This is the fifth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021
The basic concept
- Paxos protocol is one of the few decentralized and distributed protocols with strong consistency and high availability proven in engineering practice
- The Paxos protocol process is more complex, but the basic idea is similar to the voting process
- PaxosA protocol has a set of fully peer participating nodes:acceptor
- Each group of nodes makes a decision about something, and a decision takes effect if more than half of the nodes agree on it
- Paxos protocol can work as long as more than half of the nodes are normal, and it is good against downtime, network fragmentation and other anomalies
- Proposer:The plan
- A Proposer can have more than one
- ProposorIntroduced legislationvalue:
- value:13. Refers to any operation in engineering practice:
- Like changing a variable to a value
- Set the current primary to a node, and so on
- These operations are abstracted as values in Paxos
- value:13. Refers to any operation in engineering practice:
- differentProposerCan put forward different or even contradictoryvalue:
- For example, a Proposer says, “Set variable X to 1.”
- Another Proposer proposes “setting variable X to 2”
- However, for the same Paxos process, only one value can be approved at most
- Acceptor:approver
- There can be more than one Acceptor
- A numbered value submitted by a Proposer must be approved by a majority of acceptors
- Acceptors are completely independent of each other
- Learner:Learners’
- LearnerStudy approvedvalue:
- That is, by reading each Proposer’s selection of values
- If a value is accepted by more than half of acceptors, the user learns about the value
- LearnerStudy approvedvalue:
- Similar to Quorum, a value needs to be approved by N2+1\frac{N}{2}+12N+1 acceptors, and learners should read at least N2+1\ FRAc {N}{2}+12N+1 acceptors. A value that passes can be learned only after the results of N acceptors are read
- These three roles are only logically divided, and a node can play these three roles simultaneously in engineering practice
- The Paxos protocol goes round by round, and each round has a number. Each Paxos round may approve a value. If a value is approved in a Paxos round, only this value can be approved in subsequent rounds
- Each round of protocol flow constitutes a Paxos instance. Only one VALUE can be approved by a Paxos instance. This is also an important reflection of the strong consistency of the Paxos protocol
- Each roundPaxosThe agreement is divided into two phases:
- Preparation stage
- Approval stage
- The phase Proposer and Acceptor have their own processes
Proposer process
- Send the Prepare(b) message to all acceptors, where b is the number of Paxos rounds
- If you receive any of themAcceptorSent message“Reject” (B),For thisProposerIn terms of epicyclePaxosFailure will be the number of roundsbSet toB+1Then repeat the previous step
- During the approval phase, different choices are made based on Acceptor messages received
- If you receiveAcceptorthe“Promise” (b, v_i)The message to
a. NforAcceptorThe total, the division is rounded,v-isaidAcceptorThe last timeiRound approvedvalue- If v is null in any of the “Promise(b, v) messages received, the Promise selects a value as v and broadcasts the Accept(b, v) message to all acceptors.
- Otherwise, select the maximum value of I from all received Promise(b, v_i) messages as v and broadcast the Accept(b, v) message to all acceptors.
- If Nack(B) is received, set the number of rounds B to B+1 and repeat the first step
Acceptor process
- To receive aProposerThe news of thePrepare(b).parameterBIs that theAcceptorMaximum receivedPaxosRound number number,VisAcceptorApproved by thevalue,Can be null
- If b > b, reply with Promise(b, V_B) and set b = b. Indicates that proposals numbered less than B are no longer acceptable
- Otherwise, reply with “Reject(B) Message.”
- acceptAccept(b, v):
- If b < b, reply Nack(b) indicating that a Proposer with a greater number was accepted by the Acceptor
- Otherwise, set V= V to indicate that the Acceptor approves a Value of V. Broadcast “Accepted Message”
Paxos protocol example
- There are five acceptors and one Proposer with no network
- Changes to variables B and V on acceptors and to variables B on Proposer are investigated
- Initial state:
- Proposer sends “Prepare(1)” to all acceptors. All acceptors handle this correctly and reply to the Promise(1, NULL) :
- (a) a Proposer receives five promises (1,NULL) with values that satisfy more than half of those promises, and sends Accept(1, v1) where v1 is the Proposer’s numbered value:
- At this point,v1 has been approved by more than half of acceptors, and v1 is the value approved by the Paxos instance. If Learner learns value, he can only learn V1
- PaxosThe heart of the agreement: The approved value cannot be changed.This is also the basis of the correctness of the whole protocol
- An approved value cannot be changed within the same Paxos instance, even if a subsequent Proposer initiates a Paxos protocol with a higher numbered number
- PaxosProtocols are artificially designed, and the design process is also the derivation of protocols:
- The Paxos protocol utilizes the Quorum mechanism, selecting W=R=N2+1W=R=\frac{N}{2}+1W=R=2N+1
- If a Proposer updates more than half of its acceptors successfully, then the update succeeds
- Learner reads acceptors according to Quorum, and if a value is successfully read on more than half of the proposers, it is an approved value
- The protocol avoids deadlocks by introducing rounds so that the proposal of high rounds preempts the proposal of low rounds
- Key points of protocol design:
- How to satisfy the constraint that “Only one value is approved during a Paxos algorithm instance”