @ Symfony, @ PSR1. @ PSR2Copy the code

The cache. Use cache by default

# do not use the cache - PHP PHP cs - fixer fix/TMP/ArticlesController. - using cache - PHP noCopy the code

Do not actually repair the file, only view the reported differences to be fixed

php php-cs-fixer fix /tmp/ArticlesController.php --dry-run --diffCopy the code

PHP_CodeSniffer (PHP dresser)

The PHP version must be 5.4.0 or greater

You can view the help information by using the -h parameter.

PHP_CodeSniffer in addition to installing, viewing reports, setting coding standards, file repair, etc., as listed below, you can also set the report level, coding, and check JavaScript and CSS issues through setting. Details can be found on the PHP_CodeSniffer WIKI

The installation

curl -OL
php phpcs.phar -h

curl -OL
php phpcbf.phar -hCopy the code

PHP_CodeSniffer installation can be viewed by composer

Check the report

# PHPCS specify a single file/TMP/ArticlesController. PHPCopy the code
PHPCS /path/to/codeCopy the code

Print discrepancy report

Print discrepancy report

phpcs --report=diff /tmp/Controllers/ArticlesController.phpCopy the code

Prints the discrepancy report to the specified file

phpcs --report-diff=/tmp/changes.diff /tmp/ArticlesController.phpCopy the code

View the installed coding standards

phpcs -iCopy the code

Specify coding standard

phpcs --standard=PEAR /tmp/ArticlesController.php
phpcs --standard=PEAR,Squiz /tmp/ArticlesController.phpCopy the code

Fix the file using the PSR2 encoding standard

phpcbf -w --standard=PSR2 /tmp/ArticlesController.phpCopy the code

Git Hooks syntax error detection

Git commit: check for syntactic errors in all PHP files.

There are so many things you can do in Git HOOKS, so you can use your imagination to do what you want to do and improve the efficiency of the project.

#! IS_ERROR_MESSAGE=() while read st file do if ['D' == "$st"] then echo $file Continue fi # if the end of the file is not.php, and exit the loop if [[! $file" =~ (\.php$)]] then echo $file continue fi PHP_LINT= 'PHP -l $file' # if [0-eq $?] ERROR_COUNT=${#IS_ERROR_MESSAGE[@]} then echo $PHP_LINT continue fi # count =${#IS_ERROR_MESSAGE[@] IS_ERROR_MESSAGE[${ERROR_COUNT}]=$PHP_LINT done <<EOF `git diff --cached --name-status` EOF if [ -n ${IS_ERROR_MESSAGE}"] then # loop through the error message and specify a red color for ((I =0; i<${#IS_ERROR_MESSAGE[@]}; i++)) do echo -e "\033[31m ${IS_ERROR_MESSAGE[$i]} \033[0m" done exit 1 fi exit 0Copy the code

Git Hooks pre-commit-php-lint address