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One: What is Performance?
Performance is an API for monitoring front-end Performance. It can detect performance in pages. A new API introduced by the W3C performance Group can detect white screen time, first screen time, user-available time nodes, total page download time, DNS query time, TCP connection time, etc. So let’s take a look at this API.
Before learning, the main test points of front-end performance are as follows:
White screen time: The time from when we open the site to when the content renders.
First screen time: the time when the first screen content is rendered.
User-operable time node: domReady trigger node.
Total download time: window.onload trigger node.
Let’s briefly use the basic code for Performance in HTML:
The performance demonstration varperformance = window. The performance | | window. MsPerformance | | window. WebkitPerformance; if(performance) {console.log(performance); }
The following basic performance information is displayed:
As you can see above, performance contains three objects: memory, navigation, timing. Memory is associated with memory, and navigation is associated with the source, meaning the jump is from that place. Timing is the critical time. Let’s take a look at the specific attribute values of this object.
Performance. Memory indicates how much memory is being used at this time. As you can see from the figure above, this object has three properties:
JsHeapSizeLimit Indicates the memory size limit.
TotalJSHeapSize indicates the total memory size.
UsedJSHeapSize indicates the size of available memory.
If usedJSHeapSize is greater than totalJSHeapSize, then there is a memory leak problem, so it is not allowed to be greater than this value.
Performance. Navigation indicates the source information of the page. The object has two property values: redirectCount and Type.
RedirectCount: This value means that the page is redirected several times, if any. The default value is 0.
Type: the meaning of the value indicates how the page is opened. The default value is 0. The value can be 0, 1, 2, or 255.
0 (TYPE_NAVIGATE) : indicates that the page is normally entered (not refreshed or redirected).
1 (TYPE_RELOAD) : represents the page refreshed through window.location.reload. If I refresh the page now and look at it again, it’s going to be 1.
2 (TYPE_BACK_FORWARD) : indicates the page accessed through the forward and back buttons of the browser. If I go to the page and then go back to the page and look at the printed value, it’s 2.
255 (TYPE_RESERVED) : indicates that the page is not entered in the above way.
As shown below:
performance.onresourcetimingbufferfull; The screenshot above also has this property, which is meant to be in a callback function. This callback is executed when the browser’s resource – time performance buffer is full.
Performance. TimeOrigin: is the reference point of a series of time points, accurate to one thousandth of a millisecond. In the preceding figure, the value is 1559526951495.139
A dynamic, refresh, the value is changed.
Performance. Timing: a series of critical time points, including network and parsing time data.
For convenience, I got a picture from the Internet to analyze the meaning of each key time point as follows:
According to the order shown in the figure above, let’s see the meanings of each field as follows:
NavigationStart: indicates the timestamp at the end of the uninstallation of a page in the same browser. If there is no previous page, this value will be the same as fetchStart.
RedirectStart: This value means the timestamp at which the first HTTP redirect started, and returns 0 if there is no redirect, or if the redirect is to a different source.
RedirectEnd: Timestamp when the last HTTP redirect is complete. This value is also returned to 0 if there is no redirect, or if the redirect is to a different source.
FetchStart: The time when the browser is ready to fetch a document using an HTTP request (before checking the local cache).
DomainLookupStart: time when DNS domain name query starts. If local cache or persistent links are used, this value is the same as the fetchStart value.
DomainLookupEnd: time when the DNS domain name query is complete. If local caching or persistent links are used, this value is the same as the fetchStart value.
ConnectStart: The time when HTTP starts to establish a connection. This value is the same as fetchStart in the case of persistent links. If an error occurs at the transport layer and the connection needs to be re-established, the new link start time is displayed here.
SecureConnectionStart: HTTPS connection start time, if it is not a secure connection, the value is 0
ConnectEnd: indicates the time when the HTTP connection is established (the handshake is completed). In the case of persistent links, this value is the same as the fetchStart value, showing the completion time of the newly established link if an error occurs at the transport layer and the connection needs to be re-established.
