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HTTP compression
HTTP compression is a built-in way to improve transmission speed and bandwidth utilization between servers and clients.
What is the process of HTTP compression?
- Step 1 :HTTP data is compressed before the server sends it. (This can be done in Webpack)
- Step 2: When a compatible browser sends a request to the server, it tells the server which compression formats it supports.
- Step 3: The server directly returns the corresponding compressed file in the compression format supported by the browser, and informs the browser in the response header;
Compressed format
Compress – Method of the UNIX compress program (not recommended for most applications for historical reasons, should use gZIP or
Deflate — Compression based on the Deflate algorithm (defined in RFC 1951), encapsulated using the Zlib data format;
Gzip – GNU ZIP format (defined in RFC 1952), is currently used more widely compression algorithm;
Br – a new open source compression algorithm designed for encoding HTTP content;
Webpack compresses files
Use the CompressionPlugin to compress the file
The installation
npm install compression-webpack-plugin
- Threshold: Compress only files whose values are larger than x
- MinRatio: indicates the minimum compression ratio. If the value is smaller than this, no compression is performed
- Test: Compress only the files that match the re
- Alogorithm: Compression algorithm
const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin")
plugins: [new CompressionPlugin({
threshold: 0.minRatio:0.6.test:/\.(css|js)/i,
algorithm:"gzip"})]Copy the code
Compression of code in HTML files
The HtmlWebpackPlugin plugin was used to generate the HTML template. In fact, it has several other configurations:
Inject: sets the location where the packaged resource is inserted
- True, false, body, and head
Cache: Set to true to generate new files only when they change (also true by default)
Minify: A plugin html-minifier-terser is used by default
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: "LeBronChao Webpack".template: "./src/index.html".inject:"body".cache:true.minify: isProduction ? {
removeComments: true.// Whether to delete comments
removeRedundantAttributes:true.// Whether to remove redundant (default) attributes
removeEmptyAttributes:true.// Whether to delete the null attribute
collapseWhitespace:false.// Fold the space
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes:true.// Link type="text/ CSS"
minifyCSS:true.// Whether to compress the CSS inside the style tag
minifyJS: {// To compress JS options, see Terser configuration
mangle: {toplevel: true}}} :false}),]Copy the code
There is also a plugin that helps to inline some chunk-out modules into HTML:
- The runtime code, for example, is small but must be loaded.
- So you can inline it directly into HTML;
This plugin is implemented in React-dev-utils, so we can install it:
npm i react-dev-utils
Configuration (inline Runtime file) in the production plugins:
- webpack.prod.js
- Parameter one is HtmlWebpackPlugin
- Parameter 2 is a regular matching expression
const InlieChunkHtmlPlugin = require("react-dev-utils/InlineChunkHtmlPlugin")
plugins: [new InlieChunkHtmlPlugin(HtmlWebpackPlugin,[/runtime.+\.js/]]Copy the code
What is a Terser?
- Terser is a JavaScript toolset that interprets Parser, Mangler, and Compressor.
- In the early days, uglify-js was used to compress and uglify JavaScript code, but it is no longer maintained and ES6+ syntax is not supported.
- Terser comes from the Uglify-es fork and retains most of its original API and ADAPTS to Uglify-es, uglify-js@3, etc. In other words, Terser can help compress, ugly code, and make our bundle smaller.
Because Terser is a stand-alone tool, it can be installed separately:
npm i terser -g
Terser can be used on the command line
- Because they have a lot of Compress options and Mangle options
- See the document for details
- Github.com/terser/ters…
- Github.com/terser/ters…
Configure Terser in Webpack
First, you need to turn on minimize to compress the code (it’s already turned on in production mode by default)
Second, you can create a TerserPlugin in minimizer:
- ExtractComments: The default value is true, indicating that the comments are extracted into a separate file;
- During development, when you don’t want to keep the comment, you can set it to false;
- Parallel: improves build speed by running multiple processes concurrently. The default value is true. The default number of concurrent runs is os.cpus().length-1;
- You can also set your own number, but use the default;
- TerserOptions: Sets the configuration related to terser
- Compress: sets compression related options.
- Mangle: Set uglification related options. This can be set to true.
- Toplevel: Whether the underlying variable is transformed;
- Keep_classnames: reserved classnames;
- ExtractComments: The default value is true, indicating that the comments are extracted into a separate file;
CSS compression
Another compression of code is CSS:
- CSS compression usually removes unnecessary whitespace, because it is difficult to modify selectors, property names, values, etc.
- To compress CSS, we can use another plugin :css-minimizer-webpack-plugin;
- The csS-Minimizer-Webpack-plugin uses the CSSNano tool to optimize and compress CSS(or can be used alone).
Installing CSS – minimizer – webpack – the plugin:
npm i css-minimizer-webpack-plugin
Configure in optimization.minimizer
Configuration of the sample
- webpack.prod.js
const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require("clean-webpack-plugin");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const isProduction = true
const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin")
const CssMiniMizerPlugin = require("css-minimizer-webpack-plugin")
module.exports = {
mode: "production".optimization: {
chunkIds: "deterministic".minimize:true.minimizer: [new TerserPlugin({
extractComments:true.parallel:true.terserOptions: {compress:true.mangle:true.toplevel:false.keep_classnames:false}}),new CssMiniMizerPlugin({
parallel:true}})],plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
new CopyWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [{from: "public".// Do not write, default to output
to: "".globOptions: {
ignore: ["**/index.html"."**/.DS_Store"."**/abc.txt"],},},],})]}Copy the code
Nuggets: LeBron on the front end
Zhihu: LeBron on the front end
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