
The recent project is still very busy, and I still don’t have much time to sort out what I have done before and summarize the problems and knowledge points in the project. But always want to output what, the whole copy others without their own understanding seems to have no meaning. Make a note of any recent problems.

Universal Links

After iOS9, the jump of different apps is realized by Universal Links. Before iOS9, Schema is a relatively mainstream jump scheme. We won’t go into the ins and outs of Universal Links, but how to configure it.

So let’s take a look at the apple documentation here

1. Ok, before we start, let’s check whether our device supports Universal Links. Let’s enter in Safari and drop down to see if wechat entry is opened (if installed).

2. Create an apple-app-site-association file. Create an apple-app-site-association file (note no suffix) in JSON format, as shown in the official example below

    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
                "appID": "",
                "paths": [ "*" ]
Copy the code

AppID is made up of teamID, which can be viewed at Apple’s developer center, and BundleID, which can be viewed at Xcode. appID = teamID.bundleID

Paths correspond to the path of Apple-app-site-Association under the website server, which is case-sensitive and * is a wildcard character indicating any path. Generally, you can fill in this path. Some third parties, such as wechat, will join paths and parameters at the end of Universal Links. Therefore, wildcard characters must be added after paths.

To upload this file to the Web server, please be sure to communicate with the back-end and front-end students about the location and format.

3. After the Web server is configured, we can directly download apple-app-site-Association files by combining urls in the browser. For example, are your Universal Links

4. Log in to Apple Developer Center and open the Associated Domains and configure them in Xcode. Format for

5. Apple also provides an official web page for us developers to verify that works. Verify the address

6. Uninstall and reinstall the app. Open Safari and enter to check whether there is an app entry.

This is how to configure Universal Links. If the drop down still does not exist, it may be caused by the following reasons

1. The apple-app-site-association format is incorrect. Check it carefully

2. Use the package capture software to check whether the apple-app-site-Association file is downloaded when the app is started for the first time, and check whether the content in the file is correct.

3. The format in Associated Domains was not configured correctly

Review the problem

The company’s newly launched app was rejected three times for the following reasons

  1. This is my pot. The SDK version that pod comes in is too old, so it contains UIWebView code.

  2. The specific function is not described when using the camera album permission, the correct example is that we need your camera permission to take profile pictures and so on

  3. The audit account given to Apple cannot be logged in to the server.