RequestStart: the time when an HTTP request starts to read the actual document, including from the local cache, or when a link error reconnects.
ResponseStart: The time at which the response is received (when the first byte is retrieved). This includes reading from the cache locally.
ResponseEnd: the time when the HTTP response has been fully received (the last byte was retrieved). This includes reading from the cache locally.
UnloadEventStart: The time stamp of the unload for the previous page (same as the current page), 0 if there is no previous page or the previous page is in a different domain.
UnloadEventEnd: Corresponding to unloadEventStart, returns the timestamp when the previous page’s unload event bound callback function has finished executing.
DomLoading: The time to start parsing and rendering the DOM tree.
DomInteractive: The time to finish parsing the DOM tree (only the DOM tree has been parsed, but the page’s resources have not started to load).
DomContentLoadedEventStart: after DOM parsing is complete, the starting time of the web resources in loading.
DomContentLoadedEventEnd: after DOM parsing is complete, web resources loaded in time.
DomComplete: The time when the DOM tree is parsed and the resource is ready. Document.readyState becomes complete and a readyStatechange related event is thrown.
LoadEventStart: Load the event to send to the document. This is the time when the load callback starts executing, or 0 if no LOAD event is bound.
LoadEventEnd: The time when the callback function of the load event completes execution. This value is 0 if no load event is bound.
Above is the meaning of each value, you simply take a look, understand the next line, without too much toss and turn. Before using these values to calculate white screen time, first screen time, user available time nodes, total page download time, DNS query time, TCP connection time, etc., we can take a look at the traditional solution.
Traditional scheme
Before the API, if we wanted to calculate the front-end performance, we needed to use a timestamp to approximate how long it would take. For example, use (new Date()).getTime() to calculate the before and after values, and the difference between the two values is the amount of time that has been spent. However, this method has errors and is not accurate. Let’s take a look at the traditional scheme as follows:
1.1 Blank screen time
White screen time: it refers to the time node calculated from the moment when the user enters the website (such as refreshing the page or jumping to a new page) until the page content is displayed. As you can see in the figure above, this process includes DNS queries, establishing TCP links, sending the first HTTP request, etc., and returning HTML documents.
For example:
VarstartTime = (newDate()).getTime(); varendTime = (newDate()).getTime();
As shown above, the value of endtime-startTime can be used as an estimate of the white screen time.
1.2 First screen time
To get the first screen time calculation, first we need to know that there are two ways to load a page:
1. After loading the resource file, obtain the interface data dynamically through JS, and then return the data to render the content.
So the infographic looks like this:
2. Front page isomorphic, as follows:
CSS resource file load time calculation, we can be as shown in the figure: T2-T1 is all CSS load time.
So let’s say our project file code index. HTML looks something like this:
VarpageStartTime = (newDate()).getTime(); VarcssEndTime = (newDate()).getTime(); VarjsPluginTime = (newDate()).getTime();
Computation time
VarJsStartTime = (newDate()).getTime(); VarJsEndTime = (newDate()).getTime();
Cssendtime-pagestarttime = cssEndTime-pagestartTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime = cssEndTime But is js load time = jsendtime-jsstartTime? This is definitely not the case, as JS also needs to have time to execute. JsEndTime – JsStartTime = JsEndTime – JsStartTime; ? This is also incorrect because browsers load resource files in parallel and execute JS files in serial. If the CSS file or jquery file does not return an HTTP request, it will block the execution of subsequent JS files. However, at this moment, the JS file loading has returned very early, but the CSS file loading is slow due to server or network problems, so the js file execution will be blocked.
