Page updated on (2017.09.28)

I have interviewed Ali, Pinduoduo and netease for more than a month. (Ali kneels and finally passes Netease and Pinduoduo)

My memory is not good, so I can only remember so much, only about half of it, which is relatively basic, and there are few divergent problems. So, personal so far point of experience, must know is android foundation + computer network (computer network must ask !!!!!!) And then there are the benefits of projects involving multiple directions, such as mixed development, JNI/NDK, 2D and 3D, which at least look more comprehensive. Then the things on their resume must be familiar, will not be able to use, have to know the principle (cover your face, or be asked to blast)

Ali rookie

One side

  1. Introduce yourself (Virgin face, running up the stairs already out of breath, even don’t know how to introduce myself, introduce myself for a minute)
  2. RxJava, EventBus basic principles (a certain degree of digging their own hole with these, and then let me jump)
  3. How to self-implement a network request framework
  4. React Native? (I’ve used Ionic, but my interviewer hasn’t heard of it; Ionic was relatively popular in 2015.)
  5. How do you learn from yourself? What will be discussed at Google I/O 2017
  6. MVP framework, how to use it, how to use it. How to decouple. The difference with MVC

Second face (inexplicable cross face) :

  1. He directly omitted self-introduction, asked the direction of specialization (GIS), and asked how to deal with geographical fencing
  2. How to save power and interact with the server in real time (I’m talking about AlarmManager+Service), and transmit location information to the server all the time. What protocol was used
  3. From the above to the underlying principles of OkHttp
  4. What’s the difference between Http2.0 and 1.1? Which binary transport protocols are available

At that time just began to look for a job, do not know to review knowledge point completely, a lot of is in a daze know, say can not say.

Pinduoduo (live. Written test 4 over 3)

On the one hand (the interviewers are not familiar with JAVA, I did not understand the pinduoduo routine) :

  1. Take the written test out and ask the code logic, such as why TreeMap is used instead of HashMap
  2. How to optimize APP memory
  3. What is the concurrency of the project? How to deal with information transmission after crash
  4. Computer network correlation

Second interview

  1. I talked a little bit about projects that involve OpenGL. And the difference between OpenGL3.0 and 2.0.
  2. Hand-tearing code: subsequent traversal of multi-fork trees

In fact, the more I feel like pinduoduo, the more I feel like pinduoduo, the more I feel like pinduoduo, the more I feel like Pinduoduo, the more I feel like Pinduoduo, the more I feel like Pinduoduo. It is not the students with excellent performance. HR said that the results will be released at the earliest school enrollment, but there may be no results. (I sent a message saying that the offer was approved in recent days, so I manually covered my face.)


Just five days after returning home, I flew back from Xi ‘an in a short message. The key one-way fare could not be reimbursed. I had an interview on August 21st, and then I was paralyzed in the dormitory with 7 days of vacation left.

  1. If you’re an Android user, you’re probably familiar with Java multithreading. Talk about how you can update your UI with a Handler. (At first I thought I was talking about the principles of Handler, and the interviewer told me I knew what you were talking about, and then I got to ThreadLocal, and he said yes. Then I pull ThreadLocal a little bit.)
  2. Based on your resume, ask yourself how to implement a map container. And then we started talking about views and surfaceViews
  3. JNI/NDK development how to use, how to define methods in Java files and CPP files.
  4. Four boot modes, used ones, what went wrong. (Including the scene and timing of onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState, and I disagreed with the interviewer at one point. I said THAT I had encountered relevant problems during debugging, and the interviewer asked me to go back and confirm again.)
  5. How to handle memory leaks. Also mentioned in the resume 20000*20000 size picture how to load
  6. Socket is different from Http. What if a socket is disconnected
  7. The link was broken in the socket transfer file. Extended to how to break the continuation
  8. Related to the optimization plan and strategy used in their own projects, especially for pictures
  9. If GreenDao is used, ask if you have committed two different operations in one transaction. Update a Person record in a table and add a Dog record.
  10. MVP framework, mixed development: I’ve used a lot of open source libraries, so why not write my own (oops, awkward). I asked if I could do an internship, and I left my resume for a record and then I went to the next round of interviews

Second interview (a handsome guy, I thought I was in reverse order) :

  1. To introduce myself
  2. Handler mechanism
  3. How to implement thread pools yourself. How queues are managed in thread pools. If the thread pool size is N and M tasks are pushed in a row (M>>N), how to handle, for example, 10000 tasks in a thread pool of 20 size
  4. Personal direction partial mobile GIS, dealing with maps more, talked about remote sensing images (that is, slightly larger pictures) cache replacement, recovery strategy. The interviewer let the detail again, the point involved is LRU and Java several references, some data structures. Q: how does the memory cache work, k-V pair setting, mentioned how to set the K value when you need to handle rotation locally, but the URL is the same as Picasso
  5. OkHttp basic principle, TCP three-way handshake and four-way wave process (draw the packet content and control bit setting of each handshake and wave)
  6. Also read EventBus source code (I said I read EventBus, it seems that the interviewer did not want to ask, smiling said you go to wait for HR face) attached to dig golden autumn recruitment essay contest link