Another year has passed, and the scene of writing the annual summary of 2018 is still vividly in mind. Before writing this article, I also went to see the annual summary of 2018, mainly to see what I learned in 2018 and what I can remember.

What impressed me most was something related to functional programming, because it really affected a lot of my programming thinking after I got into it deeply. Although I will not use many functional ways to write in the project, but those features of functional deeply guide me how to design a more maintainable function, some of the thinking can be seen in my writing functional programming last year, really fragrant.

Make a prediction: Functional programming will be big in three years, thanks to the rise of Serverless.

Looking back, my overall conclusion for this year is that there was too much input and not enough output.

The input

I feel that I am an anxious person. My anxiety may come from social contact (too many excellent people around me, too many people younger than me or my peers) or from my own knowledge (the “knowing that I don’t know” state in the Darhk effect).

Images from the Internet

If I follow this chart, I’m in the confidence collapse zone right now. I don’t know if I’m in the valley of despair, but I hope to be on the slope of enlightenment next year.

As you can see from this graph, high levels of confidence are not necessarily good, and are likely to be on the peak of ignorance.

Feel oneself is strong, there is no defeat by anxiety or collapse of confidence, believe in yourself through hard, improve their professional knowledge and ability, always escape from the valley of despair, so, I work harder this year than ever before to learn, to get the result is I feel this year on knowledge improved very much, more informed, means that the pattern will slowly change, the pattern, the greater the The more successful I am (this is just my own logic).

Although I have gained a lot mentally, I have not made substantial progress in my career or influence in this year’s output in all aspects. However, I am not in a hurry. What I usually say to myself is: it is not the time to break out, and now I just keep accumulating.

Reading a book

Reading is the most satisfying input for me this year. I have read more than 20 books. Although this score is not good, it is a great progress for me, because I hate reading words especially since I was young, and novels are no exception. Now I can read more than 20 books a year, almost half a month, progress is very big.

Most began to want to read and you touch a lot of bosses, or on the Internet to see some bigwigs articles, etc., I know that the reading is very important, so I started to buy books to read, read slowly at first, and very boring, it may take a month to read a book, read about two months later, formed the habit of reading, Spend 30-60 minutes a day reading, even more on weekends, and you can read a book a week.

At that time, the sense of achievement came, I was interested in reading, and then reading was not difficult for me, anyway, I would spend a lot of free time to read.

In terms of the media of books, I am still relatively traditional and like the feeling of turning paper books, so most of the books I read are paper books. I will buy 3 or 4 books every month, mainly because I will hold activities for 50% discount or 100-50, and there are 200-30 coupons. Then, since I will send books to readers in the official account at my own expense every month, we will buy six or seven books together, almost 200 yuan.

Here are the books I finished this year, not listed, and will read next year, mostly in print. At present, I have not read subject books, but mostly extensive reading, involving not only technical books, but also psychology, brand, history, financial management and personal growth.


  • Practical Reading Guide Samsung
  • McKinsey’s Elite Reading For High Performance, Samsung
  • Half an hour Cartoon History of China 1-4 volumes three stars
  • “Dog Money money” five stars
  • How to Read a Book Effectively by Samsung

Paper books

  • “Modern front-end Technology Analysis” four stars
  • “JavaScript you Don’t Know (Part 1)” five stars
  • “Efficient Front-end: The Practice of Efficient Programming and Optimization for the Web” four stars
  • Five stars in Refactoring (Second Edition)
  • React State Management and Isomorphism: four stars
  • Four stars from Insight
  • Five stars for Courage to be hated
  • “Deliberate Practice,” four stars
  • The seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Super Symbolic Principle three stars
  • “Learn to Write” three stars
  • The Road Less Traveled 4: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. Four stars
  • Five stars in Principles
  • Invitation to Linguistics, five stars
  • Light of Civilization (Volume 1) five stars

Five stars are all the books that I have learned a lot after reading them. Everyone may have different feelings. Three stars are the books that I can read or not read.

