Peach classification based on PaddleHub

  • For more pre-training models (images, text, speech, video, etc.) see PaddleHub

  • For more information, see flying Oar Deep Learning Platform

I. Case background

With the rapid development of The Times, the society has entered the era of artificial intelligence. The power of artificial intelligence, to China’s agriculture on the accelerator. Nowadays, people can begin to use satellite remote sensing technology to see the growth of crops, fruit sorting can be assisted by sorting systems, irrigation and fertilization through mechanization and automatic……

Take the fruit sorting scene as an example. In every harvest season, large fruit plantations employ a large number of sorting workers to sort fruits. This leads to a significant human cost. At the same time, the level of manual sorting is different, so that farmers’ income is greatly affected. However, nowadays, the emergence of intelligent fruit sorting system can automatically sort fruits and other crops according to the set grade, reduce labor costs, improve processing efficiency, provide the accuracy of sorting, then the problem comes.

How to build a complete intelligent fruit sorting system? Incidentally, PaddleHub can help you complete the system setup!

Today we will take you to build ResNet50_vd network by PaddleHub to achieve peach classification and let you personally feel the charm of image classification. This practice aims to give you a preliminary understanding of image classification through peach classification, and at the same time understand and master how to use PaddleHub to build a classic convolutional neural network.

The overall structure of this case is as follows:

Ii. Environment construction and preparation

Install PaddlePaddles: Refer to quick Install, AIStudio has pre-installed PaddlePaddles.

Install PaddleHub: To ensure the stability of the latest version, you are advised to run the following command to install PaddleHub.

! pip install paddlehub==2.04. -i
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3. Data preparation

Indexes and annotation files for partitioned training sets, validation sets, and test sets are provided in the data files provided with this tutorial. If users use PaddleHub to migrate CV tasks using custom data, they need to shard the data set themselves into training set, validation set and test set. You need three text files to record the corresponding image path and label, and a label file to record the name of the label. See custom datasets for more information. The peach sorting system is divided into four grades according to peach quality.

Among them:

  • R0 is best: bright red and large fruit
  • B1 is suboptimal: the fruit is larger and redder in color
  • M2 is medium: medium fruit
  • S3 is poor: the fruit is small

The data were divided into training set, verification set and test set. The training set contained 1500 peaches of each type, the verification set contained 100 peaches of each type, and the test set contained 15 peaches of each type.

├ ─ data: ├─ ├─ ├─ ├─ ├─ class.txt ├─ ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txt ├─ class.txtCopy the code

The data list files for the training set, validation set, and test set are formatted as follows, with columns separated by a space bar.

Picture 1 Path picture 1 Tag Picture 2 Path picture 2 tag...Copy the code

Label_list.txt is in the following format:

Category 1 Name Category 2 Name...Copy the code

Then decompress the data set:

! unzip -q -o ./data/data67225/ -d ./work
Copy the code

Once the data is ready, you can use PaddleHub to complete the data reader construction as follows: Build a data reader Python class and inherit to complete the data reader construction. When you define a dataset, you need to define pre-processing operations for the dataset and set up the data schema. In the dataset definition, the __init__, __getitem__, and __len__ sections need to be redefined. The following is an example:

import os

import paddle
import paddlehub as hub

class DemoDataset( :
    def __init__(self, transforms, num_classes=4, mode='train') :	
        # Data set storage location
        self.dataset_dir = "./work/peach-classification"  #dataset_dir indicates the actual path of the dataset. You need to set the full path
        self.transforms = transforms
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.mode = mode

        if self.mode == 'train':
            self.file = 'train_list.txt'
        elif self.mode == 'test':
            self.file = 'test_list.txt'
            self.file = 'validate_list.txt'
        self.file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir , self.file) = []
        with open(self.file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                ifline ! =' ':
    def __getitem__(self, idx) :
        img_path, grt =[idx].split(' ')
        img_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, img_path)
        im = self.transforms(img_path)
        return im, int(grt)

    def __len__(self) :
        return len(
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Before feeding the training data into the model, we usually need to do some data processing on the raw data, such as the normalization of the data format, or add some data enhancement strategies.

The data reader of image classification model is constructed, which is responsible for preprocessing the data of peach dataset, organizing it in a specific format and feeding it to the model for training.

The following data processing policies only perform three operations:

1. Specify the size of the input image and uniformly process all sample data to this size.

2. Crop the input image and keep the center of the image unchanged.

3. Normalize all input image data.

An example of data preprocessing and loading a dataset is as follows:

import as T

transforms = T.Compose(
         T.Normalize(mean=[0.485.0.456.0.406], std=[])],

peach_train = DemoDataset(transforms)
peach_validate =  DemoDataset(transforms, mode='val')
peach_test =  DemoDataset(transforms, mode='test')
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PaddleHub provides a variety of data preprocessing methods. For details, see Preprocessing.

4. Model preparation

We need to select the appropriate pre-training model in PaddleHub for fine-tune. Since peach classification is an image classification task, Resnet50 model is used here, and it is the pre-trained version of ImageNet dataset. This pre-training model is a “cure-all” model in image tasks, Resnet is currently the most effective network structure for image processing, 50 layers is a choice of both accuracy and performance, and ImageNet is the largest publicly available classification data set in the field of computer vision. Therefore, when it is not clear which model is good to choose, this model can be preferred as the baseline.

