The front-end based

Computer network

  1. HTTP science
  2. The front end must have nGINx knowledge

The browser

  1. The browser article
  2. Intersection Observer API
  3. IntersectionObserve Preliminary trial — Author: Crimson


  1. A Web Front-end Watermarking Scheme – Author: Ordinary
  2. Front-end Watermark Generation Scheme — Author: Microzhao


  1. CSS article
  2. Mobile adaptation – REM
  3. Adapter iPhoneX


  1. Js type conversion and data type judgment
  2. Understand this point
  3. Js inheritance article
  4. Handwritten Promise lite
  5. Handwriting stabilization, throttling, deep copy, Currization, New, call, apply, bind
  6. JS data interchange string,byte[],hex,number
  7. Js precision problem
  8. Thoroughly understand event loop (browser environment)


  1. The Process of front-end modularization by Vivo Internet Technology
  2. Webpack 5 Module Federation: A JavaScript architecture changer

Design patterns

  1. Summary of common Front-end design Patterns — author: Ming Yi
  2. Fifteen Common Design Patterns in JavaScript by Fisherman’s Wharf

Data structures and algorithms

  1. Common front-end algorithms
  2. Visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation — websites


  1. Vuejs article


The front-end engineering

Code specification

  1. Vue Style Guide – official website
  2. ESlint Usage Tips
  3. Prettier vscode + prettier — YDJFE

The code package

  1. Overview of webPack project configuration
  2. Babel7 configuration
  3. Build your own front-end scaffolding from scratch by Jackie

Code management

  1. Git command
  2. Pre-commit hooks, code quality checks — author: ZSI2017
  3. Hook Git implementation code and requirements consistency — author: Hao An

Abnormal monitoring

  1. Front-end anomalies and monitoring

Performance optimization

  1. Front-end performance optimization