So we can conclude: js loading time is not equal to jsendtime-jsstartTime; In the same way, the actual js loading and executing is not equal to JsEndTime -jsstartTime. Because of the HTTP request in the external chain CSS, it will block the js execution, so many sites will change the external chain CSS file to the inline CSS file code, the inline CSS code is serial. Such as Baidu, Taobao official website and so on. Let’s take a look at the source code of these two websites:
Baidu source code:
We open baidu search page, and then we right-click to view the source page as follows:
Let’s look at the baidu search page of the network CSS request can be seen as follows, under the same domain name there is no CSS external chain operation, all THE CSS code is inline, we check the network to see only one CSS external chain request, and the CSS is not baidu internal CSS file, as shown below:
Taobao official website source:
We operate as shown above, open taobao official website source code to view as follows:
In addition, we can only see two CSS external chain requests in the network request of Taobao official website, and these two external chain requests are not CSS requests under the same domain name inside Taobao.
As follows:
And the CSS file named new_suggest-min. CSS file, I searched through the source code, did not find the CSS file outside the chain, so we can be sure that the CSS file is dynamically loaded through JS, as shown below:
Remember: if there are multiple JS files under the body, and there are ajax dynamic rendering files, then try to put it in the first, because other JS loading will prevent the page from rendering, rendering JS will not render, resulting in a period of blank page data.
2: Use performance. Timing to calculate the value
The Performance object has a timing property that contains a number of property values. Let’s look at the previous diagram, as shown below:
From the diagram above, we can see:
Redirection time = redirectEnd – redirectStart;
DNS query time = domainLookupEnd – domainLookupStart;
TCP connection duration = connectEnd – connectStart;
Request time = responseEnd – responseStart;
Dom tree parsing time = domcomplete-dominteractive;
White screen time = responseStart – navigationStart;
DOMready = domContentLoadedEventEnd – navigationStart;
Onload time = loadEventEnd – navigationStart;
The above is the calculation method. For convenience, we can now encapsulate them into a function, and then calculate the corresponding value. Then we can optimize according to the corresponding data value.
Let’s encapsulate the calculation method of js, the code is as follows:
functiongetPerformanceTiming(){varperformance =window.performance; if(! Performance) {console.log(‘ Your browser does not support the Performance property ‘); return; }vart = performance.timing; varobj = {timing: performance.timing }; Obj. redirectTime = t. redirectend – t.redirectStart; // DNS query time obj.lookupDomainTime = t. domainlookupend – t. domainlookupstart; // TCP connection time obj.connectTime = t. contend – t. connectstart; Obj. requestTime = t.esponseend – t.esponseStart; Obj. domReadyTime = t.domcomplete – t.dominteractive; // Whitescreen time obj.whiteTime = t. reesponsestart – t.navigationStart; / / DOMready time obj. DomLoadTime = t.d omContentLoadedEventEnd – t.n avigationStart; Obj. LoadTime = t. loadeventend – t.navigationStart; returnobj; }varobj = getPerformanceTiming(); console.log(obj);
Three: how to optimize the front-end performance?
1. In the web page, CSS resource files as far as possible inline, do not chain, specific reasons have been explained above.
2. Redirection optimization, 301(permanent redirection), 302 (temporary redirection), 304 (Not Modified). The first two redirects should be avoided. 304 is used for caching. Redirection takes time.
3. DNS optimization, how to optimize? The first is to reduce the number of DNS requests and the second is to prefetch DNS. A normal DNS resolution on a PC takes 20-120 milliseconds. Therefore, we can reduce the number of DNS resolution times, which in turn reduces the DNS resolution time.
The second is DNS prefetch, what is prefetch? DNS prefetch is when the browser tries to resolve the domain name before the user accesses the link. For example there are many links in our website, but the link is not under the same domain name, we can to resolve the domain name first when I was in the browser loads, when a user to click on the real time, in the process of the resolution of the link can be reduced an average of 200 milliseconds time-consuming (refers to access to the domain name for the first time, the absence of cache). This will reduce the user wait time and improve the user experience.
We can take a look at the code on taobao’s official website as follows to perform DNS Prefetch, as shown below:
DNS Prefetch should be placed at the front of the page as much as possible, and at the back is recommended. Specific use methods are as follows:
4. TCP request optimization
TCP optimization is to reduce the number of HTTP requests. Things like front-end resource merging, images, resource file compression, etc.
