The recent project requires interaction with Unity. Unity, as a game engine, still consumes a lot of performance, so I looked for a performance testing tool and found PerfDog of Tencent, and recorded my experience in using it.

Check the instructions on the official website

Official website Address Description of the official website

Let’s take a look at the description document, see the description document is very important, will let yourself take a lot of detours

  • This link is mainly about a series of why? How to debug Android and ios? GPU Information Viewing? Power view? Performance information, WIFI test mode? Read carefully to see if you have your own questions
  • Special Model Guide This link is for some of the lower versions of the phone cannot be tested and may be concurrent issues
  • The performance criteria Reference explains what performance is and how appropriate performance criteria are, and can be found here.
  • The WEB user manual PerfDog can be downloaded and used by the client or directly used in the background after logging in to the official website. The WEB instructions of this link are very detailed. Please refer to this link for WEB usage.

Download and install the client

Mine is the decompressed file of Windows version as shown in the picture. Click Perfdog. exe to install it

You need to log in to enter perfDog’s home page. You just need to enter the registered email address on the official website.

3. What is on perfDog’s home page?

  • Section 1: Select the mobile device for debugging click to select the mobile phone, and a PerfDog application will be installed on the mobile phone. You need to agree to install, otherwise the installation will fail

  • Plate 2: After successful installation, plate 2″ Please select test App “will display all apps installed on the phone

  • FPS, FrameTime, CPU, Network(Recv/Send, test target process flow)

  • Plate 4/ Plate 5/ Plate 6: Change title 4

4. What are FPS,CPU and Memory of perfDog?

Carefully read the official documentation, these are explained to, I have made a simple summary


FPS(Frames per second) Average number of times a game screen or application screen refreshes within 1 second.

Name Description Avg average FPS rate (average FPS in a period of time)Var Variance of the frame rate (average FPS in a period of time)Drop Number of frames dropped (Average times that two FPS points Drop more than 8 frames per hour)

In normal game play, the delay should not be greater than 100 ms, otherwise the user’s severity is only stuck, 100-300 ms users can feel the delay, when it reaches 1 second, the user’s attention will shift


Number of stutter times per second and a high FPS is not indicative of smooth or no stutter. For example: FPS is 50 frames, render one frame for the first 200ms and 49 frames for the last 800ms, although the frame rate is 50, it still feels very sluggish. At the same time, a low FPS does not mean a lag, such as 15 FPS without a lag. So average FPS has nothing to do with gridlock

Name Description Jank1s Number of times a frame is held (if ab is used at the same time, Jank is held once) a) The current frame duration is greater than the average time of the previous three frames. B) Current frame Time > time of two movie frames (1000ms/24*2=84ms). BigJank1s Number of serious BigJank1s (if ab is met at the same time, BigJank is considered as a serious BigJank) a) The current frame duration is twice the average of the previous three frames. B) Current frame Time > Time of three movie frames (1000ms/24*3=125ms). Jank(/10min) Average number of times of serious delays per 10 minutes BigJank(/10min) Average number of times of serious delays per 10 minutes During the PerfDog Stutter test. Stutter(Karate rate)= Karate market/Total time


Name description FTime interval for displaying upper and lower frames, that is, frame time Avg(FTime) average frame time Delta(FTime) incremental time (average times of time difference between two frames >100ms per hour)

CPU Usage

CPU usage official explanation

Name Description Total CPU CPU usage of the entire system AppCPU Process CPU usage CPU Clock Unscheduled frequency and unscheduled usage of CPU cores CPU Clock Normalized frequency and planned usage of CPU cores


Name Description MemoryPSS Memory statistics are the same as those of Android Java API standards, and the same as those of Meminfo. Note: Some Samsung systems have modified the Meminfo low-level statistics method, resulting in inconsistent Meminfo and Java AP statistics results, which has been fixed for the new Samsung machines.)Swap Memory Some devices support Swap function. After the Swap function is enabled, the system will compress the PSS Memory and increase Swap. PSS is reduced, and since compression takes up CPU resources, The FPS reduces Virtual Memory(VSS) Memory DetailNativePSS, GFX, GL, and UnknownCTempCPU Temperature Battery Note: The error is less than 3% with the instrument test. Note: Sum(Battery) refers to power consumption.

GPU Usage

Name Description GPU Usage Currently supports only some Qualcomm chips note: Top Android GPU test models, refer to GPU Frequency Currently, only some Qualcomm chips are supported


Name Description Network(Recv/Send Tests the traffic of the target process

5. PerfDog use

Choose a test application, start running, shua Shua shua a large number of test data presented, deskmates see, ask me what I am doing? Looks so high and mighty, ha ha

5.1 Click the + button to select performance parameters that you want to collect. Some commonly used performance parameters are selected by default

PerfDog should be given the permission to display the small window test data of mobile phone

5.2 Record Saving

5.3 Cloud Data Kanban: After the test, it can be saved to the cloud or local view

Local form record

5.4 Test Data Playback

5.5 Log Log Records

Performance testing technology Exchange Group: 720150565

To see PerfDog details:…