In essence, WebPack is a static module packaging tool for modern JavaScript applications. Webpack relies on Node, which must be installed before it can be used
The core of grunt/gulp is task. By configuring a series of tasks and defining the transactions that the tasks need to handle (e.g. Es6, TS transformation, image compression, SCSS conversion to CSS), grunt/gulp executes these tasks in sequence and automates the process. Grunt/GULP is also called a front-end automated task management tool.
When to use grunt/gulp?
If the engineering module dependency is very simple, the concept of modularity is not even used. Grunt /gulp is used for simple merge and compression. But if the whole project uses modular management and is very strong with each other, we can use a much more powerful WebPack.
So, what’s the difference between Grunt /gulp and Webpack?
Grunt/GULP puts more emphasis on automation of front-end processes and modularity is not at its core. Webpack more emphasis on modular development management, and file compression merge, pre-processing and other functions, is its incidental functions.