In simple terms, partial functionsfunctools.partialThe getFunction () function returns a new function by fixing some of its parameters (that is, setting the default values), making it easier to call the new function.

For example, to convert a string to an integer, we can call int() :

>>> int('110101', base=2)
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If we need a large number of these conversions in a single project, it would be too much trouble to write the code each time, so we can define a new function to call ourselves:

>>> def new_int(x, base=2):
        return int(x, base)
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In the above code, we fixed the int() argument to base=2 and defined a new function new_int(). Now let’s look at the result of calling the new function:

>>> new_int('1000000')
>>> new_int('1010101')
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Functools.partial does just that in Python. Instead of defining new_int(), we can create a new function new_int() as in the following example:

>>> import functools
>>> new_int = functools.partial(int, base=2)
>>> new_int('101010')
>>> new_int('10001000')
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So the function functools.partial is to fix some of the parameters of a function (that is, set the default values) and return a new function, making it easier to call the new function. In the example above, we set the base of new_int() to default to 2, But we can still pass in other values when new_int() is called:

>>> new_int('123456', base=8)
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Finally, when you create a partial function, you can actually take the function object, *args, and **kw.

>>> new_int = functools.partial(int, base=2)
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Int (); new_int(‘10001000’); int(‘ base ‘);

>>> kw = { 'base': 2 }
>>> int('10001000', **kw)
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When we define a partial function:

>>> new_max = functools.partial(max, 3)
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New_max (6, 24, 18, -10) is called, equivalent to:

>>> args = (3, 6, 24, 18, -10)
>>> max(*args)
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The default base of the int() function is 10, which converts a string to a decimal integer. When using the default base value, you can pass in only the string and omit the base value, for example, int(‘123’). Similarly, int(‘10001000’, base=2) means to convert 10001000 from binary to decimal. This function can also be written as int(‘10001000’, 2).