In HTTP1.0, short links are used by default, that is, when the client and server make an HTTP request, a link is established, and the link is broken when the task is finished. There will be 3 TCP request handshakes and 4 TCP request release operations.
In http1.1, Connection: keep-alive is added to the HTTP response header. This code means that the link will not be closed immediately after the page is opened.
When we visit the link again, we will continue to use the long connection. This reduces the number of TCP handshakes and releases. You only need to establish a TCP connection, for example, let’s take a look at baidu’s request as follows:
5. Render optimization
When we were working on vue or React projects, a common template page was rendered using JS. Instead of isomorphic straight OUT HTML pages, for this rendering process for our first screen will have a lot of loss, white screen time will increase. So we can use the isomorphism method to render the HTML page on the server is better, or we can use some webpack tools to render the HTML isomorphism. Webpack rendering can be seen in this article.
4. Methods in Performance
First of all, let’s print the methods in Performance in the console as follows:
varperformance =window.performance; console.log(performance);
As follows:
4.1 the performance. However, ()
This method contains an arraylist of all static resources.
For example, my current HTML code is as follows:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
window.onload =function(){varperformance =window.performance; console.log(performance); console.log(performance.getEntries()) }
As shown in the code above, my page contains a picture from Taobao CDN, because this method will get all HTTP requests contained in the page.
Then we see in the browser that the performance.getentries () message is printed as follows:
In addition to the resource load time, this object has several common attributes:
Name: resource name, is the absolute path of the resource, as shown in the picture path on Taobao CDN. We can through the performance. GetEntriesByName (name attribute values), to obtain the resource load specific properties.
StartTime: indicates the startTime
Duration: indicates the loading time. It is a millisecond number that can only be retrieved from the point in time in the same domain, or 0 if it is cross-domain.
EntryType: resource type “resource”, and “navigation”, “mark” and “measure”.
InitiatorType: A tag that represents the source of the request, such as a link tag, script tag, IMG tag, and so on.
So we can wrap a method like getPerformanceTiming to get the time of a resource. The code encapsulation method is as follows:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
// Calculate load time functiongetEntryTiming(entry){varobj = {}; Obj. redirectTime = entry.redirectend – entry.redirectStart; Obj. lookupDomainTime = entry.domainLookupEnd – entry.domainLookupStart; Obj. connectTime = entry.connectend – entry.connectstart; Obj. requestTime = entry.responseend – entry.responsestart; =; obj.entryType = entry.entryType; obj.initiatorType = entry.initiatorType; obj.duration = entry.duration; returnobj; }window.onload =function(){varentries =window.performance.getEntries(); console.log(entries); entries.forEach(function(item){if(item.initiatorType) {varcurItem = getEntryTiming(item); console.log(curItem); }}); }
The console displays two console.log files. The console displays the following information:
As shown in the figure above, we can see that after calculation by getEntryTiming, we get the corresponding values.
4.2 the performance. Now ()
This method returns a timestamp of the current page execution, which can be used to calculate the actual execution of the program.
For example, if I loop a million times and return an array, let’s look at the following code:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
functiondoFunc(){vararrs = []; for(vari =0; i <1000000; i++) { arrs.push({‘label’: i,’value’: i }); }returnarrs; }vart1; console.log(t1); doFunc(); vart2; console.log(t2); Console. log(‘doFunc function execution time: ‘+ (T2-T1) +’ milliseconds ‘);
Then we’ll print out how long doFunc() took, as shown below:
We also know that we have another time, (), but differs from () :
This method uses a floating point number that returns the time in milliseconds, with the decimal point accurate to a subtle degree. Is more accurate than () and does not suffer from system program clogging.