Knowledge of pay


Some information on my annual learning report: 12,541 minutes, 800 lectures, 29 books and 6 e-books. That works out to an average of at least half an hour a day spent studying the courses. The courses I learned the most were “Letter from Silicon Valley” by Wu Jun, “Xiangshuai’s Peking University Finance Class”, “Personal Investment Class” by Zhang Xiaoyu, and “Behavioral Finance” by Lu Rong, as well as some small courses of about 10 classes.

Scramble to read

I came into contact with Fan Deng Reading by chance. I saw some short videos about fan Deng talking about books. I thought his talking about books was very charming, so I opened fan Deng Reading member and listened to his talking about books.

When I listen to Fan Deng, I will feel that he is very charming and warm. Maybe it is because he speaks the book with a video, so it is very vivid. His expression and tone of voice are all in place, as if he is telling you the book by his side.

Compared with Zhihu in listening to books, Fan Deng gave me the best experience in reading books, and I plan to write an article later to make a specific comparison.


In terms of knowledge payment, ZHIhu gives me the impression that it is relatively amateur, involving a wide range of things and many forms, such as e-books, columns, live and magazines. I mostly use columns. This year, my knowledge about time management basically comes from Zhihu columns, mainly because other platforms do not have them.

Therefore, AT present, I consider Zhihu as a backup platform. I will only turn to Zhihu if I can’t find it on other platforms. In addition, the membership of Zhihu is also very cheap.

Finally, I would like to make fun of zhihu’s listening to books. Compared with other competing products, it really needs to be improved. Listening to books in Zhihu makes people sleepy without any emotion.

Geek time

Geek Time is basically the biggest paying platform for learning technology right now, and I’ve bought a lot of classes, about 20, and I’ve watched about half of them, but some of the others aren’t exactly my cup of tea and I haven’t finished them.

Having read so much, I think this year’s geek Hour columns are “How Browsers Work and Practice,” and “The Beauty of Data Structures and Algorithms.”


There are other things like MOOC and other platforms I won’t summarize, it takes less time.

I estimate, I come back from work every day to spend time on learning average for more than an hour and a half, I believe that everyone heard the gap between the most people after a few hours, although I don’t entirely agree with the words, but I believe that spending time on what you have to think about, there will always be harvested, dry out, the other for the time.

The output

Said output, than I know some of the bosses writing articles, write a bit less, qiqi, for example, he wrote the 67 original, this year is too strong, and most of these are of high quality articles, specific can see his code secret garden 2019 year-end summary, a byte to beat the bosses, the public is the “secret garden”, You can follow him if you’re interested.

There are 34 articles in the annual report generated by Yipan, but some of them may not be pure technical articles. I only output about 20 articles on my official account this year. Since I plan to make a good study of React this year, I still output more articles on React.

  • React Performance Optimization Guide for functional components
  • Newcomers learn React confusion points
  • React 16 Diff policy
  • The React Fiber architecture
  • React history: Virtual DOM and its value

Because of these React articles, there are still many React fans.

There are also a few non-technical articles, which have been well received:

  • Why are interviews always rockets these days?
  • The art of asking questions in groups
  • What is the difference between a senior programmer and a junior programmer

And knowledge about pictures of articles, this article each front-end engineer should know knowledge also has good images, received 188 votes, on thinking whether it is I won the most thumb up on thinking whether an article, while the relative to qiqi (ConardLi) wave, wave wave (row boat) in the people thought no annual list the top five is the pediatrician. For me, the meaning lies in the opportunity to recommend my article in the future, this article before I think the article on the basic is no one. At that time, it was also reproduced by major public accounts, and my own public account also reached 2000+ reading volume.

Another some of the original is not recommended for a while, feel it were not for the high quality, I think this article from the React in the long river of history about virtual DOM and its value is an article is underestimated, this article in understanding virtual DOM and summarization of the sense of modern framework is very good, but could not well written, very few people to see, Far below my expectations.

