Patreon bans cryptocurrency? Sorry, Bitreon based on BCH is coming soon

Most people think of Patreon as a potential and unique content membership platform. Patreon doesn’t just support crowdfunding for games abroad; many YouTube bloggers use it to accept tips and provide paid content or q&A to interact with donors. It has also attracted many artists, musicians and cryptocurrency celebrities like Andreas Antonopoulos. Someone once said that Patreon brings artists back to Da Vinci.

In an effort to break down the centralization of Patreon and the barriers to cryptocurrency payments, BCH developer Jimmy Birer, founder of and React Wallet, and front end engineer Maciej Bowkorski announced the creation of “,” The concept is based on the BCH blockchain version of Patreon, which is expected to launch on August 1. Full application available September 1. In addition, a project white paper was released detailing how the platform could operate in a decentralized manner and leverage BCH. The launch of Bitreon was revolutionary.

First, freedom to decentralize. Bitreon aims to become the most popular content membership platform on the Internet, and the decentralized technology support of BCH blockchain gives users absolute freedom. As Bitreon developers put it: “With Patreon banning cryptocurrency payments, we see an opportunity to create a BCH membership platform that brings complete freedom and rights to content creators and their subscribers.”

Second, secure and efficient payment experience. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, BCH, which goes the big block route, is inherently a good payment experience, guaranteeing smooth and lower costs in payment. “The security of payment (without fear of refunds) and the anonymity and privacy provided by the BCH and Bitreon platforms will enable creators to reach their maximum creative potential and give subscribers the best appreciation experience,” the developers explained.

Finally, decentralized smart contracts. Smart contracts allow for a stylized transaction between Bitreon content creation and BCH, eliminating the middleman entirely. This relies on BCH’s ongoing efforts on smart contracts, which the development team says Bitreon will do by leveraging nChain’s new SDK, Nakasendo. In addition, people can register anonymously and receive payments without sharing an identity.

Also, Bitreon is not the first crowdfunding platform based on BCH. Prior to the launch, the officially resurrected crowdfunding platform Lighthouse and the Akari Global Foundation officially launched Akari-Pay. While the three platforms have different business horizons, Lighthouse is focused on supporting BCH infrastructure, Akari-Pay is more focused on merchants and ngos, and Bitreon is more focused on content creation.

However, in a sense, this is also a frontal confrontation based on the decentralized crowdfunding platform of BCH. On the one hand, it shows that the application field of BCH has great development enthusiasm, and on the other hand, it also shows that BCH developers are also in the subdivision field, applying BCH to all aspects of life.

Also, a healthy amount of competition is good for BCH app development. It will push the BCH team to improve on their products. After all, better apps are the way for BCH developers to make a living!