Loading the ResNet50 model using PaddleHub is as simple as a single line of code. See PaddleHub Model Introduction for more information on pretraining models

Install the pre-training model! hub install resnet50_vd_imagenet_ssld==1.1. 0
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# Load model

import paddlehub as hub

model = hub.Module(name='resnet50_vd_imagenet_ssld', label_list=["R0"."B1"."M2"."S3"])
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5. Model training

In this case, we use the Adam optimizer, which was proposed by Kingma and Lei Ba in December 2014. The update step size is calculated by considering the First Moment Estimation and Second Moment Estimation. It has the advantages of simple implementation, high computing efficiency, less memory requirement, parameter update is not affected by gradient scaling transformation, and it has good interpretation, and usually requires no adjustment or only a little fine tuning. We set the learning rate to 0.001 and trained 10 Epochs.

from paddlehub.finetune.trainer import Trainer

import paddle

optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.001, parameters=model.parameters())
trainer = Trainer(model, optimizer, checkpoint_dir='img_classification_ckpt', use_gpu=True) 
trainer.train(peach_train, epochs=10, batch_size=16, eval_dataset=peach_validate, save_interval=1)
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The paddle. Optimizer. Adam:

  • learning_rate: Global learning rate. The default value is 1e-3.
  • parameters: Model parameters to be optimized.

Run the configure

The Trainer mainly controls the fine-tune training and includes the following controllable parameters:

  • model: Optimized model;
  • optimizer: optimizer selection;
  • use_vdl: Whether to use VDL visual training process;
  • checkpoint_dir: Saves the address of the model parameters;
  • compare_metrics: Save the measurement index of the optimal model;

Trainer. train mainly controls the specific training process, including the following controllable parameters:

  • train_dataset: Data set used in training;
  • epochs: Number of training rounds;
  • batch_size: Indicates the batch size to be trained. If the GPU is used, adjust the BATCH_size as required.
  • num_workers: Number of works, default is 0;
  • eval_dataset: Verification set;
  • log_interval: Indicates the interval for printing logs. The unit is The Times of batch training.
  • save_interval: Saves the interval frequency of the model, in unit of the number of training rounds.

When fine-tune is complete, we use the model to make predictions as follows:

6. Model evaluation

Here we use test sets to evaluate the model of training completion.

# Model evaluation
trainer.evaluate(peach_test, 16)
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7. Model prediction

Here we use the model completed by training to predict a picture in the test set and observe whether the predicted result is consistent with the real result.

import paddle
import paddlehub as hub
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img_path = './work/peach-classification/test/M2/0.png'
img =
label = img_path.split('/')[-2]
result = model.predict([img_path])
print("The true category of peaches is :{}, predicted to be :{}".format(label, result))
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The above is the actual prediction results after loading the model (only one image was tested here), and the actual predicted effect is returned. It can be seen that the peach photos we imported to be predicted are M2, and the predicted effect of the fine-tune model is also M2, thus successfully completing the transfer learning of peach classification.

Viii. Model deployment

Since AIStudio does not support IP access, the following code is only an example. Run it on your local machine if necessary.

To use our own trained network parameters for sorting peaches, first configure the config.json file:

{ "modules_info": { "resnet50_vd_imagenet_ssld": { "init_args": { "version": "1.1.0," "label_list" : [" R0 ", "B1" and "M2" and "S3"], "load_checkpoint" : "img_classification_ckpt/best_model/model.pdparams" }, "predict_args": { "batch_size": 1 } } }, "port": 8866, "gpu": "0"}Copy the code

With PaddleHub, server-side deployment is also simple, starting the Resnet50 classification model on the server with a single command line:

$ hub serving start --config config.json
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Yes, on the server side this is perfectly fine. The PaddleHub deployment server is much better than manually configuring various parameters or calling various frameworks.

NOTE: If GPU prediction is used, please set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable before starting the service. Otherwise, no need to set it.

The request is sent from the server with the following script:

import requests
import json
import cv2
import base64

import numpy as np

def cv2_to_base64(image) :
    data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]
    return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8')

def base64_to_cv2(b64str) :
    data = base64.b64decode(b64str.encode('utf8'))
    data = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
    data = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    return data

Send an HTTP request
org_im = cv2.imread('/PATH/TO/IMAGE')

data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(org_im)], 'top_k':1}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
url = ""
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
data =r.json()["results"] ['data']
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With some Python basics, it’s not a problem to predict locally and deploy to the server, and PaddleHub has done all the processing for us.

9. More PaddleEdu information

PaddleEdu, a one-stop online encyclopedia of deep learningawesome-DeepLearningThere are other capabilities that you can look forward to:

  • Introduction to deep learning

  • Deep learning is full of questions

  • TeSeKe

  • Industry practice

Any questions about using PaddleEdu are welcomeawesome-DeepLearningIn the meantime, please refer to more deep learning materialsFlying oar deep learning platform.

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