Have you ever wondered if the company you work with has implemented proxy networking, but it is still very slow to use Homebrew and Git on the console? This is because the network used on the console is still a network without agents, as verified below:

Verify that the console is using an unbrokered network

Open the console and enter:

curl www.google.com
Copy the code

You’ll find that you can’t get to it anyway, which verifies that Suzian has set up the global proxy network, but the console still won’t go to the proxy.

How does it work?

Console sets up the proxy network

First, ask the IT service center of the company for the agent port number of the company. After getting IT, open the console and enter:

(This is the general format, depending on the company’s configuration)

Export https_proxy=agent. Company name. Com: port number export http_proxy=agent. Com: indicates the port numberCopy the code

And then we’ll do that

curl www.google.com
Copy the code

The following 302 redirect message is returned:

Homebrew git Cocopods, homebrew Git Cocopods, homebrew Git Cocopods