ACG Club, a pure ACG aggregation App

Project address:…

For the purpose of hobby and learning, THIS MD-style application is intended to create a market-oriented product by covering some popular technical frameworks on Android

Through this project, you can learn the following techniques:

  • Material Design
  • MVP
  • componentization
  • Kotlin
  • RxJava2
  • Retrofit
  • Dagger2
  • Realm
  • Glide
  • Arouter
  • Jsoup
  • Gradle configuration
  • Hot update
  • Confusion, multi-channel package


App Download experience

Project related

Project environment

  • Android Studio 3.0
  • Gradle 4.1
  • Kotlin 1.2.21
  • compileSdkVersion 26

The project structure

Acgclub-app Host app-common Base library -common-res Common resources -Component-acgComic component -src/main-runalone Takes effect when the component is run independently Component-acgnews Component-Component-AcgSchedule Component - Router Configuration and related service implementation - third-party liBS inventory - Gradle - Base_component_kapt. Gradle Kotlin - Base_component_kapt. Gradle Kotlin - Config. gradle project information configurationCopy the code

The new component

  • Component name Fixed prefix with Component –

  • Build. gradle needs to be configured as follows:

 / / necessary
 apply from:".. /base_component.gradle"
 / / using Java
 apply from:".. /base_component_compiler.gradle"
 / / or kotlin
 apply from:".. /base_component_kapt.gradle"
 // If you are using a database
 apply plugin: 'realm-android'
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  • The res file within the component will be bound with the component’s real name prefix (e.g. Component-acgnews, a layout file name will need to start with acgnews_layout.xml)

  • When the component runs independently, it also needs to pay attention to providing relevant application, entry activity, Androidmanifest.xml, etc

Project configuration

Config. gradle configures project properties, such as package name, version number, compiled version…

Among them:

// Merge the components to be merged into the main program. The components that are not merged will run independently."acgnews"."acgschedule"
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After the Merge property is modified, the project needs to be rebuilt


  • DaggerXXX will be automatically generated by completing the compilation when the project indicates that DaggerXXX is missing
  • You can configure the key and signature of the third-party library in the local as required. If you do not need them, delete them by yourself
# Aliyun user feedback
# Allies

# Signature information

# Umeng share key
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  • To ensure that bugly hot updates work, please make sure that the tinkerId in the Tinker-support. gradle file in the app directory is unique every time you type the official package


The project needs to be improved in many places, if there are bugs or better suggestions welcome to put forward, if it is helpful to you, please feel free to star, your support is my motivation to move forward!!


  • RxJava
  • RxAndroid
  • Dagger2
  • RxPermissions
  • RxCache
  • Retrofit
  • Okhttp
  • Gson
  • Butterknife
  • Glide
  • LeakCanary
  • Realm
  • MVPArms
  • Jsoup
  • Jsoup-Annotations
  • Fragmentation
  • BlockCanary
  • ARouter
  • DialogUtil
  • Toasty
  • BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper
  • HtmlTextView
  • MZBannerView
  • StatusBarUtil
  • LoadSir
  • Logger
  • AndroidUtilCode
  • VasDolly