Applets are important to help with development, but development tools only now support version management, which is a conscience feature. Now try connecting to Gitee, group development is more convenient.


Install Git, install the latest wechat small program development assistant, register Gitee account.

The first step:

Open the corresponding project and enable version management.

The second step:

Initialize the Git repository

Hit OK, and it’s on. It’s pretty simple.

Step 3:

Configure personal information.

Set up network authentication, you can choose the corresponding authentication mode, user name and password is relatively simple, directly use Gitee account password can be. I am using the specified key for convenience

Step 4:

Create a new project in Gitee.

Copy the corresponding SSH path

Step 5:

Development tools configure remote repositories.

Just fill in the name and path

Step 6:

If you use the key authentication mode, you need to configure the public key and key. In Gitee, you need to configure the corresponding public key.

Finally, of course, the work is done, grab the project down, you can easily collaborate on the development. Very convenient

The article is reprinted from open Source Chinese community []

Wechat small program version management using Gitee

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