Let’s look at the following demo using the () method:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
functiondoFunc(){vararrs = []; for(vari =0; i <1000000; i++) { arrs.push({‘label’: i,’value’: i }); }returnarrs; }vart1; console.log(t1); doFunc(); vart2; console.log(t2); Console. log(‘doFunc function execution time: ‘+ (T2-T1) +’ milliseconds ‘);
The result is as follows:
Note: performance. Timing. NavigationStart + performance. Now () is approximately equal to the Date, now ();
4.3 performance. Mark ()
The meaning of this method is to use custom add mark time, convenient for us to calculate the running time of the program. The method is used as follows:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
functiondoFunc(){vararrs = []; for(vari =0; i <1000000; i++) { arrs.push({‘label’: i,’value’: i }); }returnarrs; } varmStart =’mStart’; varmEnd =’mEnd’; window.performance.mark(mStart); doFunc(); // After the function is executed, mark window.performance. Mark (mEnd); // Then measure the distance between the two markers and store it as varName =’myMeasure’; window.performance.measure(name, mStart, mEnd); / / the following us through performance. GetEntriesByName method to get the value of the console, log (performance. GetEntriesByName (‘ myMeasure ‘)); console.log(performance.getEntriesByType(‘measure’));
The above code, we through the window. The performance. Measure (name, mStart, mEnd); After this method make a mark, we can use performance. GetEntriesByName (‘ myMeasure ‘) and the performance. GetEntriesByType (‘ measure ‘) to get the value.
As shown below:
4.4 performance. GetEntriesByType ()
This method returns a list of PerformanceEntry object, based on the given entry type, the above code performance. GetEntriesByType (‘ measure ‘) can obtain the value.
4.5 performance. ClearMeasures ()
Remove custom added measures from the browser’s performance input buffer. The code looks like this:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
functiondoFunc(){vararrs = []; for(vari =0; i <1000000; i++) { arrs.push({‘label’: i,’value’: i }); }returnarrs; } varmStart =’mStart’; varmEnd =’mEnd’; window.performance.mark(mStart); doFunc(); // After the function is executed, mark window.performance. Mark (mEnd); // Then measure the distance between the two markers and store it as varName =’myMeasure’; window.performance.measure(name, mStart, mEnd); / / the following us through performance. GetEntriesByName method to get the value of the console, log (performance. GetEntriesByName (‘ myMeasure ‘)); console.log(performance.getEntriesByType(‘measure’)); / / use performance. ClearMeasures () method to clear the custom add measureperformance. ClearMeasures (); console.log(performance.getEntriesByType(‘measure’));
As we use the performance in the final code. ClearMeasures () method to remove all the measure custom. And then we back to use the console. The log (performance. GetEntriesByType (‘ measure ‘)); Print the following information:
4.6 performance. GetEntriesByName (the name attribute value)
This method returns a list of PerformanceEntry objects, based on the given name and entry type.
4.7 the performance. The toJSON ()
This method is a JSON format converter that returns a JSON object of a Performance object. The following code looks like this:
The performance demonstration
Computation time
console.log(window.performance); varjs =window.performance.toJSON(); console.log(“json = “+JSON.stringify(js));
Then print the following information:
Five: Write small tools with Performane
First, the HTML code looks like this (remember to put the initial code in window.onload to make sure the image loads) :
The performance demonstration
Computation time
window.onload =function(){window.performanceTool.getPerformanceTiming(); };
Then the page is previewed as follows:
As shown in the picture above, we can clearly see the basic information of the page, such as: Redirection, Appcache, DNS query, TCP connection, HTTP request, DOM loading after request, DOM tree parsing, blank screen, load event, and page loading. The time it takes for the page to complete loading is the sum of all The Times above. And below, we can also clearly see the resource loading of JS, CSS, image, video and other information and the total time spent.