In addition to the public number, I also recorded some weekly ah, as well as other small tools and some pits in my own personal website taoyuan Because many of them are short essays, I feel the quality is not particularly high, so I did not send a public number, interested in my blog can also go to stroll around.

Is this year for my blog I am very happy I finally took me to write their own theme, the theme of the first two years are with others, with a period of time, always feel not satisfied with, then I will take the time to find another topic, even spend money on, but the design concept, after all, is somebody else’s some don’t accord with oneself, this year has made up his mind to write their own a theme, My blog is built with Typecho, theme in my github:, see if it looks good to remember to give me some star.

Finance and investment

As for investment and financial management, I am not a professional, but because I caught a wave of dividends this year, the rate of return is not bad.

My current investments are 80% in index funds and 20% in stocks. Funds have returned about 17% this year, and stocks have returned about 12%.

It can also be seen from the above that I mainly learn the knowledge of investment and financial management through acquisition. At present, I only understand some basic concepts of investment tools. Although this part of knowledge is still relatively weak, but I will not be included in the next year to spend a lot of effort to learn, because for me, who do not rely on investment for a living, the most important thing is to save the principal.

But this year, I’m going to write some popular articles about investing and finance, such as how to understand stocks, how to understand funds, and how the best index fund is relevant for the rest of us.



Although I mentioned in the summary last year that I started to get into contact with Typescript, I only used Typescript in my own small projects at that time, but did not use Typescript in the larger projects of the company, and I did not fully understand some things. This year, through the practice in the company project, I have a deeper understanding of Typescript, not to mention proficient in it. I am familiar with Typescript and type programming. I also write component declaration files for the company’s component platform.

As expected, in 2019, many big projects are starting to write iN Typescript, which has become a standard part of big projects. However, it has not become a necessary skill for companies to recruit. It is just a plus. I highly recommend learning, especially if the internal Typescript ecosystem is well built and comfortable to write.

Unit testing

Said to the test, as a key link in software engineering, at present a lot of people ignored the link, I also virtually ignored before, but came across an article on the TDD, and then to realize the importance of the test, and go to class online bought a front-end test to learn lessons From introduction to Jest to TDD/BDD double combat this course, However, this is relatively shallow, and THE interpretation of BDD I feel is wrong.

Then I went to a Bear Festival (the translator of the refactoring book) to participate in the “TDD and Refactoring Workshop”, and joined the communication group, which was full of TDD enthusiasts. After a period of research, I had a good understanding of TDD, and of course I was familiar with unit testing. Although I still can’t completely develop the project through TDD, the thinking inside has influenced me.

Deep into the React

I have been using React for three years. Although I am familiar with the API and understand the basic principles, I have not read the source code in depth and have already seen the overall architecture. Therefore, I have a breakthrough demand this year and bought React source code for in-depth analysis on MOOC. The takeaway for me was that I learned how to look at the source code for such large projects.


This year spent on technology of time not as much as last year, learned is not enough, especially watch the summary, qiqi knows that technology gap with him, maybe this year, what is the last year to learn to practice, perhaps is the time spent on some of the general education, the key planning next year is in the breakthrough of technology.

There is also some experience is, when you really go after a technical study, when people talk to you to this topic, you will be very confident, very confident, interview what don not afraid to ask, I will be good for me the React, functional programming related, in the study that I spend too much time, I know most of the questions, But for algorithms and data, Webpack related, I am very weak, very afraid of being asked in the interview.

Although the front end needs to master a lot of knowledge, I still prefer to put some of their common knowledge, or their knowledge of interest, a good study, do not take on too much, a technology point a technology point slowly break.


This year is not wasted, I feel that I have improved a lot in cognitive aspects, and formed the habit of reading, because I have made many new friends and helped a lot of people by writing articles on the public account. Give me a compliment on this point, and then I will improve more in technology next year.

Finally, please pay attention to my public account “Front-end Taoyuan”.

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…