Use the crontab scheduled task function of Linux itself to execute the script \ of database backup periodically

The article directories

      • Implementation function list
      • Data Backup dump
        • The sample
      • A shell script
      • Scheduled task crontab
            • Crontab usage:
            • Content Explanation:

Implementation function list

  • The backup
  • Regular backup
  • Compressing backup Files
  • Delete expired backup files
  • Restoring backup Files

Data Backup dump

Every database has a command to export the data and structure in the database, that is, backup. Restoring the backup data will delete and rebuild the tables in the original data, and then insert the data in the backup. This is restore. Note that if there is more data before restoration than backup, the data after restoration will be lost.

Mysqldump -h -u [username] -p [database name] > mysqldump -h -u [username] -p [database name] > mysqldump -h -u [username] -p [database name] > mysqldump

The sample

  • Backing up a specified databasetest
mysqldump -uroot -pxxx test > /backup/mysqldump/test.db
Copy the code
  • Restoring the databasetest
mysql -uroot -pxxx  test < /backup/mysqldump/test.db
Copy the code

Note: Before importing the backup database, if the database to be restored does not exist, it needs to be created. Db can be imported only if the database name is the same as that of test.db. (That is, the name of the backup library and the restore library must be the same)

A shell script

To complete a full-featured backup solution, shell scripts are required. We want this script to be backed up to the specified path and compressed, save up to 30, more than 30 delete the earliest, and log the operation. Don’t say anything. It’s all in the script. Go!

# username
# your password
The database to be backed up

# Maximum number of backup files to be saved
Backup save path
# date
date_time=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`

Create a folder if it does not exist
if [ ! -d $backup_path ]; 
    mkdir -p $backup_path; 
# start backup
mysqldump -u $username -p$password $database_name > $backup_path/$database_name-$date_time.sql
# start compression
cd $backup_path
tar -zcvf $database_name-$date_time.tar.gz $database_name-$date_time.sql
Delete the source file
rm -rf $backup_path/$database_name-$date_time.sql
Update the backup log
echo "create $backup_path/$database_name-$date_time.tar.gz" >> $backup_path/dump.log

Find the backup that needs to be deleted
delfile=`ls -l -crt  $backup_path/*.tar.gz | awk '{print $9 }' | head -1`

Check whether the current number of backups exceeds the threshold
number=`ls -l -crt  $backup_path/*.tar.gz | awk '{print $9 }' | wc -l`

if [ $number -gt $count ]
  # delete the earliest backup and keep only the count backup
  rm $delfile
  Update delete file log
  echo "delete $delfile" >> $backup_path/dump.log
Copy the code

Chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x

Parameter Meaning of the chmod command -- + indicates that some permissions are added. X indicates that the permissions are executedCopy the code

Scheduled task crontab

Crontab is a scheduled task feature that comes with Linux. You can use it to execute the script once every morning.

Crontab usage:
  • Crontab -l Displays the scheduled task list
  • Crontab -e Edit (add/delete) scheduled tasks

Run the crontab -e command to open an editable text, enter 00 01 * * * /app/ to save and exit.

Content Explanation:

00 01 * * * /app/ /app/ /app/ /app/ /app/ Periodic expressions are five placeholders representing minutes, hours, days, months, and weeks

Each placeholder with * and is used in the first minute, the second per hour, and so on placeholder with specific figures show that the specific time, in the first 10 is 10, with 10 said in the third, and so on a placeholder in – interval, 5 to 7 is used in the first 5 to 7 points, in the fifth said Friday to Sunday, And so on, the/is used to represent the interval, 5-10/2 is used in the first place to represent the interval of 2 minutes between 5 and 10, 2-5 is used in the second place to represent the interval of 2 hours between 5 and 10, and so on, 5,10 is used in the first place to represent 5 and 10, may and October are used in the fourth place, and so on

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