Stay at home to protect your own safety, to protect the safety of your family, but also to protect the safety of everyone. 2020 go, Go China, go Wuhan, together to fight the epidemic.

Column introduces

For example, Pycharm, which I use, is a very good integrated environment development tool. Of course, if you use the professional version, you may need to activate it. Here are two recommended activation methods for your reference:

  • Pycharm License (updated in real time)
  • Pycharm “Authorization” Scheme (new version 2020)

If that’s boring, try our personalized theme. Here’s a preview of my interface:

Specific configuration

  • UI personalization
    • Open thesettingsConfiguration interface
    • Click on thePluginsThe plug-in management page is displayed
    • The installationMaterial Theme UI
  • Code personalization
    • Open thesettingsConfiguration interface
    • Click on thePluginsThe plug-in management page is displayed
    • The installationRainbow Brackets
  • Drag personalization
    • Open thesettingsConfiguration interface
    • Click on thePluginsThe plug-in management page is displayed
    • The installationCodeGlance
  • Background image personalization
    • Continuous pressShiftKey twice
    • The inputset background imageAnd according to theEnter
    • Select the image path and set the opacity and custom display style and save

Plugin instructions

  • Material Theme UI Modifies the UI style
  • Rainbow Brackets

    Make the parentheses rainbow color, more hierarchical, and can be passedctrl + The right mouse buttonIncrease the highlight
  • CodeGlance

    Is the Sublime border being ported? Faster drag to the specified code area

Image resources