Demo Github address

JcalaBlog personal blog site

Technology used:

  • springBoot
  • For springMVC: MVC framework
  • Undertow: web container
  • Mybatis: ORM framework
  • Velocity: The template engine
  • Lombok: tool
  • Quartz: Timed task
  • Ehcache: cache
  • The bootstrap: CSS/HTML framework
  • Editor. md: Markdown editor
  • The mysql database




One button night mode

dark about

dark blog

Background management

Blog list

Markdown editor


  1. Master master branch: docker based deployment, can dynamically change the profile picture, can upload pictures, using Nginx as the reverse proxy server.
  2. Simple branch: Deployed in jar package form, can not dynamically change the profile picture, can not upload pictures, niginx is not used as the reverse proxy server.

The deployment of

Simple branch deployment

  • Download the Simple branch. Open the deployment directory and see jcalablog-0.0.1.jar. Run the gradle clean build command. In the /build/libs directory, you can see the jar files. Upload the jar files to the /home/jcala directory on the server

  • Mysql > create jcalA_BLOG database (HikariCP database connection pool sometimes has problems if not created)

  • The application-prod.yml configuration file in the deployment folder is the default configuration and can be overridden at runtime. For example: running Java – jar – spring. The datasource. The username = root — spring. The datasource. Password = 123 — spring. The datasource. The initialize = true Set the user name and password of the database to root and 123, and import the database table structure and data automatically

Master branch deployment…


  1. Responsive, front end ADAPTS to the phone
  2. CDN acceleration, GZIP compression
  3. Front-end pages are accelerated with Ehcache cache
  4. One button night mode
  5. Nginx reverse proxy acceleration
  6. Transaction processing

Features that may be added gradually

  1. Project code hosting
  2. The full text retrieval
  3. Cloud IDE
  4. Background management ADAPTS to mobile client