1. The match () method
Grammar: stringobj. Match (rgExp)
2. The search () method
Grammar: stringobj. Search (rgExp)
3. The replace () method
Grammar: replace (rgExp replaceText)
4. The split () method
Grammar: the split ([the separator [limit]])
1. The match () method
The match () method uses the regular expression pattern to find the string and returns the results containing the lookup as an array.
Grammar: stringobj. Match (rgExp)
Stringobj: Mandatory. The String or String literal on which to look up
RgExp: Mandatory. Regular expression objects for regular expression patterns and available flags. It can also be a variable name or string literal that contains regular expression patterns and available flags.
If the match method does not find a match, null is returned. If a match is found, an array is returned and the properties of the global RegExp object are updated to reflect the result.
The match method returns an array with three attributes: input, index, and lastIndex.
If there is no global flag (g), element 0 of the array contains the entire match, and elements 1-n contain any child matches that have ever occurred in the match. This is equivalent to no global flag being set, and elements 0-n contain all matches.
<script language="JavaScript">
function MatchDemo(){
var r,re; // Declare variables
var s="I'm a good man";
re=/man/i; // Create a regular expression
r=s.match(re); // Try to match the search string
return(r); // Return to the first occurrence of "body"
Copy the code
<script language="JavaScript">
function MatchDemo(){
var r,re; // Declare variables
var s="I'm a man a good man";
re=/man/ig; // Create a regular expression
r=s.match(re); // Try to match the search string
return(r); // Return to the first occurrence of "body"
Copy the code
2. The search () method
The search() method returns the position of the first substring that matches the regular expression lookup.
Grammar: stringobj. Search (rgExp)
Stringobj: Mandatory. The String or String literal on which to look up
RgExp: Mandatory. Regular expression objects for regular expression patterns and available flags. It can also be a variable name or string literal that contains regular expression patterns and available flags.
<script language="JavaScript">
function MatchDemo(){
var r,re; // Declare variables
var s="I'm a man a good man";
re=/man/ig; // Create a regular expression; // Try to match the search string
return(r); // Return to the first occurrence of "body"
Copy the code
3. The replace () method
The replace() method searches the string using an expression pattern and replaces the searched content with the specified string, returning a string object containing the replaced content.
Grammar: replace (rgExp replaceText)
The rgExp argument is the expression object to use when searching. If it is a string, the search is precise rather than fuzzy as a regular expression.
The replaceText parameter is a string used to replace what was searched, where special character combinations can be used to represent matching variables. Where $& is the string that the entire expression pattern matches in the searched string, $is all the content to the left of the string that the expression pattern matches in the searched string, $’ is all the content to the right of the string that the expression pattern matches in the searched string, and $$is the ordinary meaning of the “$” character.
<script language="JavaScript">
var strSrc="a13f58af4f41af";
var re=/(\d)(\d)/gi;
var strDest=strSrc.replace(re,"$2 $1");
document.write("String"+strSrc+"Is converted to:"+strDest);
Copy the code
4. The split () method
The split() method returns an array of substrings produced when a string is split into substrings by some split identifier.
Grammar: the split ([the separator [limit]])
Separator is the split identifier argument, which can be multiple characters or a regular expression and is not returned as part of the array element. The limit argument limits the number of elements returned.
<font size="+ 1"<font face="宋体"> <script language="JavaScript"> var splitArray=new Array(); Var string="JavaScript, ASP, JSP, Java"; Var regex = /, /; splitArray=string.split(regex); for(i=0; i<splitArray.length; i++){ document.write(splitArray[i]+" "); } </script>Copy the code