Js basic code is as follows:
The SRC /utils.js code looks like this:
exportfunctionisObject(obj){returnobj ! ==null&& (typeofobj ===’object’)}// Format into ms exportfunctionformatMs(time){if(typeofTime! ==’number’) {console.log(‘ time must be a number’); return; }// if(time >1000) {return(time /1000).tofixed (2) +’s’; }// The default return milliseconds returnmath. round(time) +’ms’; }exportfunctionisImg(param){if(/.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|webp|svg)/i.test(param)) {returntrue; }returnfalse; }exportfunctionisJS(param){if(/.(js)/i.test(param)) {returntrue; }returnfalse; }exportfunctionisCss(param){if(/.(css)/i.test(param)) {returntrue; }returnfalse; }exportfunctionisVideo(param){if(/.(mp4|rm|rmvb|mkv|avi|flv|ogv|webm)/i.test(name)) {returntrue; }returnfalse; }exportfunctioncheckResourceType(param){if(isImg(param)) {return’image’; }if(isJS(param)) {return’javascript’; }if(isCss(param)) {return’css’; }if(isVideo(param)) {return’video’; }return’other’}
The js/index.js code is as follows:
varutils =require(‘./utils’); varformatMs = utils.formatMs; varisObject = utils.isObject; varcheckResourceType = utils.checkResourceType; functionPerformance(){}; Performance. The prototype = {/ / get the data information getPerformanceTiming: function () {/ / initialized data this. The init (); if(! IsObject (this.timing)) {console.log(‘ value needs to be an object type ‘); return; } / / early to get loadEventEnd value will be 0 varloadtime = this. Timing. LoadEventEnd – this. Timing. NavigationStart; if(loadTime <0) { setTimeout(()=>{this.getPerformanceTiming(); }, 200); return; } / / obtain the parsed data enclosing afterDatas. TimingFormat = this. _setTiming (loadTime); this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataFormat =this._setEnteries(); this._show(); },init:function(){this.timing =window.performance.timing; / / get all the data of the resource type to the resource enclosing enteriesResouceData = window. Performance. The getEntriesByType (‘ resource ‘); },// Save the original data timing: {},// save the original data enteries enteriesResouceData: [],// save the parsed data afterDatas: {timingFormat: {},enteriesResouceDataFormat: {},enteriesResouceDataTiming: {“js”:0,”css”:0,”image”:0,”video”:0,”others”:0} },_setTiming:function(loadTime){vartiming =this.timing; Vardata = {” Redirection time “: formatMs(timing. RedirectEnd – timing. RedirectStart),”Appcache time “: FetchStart (timing. DomainLookupStart – timing. FetchStart) FormatMs (timing. DomainLookupEnd – timing. DomainLookupStart),”TCP connection time “: FormatMs (timing. ConnectEnd – timing. ConnectStart), FormatMs (timing. ResponseEnd – timing. ResponseStart),” DOM loading time “: FormatMs (timing. DomInteractive – timing. ResponseEnd),” DOM tree parsing time “: FormatMs (timing. Domcomplete-timing. DomInteractive),” White screen time” FormatMs (timing. ResponseStart – timing. NavigationStart),” Load time “: FormatMs (timing. Loadeventend-timing. LoadEventStart),” time for page load completion “: formatMs(loadTime)}; returndata; },_setEnteries:function(){varenteriesResouceData =this.enteriesResouceData; varimageArrs = [], jsArrs = [], cssArrs = [], videoArrs = [], otherArrs = []; (item=>{vard = {‘ resource name ‘:,’HTTP protocol type ‘: item.nextHopProtocol,”TCP connection Time “: FormatMs (item.connectend – item.connectStart),” loading time “: formatMs(item.duration)}; switch(checkResourceType( {case’image’:this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataTiming.image += item.duration; imageArrs.push(d); break; case’javascript’:this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataTiming.js += item.duration; jsArrs.push(d); break; case’css’:this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataTiming.css += item.duration; cssArrs.push(d); break; case’video’ += item.duration; videoArrs.push(d); break; case’others’:this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataTiming.others += item.duration; otherArrs.push(d); break; }}); return{‘js’: jsArrs,’css’: cssArrs,’image’: imageArrs,’video’: videoArrs,’others’: otherArrs } },_show:function(){console.table(this.afterDatas.timingFormat); For (varkeyinthis. AfterDatas. EnteriesResouceDataFormat) {console. Group (key + “– – total load time +” formatMs(this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataTiming[key])); console.table(this.afterDatas.enteriesResouceDataFormat[key]); console.groupEnd(key); }}}; varPer =newPerformance(); module.exports = Per;